your move; "think about what your last few fights were about, Tailor your behavior as if you were trying to make up for that."
byk sgt info?
saya ni gedik sgt bg tips kepada laki?
knowledge has to be shared,
klu x mcm pokok yang xde nilai :)
tribute to Men's Health
well i don't fancy mag, but we can't judge a book by its cover.
and that also applies to humans being.
so yeah, i'm glad i read it before i speculate so many conclusions since i don't like the cover model. haha XD
what? he's just not my type la
so he has abs? so what? haha
saya masih nk laki mcm TU jugak. eh bukan, bukan laki mcm tu. mcm TU *pointing at him*
oh i vow when i got back from maklong's hse, i'm going to post ur pic haha,
'abg' atok keje kat... um ops! itu rahsia kan atok? :D
xpe, lps ni xde rahsia lagi dah haha
and betul2 lawak sgt mlm tu :)
but sushi king tetap THE BEST :)
but i'll online once i lepas rindu dgn game
ugh, i'm missing my ps2
but sim2 never FAILS ME :D
haha jojot! shower baru tu hot la, leh tgk org mandi tu XD haha
i really can't wait for another sleepover :)
notes; i'm sick and tired of ppl asking me whether i'm fine or not, get the fact straight lil missy and mister dude, i'm not ok, but i DON'T CARE. get that?
- she said she's gonna see me once she came back straight from perlis, i called but no one answered the phone. so JANJI TINGGAL JANJI JE KAN SKRG? pfft dh AGAK DAH
- kesakitan yang saya alami tak kan ada sesiapa yang fahami, so don't come and tell to my face that 'i understand how you feel' when you don't have an EFFING idea how i really feel.
- jangan bandingkan hidup aku dgn hidup kau. hidup aku, hidup aku. hidup ayah dan mak aku, itu hidup mereka. hidup kau, HIDUP KAU. jadi, klu ape2 terjadi, aku akn tetap tolong kau.
tpi jgn ingat kau lebih hebat dari aku dan terlalu ego untuk melihat aku walaupun dgn sebelah mata setelah kau naik giler2 setelah aku tolong ko. AKU X KISAH, sebab aku tau, ko akn jatuh jugak akhirnya dan merangkak kat aku mintak tolong. and the circle of life goes on cause i'm just too NAIVE help u up again. and u'll walk away AGAIN.
- saya tak kaya, mak ayah saya yang kaya. mmg saya bangga, tpi itu harta, bukan HARTA SAYA. ada faham? saya hanya menumpang. klupun gelaran ada, adakah itu melambangkan pemikiran seseorg tu, kebaikan dia? dan dosa pahalanya? x kan? so DON'T ever call me the spoiled rich girl, cause i'm not. i don't ask money from them, but i EARN THEM on my own. and NOT FROM THEM. not anymore. so jangan kau ckp aku boleh dpt apa2 saje. sebab tak pernah dlm seumur hidup aku, aku meminta! dan aku xkn dpt!
akn ku cilikan mulutmu!
dn kau ingat dri perbuatan kau tau, aku akn sedih? aku akn menangis mata darah?
PLS, i'm sick and EFFING TIRED OF THIS. i'm too numb to be emotional.
- kenapa ek? dlm bulan ni je, dh byk laki cube sakitkn ati aku. kan farah dh ckp dh jot... susah dh nk jumpe laki mcm dlm cite "Let the Love begin". SUSAH SGT.
susah nk jumpe laki yg betul2 JUJUR dan IKHLAS. and plss, pls don't say that you love me, when you don't even noe what is love. plsss, i feel like puking when u say dat three words..
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, friends, my voice, overall
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

woke up at 8 because i slept at 3 in the morning
being poked to get ready to go to SUNGAI PETANI, our OL' hometown :)
daddy asked to just prepared few clothes just in case we plan to stay one night there
but it end up becoming a one day trip
why? sebab daddy x dpt ajak kaki2 yg cukup utk men golf
haha he is SO dissapointed and moody rite now
reason we went to sungai petani is because there was a wedding
anak paklong maklong
um jap ape pertalian dier dgn family kite balik?
boleh blur plak
um i'll get back to u on that
its kinda blurry and confusing even if i tell u
ye la, MAK AYAH KAWEN CUZIN. mana tak nyer. haha
saje je ambik opportunity nk tulis tu X)
science fact: an unhealthy baby will be BORN
namun itu kehendak Allah S.W.T. kan?
oh and lagi satu, keturunan x mengembang
hem.. well enjoy if this is something new to you :)
i'm really sorry but, these days i'v been SO BUSY that i don't have the time to update my blog
and esok pon xde kt rumah jugak
wee sungguh outgoing saya bulan ni :D
tpi duit sudah pokai huhu X(
jap jap! back to my wish hehe :D
ku doakan kamu sejahtera dan dipemudahkan segala urusan biar semuanya berjalan dgn LANCAR :)
amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin... *with hands action*
masa kt wedding arini, jumpe cuzin2 ku yang KU SAYANG BANGAT :)
betul jot, best sgt. rasa mcm masa dulu2. kite sume berkumpul and sume org berborak as a family.
and yes, mmg farah SEDIH SGT :(
farah nk memori itu bukan lagi MEMORI, tetapi REALITI :(
kenapa semua kena berpecah :(
so anyway,
saya nk listkn je ape yg berlaku arini. dh penat sebab dh kul 5 pagi dh ni.
*saya menyanyi duet dgn ABG DWAN pd wedding ari ni, mendapat pelbgi pujian and satu BAKUL bunga, haha mmg sengal cuzin2 saya yang jauh XD oh ps; lagu MY HEART :( sungguh menghayatkan :)
*saya dikenali ramai, tpi saya sendiri x kenali siapa yang tegur saya ari ni XD
*and ada makcik ni nk book saya sebagai menantu dia. saya x tau kenapa tpi kebelakangan ni, bukan shj mama dgn daddy, tpi RAMAI sgt org ckp psl kahwin dgn saya. um.. mmg lps abeh spm, jadi camni ek? 0_0 haha
*tomboy fasya? dh xde dh.. atok mamak kata saya sudah ''gadeh gadeh" :) maksud nyer anak gadis :)
*oh oh! dn seluruh CUZIN SAYA SUDAH TAU SAYA bekerja :)
and jot! pls tolong jgn kutuk. x baik tau :( but i don't care. saya SYG awak jugak :)
*tarian POCO POCO best :D
*i FEEL the BOND is getting stronger between me and my CUZINS and even the one dat is not CLOSE to my family :)
*daddy POTONG KERETA TU! wohooo! woot woot! tolong la, baru naik keta gen2 nk poyo2 kt jlnraya, kami sempat lgi bg flying kiss kt abg BODOH tu haha. bwk la laju2, smpi 180 je, kami boleh smpi 220 :), secretly i pray for an accident awaits him. biarlah, karma :) PFW 9161 sungguh bodoh :D, ye saya sempat ambik nombor plat dia :)
and we're not being a reckless driver. its just those BOZOS keep tailing us and flashing their lights.
trust me, when u ave a car and u are officially called a driver, u'd understand :)
*dlm bulan ni, dh 4 org laki yg menggunakan pickup line YANG SAMA
"cutenyer awak ni. awak ni ceria je saya tgk. x berkepunyaan ke"
3 boys used it in malay, and one of it was in english. well jason used it in a good way. haha
giler buyers XD. but its true. jason is very nice :)
but back to my main point, i just can't be bothered with this crap anymore -_-"
mulut pndi bermanis, tpi OMONG KOSONG. abg herry jugak yang baik :)
yg PALING xleh bla "awk lawa la. klu x lawa, saya xkn mintak syaza ambik no. phone awak"
tak ke terang2an tu? :)
LELAKI kebykan nyer zmn skrg sungguh memilih yg LAWA SAJE
sorry atok, saya bukan menjadi prejudis. cume ckp KEBYKN je :)
haha DEFINITELY reject dulu babe ;)
if looks really dat important to you, then sile2 kan lah keluar dari gelanggang permainan fasya
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around (I’m telling you)
You’ve got to figure me out
Take your time or you lose
This is my game, my rules
And I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like to be me
um rasa mcm pjg sgt je post ni
and sedangkan byk lagi nk cite :)
tu la, sibuk sgt XD
aduh dh kul 5.30 pg la..
x tido aku. haha
xpe la, kt dlm keta dh tido XD
itu la ape yg akn terjadi biler kite terlalu BORED di dlm kereta
oh well
till then
take care everybody
cause life is too short to be uncaring :D
don't take life seriously,
its not permanent :)
slalu balik selayang memakan masa selama 4 hingga 5 jam :)
oh well...
"fikiran manusia semakin kolot dimakan dengan perasaan sendiri"
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, a scoop from the busy-ness, famiglia, flash backs, happy moments, overall
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

haha masih x lepas lagi seyh XD
bukan ape ar kan, tpi sebelum ari tu pon dh agak dah
dh agak ape?
ado ar ;)
bukan nya menyesal or x puas ati ke ape ar kan
like i told myself before, i wat bende tu IKHLAS
x mintak balasan LANGSUNG
klu x, aku akn terhegeh2 bagitau semua org la
the thing is, everything i did has been just top OFF by other ppl
waste of time?
just feel like i'm not worth it
the fact that i knew this WUD HAPPEN
i mean, i'm getting USED to it
i go through it EVERY SINGLE DAY
hem xpe la
menangis x gune, mengeluh membuang masa
just smile and walk away
haiya... :)
new fact: taken by syyrul's old post but improvised and the truth about me;
and apparently what i can really see
and feel
ps; thank you for making me feel like i WAS really an IMPORTANT person
in the end, all this while, i wasn't really THAT IMPORTANT
i never WAS
the 10th time my friends makes me feel like i'm
with my own family
which is a BAD THING
cause my family doesn't really GIVE A DAMN about me
dats y if i ever say ur just like my mom
dats BAD ISSUE babeh
farah hoot hoot! :)
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, my voice, PROBS, sadness
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

ok saya mmg terlalu rajin utk ltk satu lagu dlm setiap post saya
oh well
it IS my blog anyway
oh btw, welcome to blogging mr Z :)
ok back to my post.
there's like 4 or 5 songs no matter how old they are, they still makes my heart go all butterfly wee haha
its like ur heart is being ripped out slowly
and your eyes are burning and it feels like its gonna cry but you just hold it DEEEP down
- how do i live without you; leann rimes
- unbreak my heart; toni braxton
- i'll be right here waiting; max sumfing, haha i forgot. but i swear, this song GILER hit the spot
but what really knocks me,
Just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking
Every breath with you
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me
When all I can do is watch you leave
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain
And even shared the tears
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
There's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against all odds
And that's what I've got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
But to wait for you is
All I can do
And that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now
'Cause l'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
That's the chance I've got to take
fyi i listened to these songs when i was working
wee my first day
giler lawak
sebab planning xkn bertembung dgn sape2
and ingat ramai xkn tahu, so buat pe bagitau?
in the end, sepandai2 tupai melompat, jatuh ke tanah jua akhirnya XD
zafdilaryanayeenikhwanaidi etc
terima kasih kerana menegur XD
ok, ramai yg tanya, keje berbaloi?
berapa gaji?
full time? part time?
how many hours?
to be honest with you, rite now, i'm just a part timer; only for 4 hours
for one day with dat 4 hours, i can get like rm15 :)
so mari kite darab wee
klu sebulan dpt rm450 :)
4 hours je :)
susah? x susah. mcm wat keje kt umah :)
i guess one month yg i sacrifice giler2 smpi bdn sakit lebam2 berbaloi :)
and saya bangga
"ada seorg masuk sehari je, esok nya sudah tidak mahu" *indonesia dialect*
for now, i can only remember names of 5 ppls
-mr chris ; my supervisor
-kapten jamil; my mentor :)
-abg harry; my lookout XD
-abg john; my advisor :D
- and mr tes; my small but BIG bos haha, his small yet he's the BIGO bosso :D
well as u can see, sume nyer laki kan?
well mmg pon!
i sorg je pompuan kt situ!
takut? agak la :D
but they're very nice ppl la :)
tgk2 biler tghhari menjelma
fuh! 8D
ok, mungkin ramai dh boleh teka apa keje i :)
but what do i care
as long as i got a job
wee sebenarnyer byk nk ckp, tpi terlalu penat
sebab semalam x cukup tido
n then bgn awal
tu la, pdn muke XD
oh oh!
thank god i ave adapt myself ever since i was a child easily socialize and
thank you daddy, atas ajaran daddy sejak kecik
itu di kanan, dan itu di kiri :)
ok, saya rasa muke saya dh cramped sebab byk sgt senyum and gelak dgn diorg haha XD
and and, abg kt Famous Thai masih ingat saya lagi :)
wee mkn lunch bersama! :D
btw, lps chinese new year
they still need more staff
so siapa yang berminat, sile2 kan lah
berbaloi :D
seperti zafira ckp :D
-i'm still in the operation "Persuading mama daddy For Full Time"
-saya dpt rasakan ramai org tgh kutuk saya skrg, but i don't care :)
-ayeeeeen!!!! :)
-saya masih lagi terasa atas apa yang terjadi semalam, x tau nape... :/
mybe cause i realize, i'm just not worth it anymore?
hem...dh la... i'm so tired..
-alil appreciation doesn't hurt does it? and does it really kills you to smile?
ps; Blacker Than A Rose
Gentle As A Kick
Thats The Way It Goes
I'm Everything You Never Gonna Need
But If You Need To Know
It's Bitter And it's Sweet
I Didn't Mean To Hurt You
Or Disappoint You
Can't Tell If I Tried To Warn You
But Your Not Giving In Are You
we're humans
we have feelings
so shut ur crap mouth
and start saying something meaningful
tak boleh kah?
bodoh, MIANG
~hostess fasya :)
oh oh! kamu yg fikir bukan2! saya x horny, lol -_-"
warning, zaki's other alterego is out -_-"
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, birth of sumfing new, my voice, PROBS, sadness
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

" you're a bad LIAR"
.....crap..... am i really that hollow? haiya..
of all ppl..
oh well, i guess dat deserve like an honourary position kot XD
my bro's been telling me like 5 months ago to listen to this one indie band
he said since i like the song called "stay" by estrella
i might like one of the band from uitm
i'm REALLY shock
to know that this band vocalist is actually is my brother's SENPAI
they always perform at uitm for free
KEJAM, along suka x ajak ke tmpt yg best2 X(
what really IMPRESSED me is dat the band vocalist is a girl
no, a girl doesn't surprises me dat much haha
it was the fact she wears SCARF :)
ok the second person that wears scarf and went into music industry
first it was a girl who is a fashion designer
awesome :)
maybe ramai yg xleh terima ni, ada yang masih kutuk2 actlly
but for me, standing up for our rights are so AWESOME *saluting*
now i don't have to feel scare or intimidate, not dat i am XD haha
and rite now, i am totally BROKE
wee thank God i got a job
no, i'm not gonna tell u
you will see me when you see me :)
what bothers me rite now is persuading my parents in letting me taking full time cause' it really isn't worth it taking part time only.
sengal, how i wish i cud BE FREE
ok, bukan x grateful dibenarkan keje ( itu pun selepas memujuk GILER2 )
but the thing is, it really isn't WORTH IT
its not that far, and then my brother lak xnk cooperate
sengal, bukannyer xleh ambik aku mlm2
bukannya dia ada kelas mlm
eyh! biler ko kawen nnti, dating la puas2!
not to mention, my mom is paying him to take care of my transportation
shoot, times like this how i wish my license can be speed up!
enough said.
ps: it REALLY wasn't everything that i wish for you, so i'm SORRY
wtv it is, i hope and wish you all the best and happiness of the world
and sorry if i messed it up
i'm sure things will work out for you somehow
-dis is not just me, everybody said the SAME DAMN THING; my brother is aving a MOOD swing. pfft BYK LA 0_0
-my parents hate me growing up cause it makes them feel old
but they don't like me sitting around playing games and onlining as if i'm a kid dat has no life.
probably dats y my dad ask me where do i want to work at first 0_0
-saya kene PAKSA jugak diri saya tido mlm ini, sebab esok kene bgn awal haha
-saya hutang kak aneez satu kek secret recipe, sebab dia jeles saya beli utk org lain. haha XD
"nape bagi whole! at least ambik la satu slice utk akak! choc mud cake sedap plak!!!"
-saya akn nmpk pelik pki baju kerja nnti 0_0
i am already ugly, plus with the code uniform, definitely HUMONGOUS ugly haha
and its hard cause you don't come around anymore,
my heart never felt the same like i did before"
something i could hold on to
because those nightmares seems to haunt me even when i'm awake
all i know
is dat nothing seems rite
and all dis questions seem to have empty answer
mickey, are we really FOOLING ourselves?
dude, pls call me
anybody? pls.. cause my hands seems too short to reach you guys out
jot, that hero is still buried la. camne ni :/
oh well... :|
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, my voice, PROBS
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

miyo asked to find the chords for this song.
i didn't really know it at first but after he sang the chorus, i remembered what song was it.
Feels like the first kiss and
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
I'm still holding on and you're still the one
The first time our eyes met, it's the same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger and I wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on
So If you're feelin' lonely, don't
You're the only one I'd ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me, I know not what I do
Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me
This pain I'm going through
Please forgive me
If I need ya like I do
Please believe me
Every word I say is true
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch
We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough
I'm still holdin' on, You're still number one
I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you
I remember the nights, ya know I still do
One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And the one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...
but then again, these tears doesn't seem to fall down, hem.. an angel is holding the tears?
hehe i love you angel :)
tak sabarnyer nk blaja chording utk lagu, wee :)
new fact: fasya sudah menjadi burung hantu. ok ok, i'm lying. insomnia actually hahaXD
ntah la, i really can't sleep these days. every nite i spent almost hours and hours just trying to get a gud nite sleep, but i just can't.
ape kak aneez? nervous sbb results? yeah rite. results doesn't really conquer half of my mind at all.
daddy dh tak bagi mkn panadol.
1# reason; muntah XD
2# reason; takut addicted
whoa x mungkin nyer terjadi. everybody knows i hate panadol. i HATE pills haha
kan zaki? -_-"
oh well, oh oh! addition to my addiction, lol
not only i'm playing a persona game, i am totally hooked with persona - trinity soul series
i ave found the answer to the existence of persona 3. wee :D
anime are so awesome. haha :)
so last nite, i spent the whole nite watching persona at youtube.
wee thankeeyyooou technology! :D
whoa new word? haha, nah. its just some random word i guess.
i'm trying to upload some of the videos from the senior dinner,
credits to IRAAFFANDEE, anak sedara saya haha
miyo, klu u nk betul2 tahu ape yg jadi kt dinner(bukan prom ye) tu and what happen to my HORRIBLE performance
sile2 lah rajin2kan diri anda untuk tekan video ini :D
yes miyo, i performed 2 songs actually
and it wasnt the BEST
but we've tried our BEST
thats whats important
i guess 0_0
yg paling mcm kene tampar nyer kan, its what u said la zaki
i know i know
ur just kidding around
but its the truth what.
oh well... "at least its not up to level called 'poo' "
ha-ha, very funny zaki -_-"
hari ini 20/1/08 (or shud i said yesterday -_-") adalah antara hari yang best sangat!
lagi best dari semalam dan hari2 sebelumnya :D
well duh, i'm like totally bored at home. dats why -_-"
bukannya xde keje, jln sana, anta adik, ajar dia, MEN GAMES XD, onlining etc
but bosan la. mcm xde life 0_0
thank YOU shahril for calling. even if i was about to sleep dat time -_-"
haha hey, dun judge.
i spent all the nites with no sleeps at all. so thank God at least tgh hari td i dpt rasa kepenatan GILER2 and nk jugak tido. but then suddenly he called.
hey, org dh ajak jamming, mane leh x pegi. xpe la. sacrifice tido lagi skali 0_0
dh bape ari x tido? hum... about 5 days gak ar, sebelum prom agi.
i guess dats the last time i'll be jamming with them :(
oh well
goodbye good ol days -_-
dats y we've made the best of it just now :D
we all agreed that on the senior nite, we didn't done our best
it was probably because of the last minute replacement
shahril, i noe i said dis tons of time
but i really wish u were there
oh well, u always want what you can't have. life Rule no.2 :)
yeah i ave like tons of life Rule. daddy suka sgt lecture kitorg smpi kitorg kene wat nota 0_0
and and sorry miyo x ajak awak sebagai date saya,
i giler2 messed up sgt time tu :P
the best part of the 20/1 is dat meeting him :)
ok, yes. i am totally falling over and over again for you XD
just don't pull me too deep, cause i'm scared i won't be able to pull myself back up cause i'm just to fond with falling down for you :)
but who cares? i dun really care if i'm REALLY am too deep
cause i'm ready
yup i am totally READY for any consequences
"every thing that you gain has its own price to be sacrifice equally"
so so, hait hait *nods*
haha blame the taxi driver today for the japanese language
-the vanilla cream has been sprayed onto the ice-cream, i'm just waiting for the sprinkles and cherry to top it off, meaning mission is only 10% away from being complete :)
"apakah maksud ini?" haha x pyh tahu ok ;) oh and ini bukan game, ini hidup saya :)
-saya sudah mengalahkan Change Relic! wee :D akhirnya, saya mencapai ke top of Arqa sebelum May berakhir :D, di dlm Persona 3 ofcourse ;)
-i know that the future will never be the same again, but i WISH dat somehow it'll be different in the same old way we USED to be, can it? pretty pls :(
-saya menyesal x tgkp gmbr dgn dier tadi kt jln yang saya xkn lalui lagi :(
but even so, i somehow wish i can still walk through that road again, with him :)
haiya.. "we can never get what we really want" :)
or there's a meaning behind this kiss
somehow i can never find the answer
cause' you are not here
and that is just it"
lysm,mysm,nysm xoxo
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, band, love, my voice
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

perasan je budak tu :D
mmg x sedar diri KOT :)
tolong la, cerminkan diri.
y wud i waste my precious time just for that type of person?
sedangkan byk lagi yg lebih ELOK and BAIK dari dia. haha
you know who you are.
saya ok je tanpa kamu menceroboh hidup saya la.
puh leaseeeeeee! haha gedik plak aku ni.
wtv, budak tu lagi GEDIK dari aku kot.
sayang? sacrifice? tolong ar. org mcm u ni, x lyk ckp psl syg! u x tau camne nk syg org, u sendiri x tau ape maksud syg tu. u buat sume org mcm kuli, sedang u fikir yg u ada aweks and gengs yang SYG sgt dgn u. like u the TOP stuff. pastu nk control macho, kutuk aku x psl2. eh bukak la mata tu, korek telinga tu. ramai org TGH KUTUK KO. ur like a TOY. senang dipermainkan!
so dun talk about bullshit in my face or behind my back.
yeah, i ave ears behind my bak la. KAMU tu yang BUTA.
nk award? x lyk la wei. da only award u deserve, its THE MOST WORST PERSON in the world. haha
mmg, mmg i jht skrg. so?
eleh, aku tau. time ko baca ni pon ko tgh kutuk aku.
so xyah la nk call aku and then marah2 plak.
oh mmg, betul ckp you farhah.
tapi buat apa i nk doa yang buruk and buat bende buruk kat dia.
haha PLAN u mmg bernas.
kene kan balik, tarik balik kesenangan yang i dh cipta utk dia.
but then again, dat means i wud be just like si DIA.
ewww i xnk jadi mcm DIA.
jijik seyh.. :D
jom jadi lebih BAIK dari dia la :)
oh wait, mmg kita baik, haha sebab DIA JAHAT :)
xyah la nk susah2 kan? :)
oh and btw,
klu ada kwn2 rapat aku yang terasa ke, or fikir i tgh ckp psl dia
tolong jgn perasan ok.
this is not about anybody who is really CLOSE to me.
its just some stupid person that PRASAN xleh bla nk jadi seorg yang angelic sent from heaven KUNUN nyer.
yang paling xleh bla, boleh plak dia kutuk fattah blakang dia.
oit, kwn KAU tu doe.
haih, no matter how NERDIE you said he is, i wud rather date HIM than you :D haha
haih.. SENGAL :)
ps: tak terasa langsung i dengan apa yang u ckp.
mmg i x lawa, mmg i x pndi berckp, mmg i gemuk
mmg i xde ramai kwn, mmg i SINGLE. bodoh
apa yang KAU heran sangat hah?
notes; yang paling xleh bla, boleh dia tanya " sakit tak ati u dgn i? ok la tu, nnt u syg dgn i la"
x sangka ada jugak manusia mcm tu.
oh jap, mmg ada. haha
nobody is perfect la
ur worst than the good u think u are
i'm not saying i'm good,
but i noe my specials and weaknesses
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, my voice
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

apa lagi yang kau nak dari aku?
aku dah penat la!
seumur hidup aku, aku cuba nk puaskan ati kau
but then bila aku pndg tempat lain sekejap je.
just for once i slip real hard from you.
ya Allah, tolonglah...
jangan Kau jatuhkan bebanan lagi. aku dah penat nk menahan derita ni.
i think the more i pull myself together, the more i break myself apart to pieces.
AH! malas ar nk pikir.
menangis air mata darah pun tak berguna gak. so why shud i waste my time?
senior night
tonite, i conquer one of my fear
fear of being embarassed in front of everybody
fear of making myself look like a clown
fear of fooling myself
but then i realised
i have fooled myself long before i know
i have made myself look patheticly fool
so why shud i even care?
so i cast away every feeling inside of me and told myself
"lets be a fool and be PROUD of it"
like i said,
it wasn't the best
wtv it is...
its done..
UAD, thank you.
thnk you for the opportunity
hope u enjoy urself.
we know it wasn't the best but..
it was the first for u guys, so congrats
selama beberapa bulan ni,
saya menahan perasaan saya.
tonite, i'll forgive myself for this.
so, go ahead my little sepet eyes.
go do your thing..
haha pelik2
tpi saya ok dlm menasihati mana yang betul dan salah
so, sorry ek put. i'll help u guys ok.
saya kdg2 berharap sgt, yang klu saya boleh tlg kwn2 saya utk perbaiki hidup mereka dan diorg berbahagia, kenapa tidak saya?
kenapa bila saya cuba baiki diri dan hidup saya, segala usaha saya mcm dicampak ke tong sampah? saya ni sampah ke? ya Allah.. ampuni aku kerana berckp begitu..
saya cuma berharap saya dapat merasai secebis kebahagiaan hidup.
kerana apa yang saya alami sekarang, hanya kepahitan.
xpe la... Allah menguji..
haih... xpernah penat plak air mata ni..
bilakah kedamaian dapat dikecapi menjadi penyelesaian?
"i try not to think about it but i think about it just by nt thinking about it."
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, my voice, sadness
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

aku benci biler seseorg moody pastu marah x tentu psl
biler dier ada problem, dier lpskan geram dia dgn org yang tak bersalah dan xde kene mengena dgn masalah dia.
sape jadi mangsa?? aku jugak
sialan punya ABG.
trust me, hormat aku terhdp dier dh VANISHED. dia sepatutnya jadi contoh untuk kami. tpi klu x berguna, buat pe nak jadi contoh?
angah... i miss you.
along masih dengan perangai lama dia la...
badan ni dah penat nk thn di pukul, di caci dan di maki.
ughh! wtv.. i really can't wait to get out of here.
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
suke perli org. well atok xde can lagi dh! haha :D
Run - Leona Lewis
dh lama saya nk buat bende ni, and post tpi disebabkan kemalasan dan masalah yang tertanggung, bende ni tertunggak dan dilupakan.
but then biler pndg balik dtg, terasa plak nk wat.. so,

the best might turned out the worst but
every sadness has its own reasons
jadi saya nak bersyukur jugak la
wlpn regret
tpi xkn bende yg gembira seperti aving fun with friends nk regret?
mcm x bersyukur kan?
itu bukan fasya yang sebenar.
tidak elok, tidak baik.
ps; ye kami huduh, but thats just who we are.
totally imperfectly perfect. heh
muka MMG xleh bla lol
rendah diri seyh... sume kwn2 i lagi lawa dri i :(
lol :D
tonite, well rite now is 6 am. so dh friday la kan lol
as i were saying, for tonite.
i'm hoping for the best of it
it might not be the best
since well.. i ave my reasons..
god.. giler frust ari ni.
dunia ni sungguh cemburu pd kita biler kita dpt kecapi kegembiraan kan?
xpe la, bak pepatah si 'mickey'
"ini dugaan dari Allah"
lol sengal.. mcm la aku x tau 0_0 haha
jot... i need you :(
ps; Hero, hero.. where are you? :( i need your strength rite now. pls dun leave me hanging. i'm on my own, all alone :(
Labels: friends, my voice, sadness
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

hidup oh hidup.
just when you feel that you're rising up, you crashed real HARD to the ground.
ntah la.. semakin penat dengan karenah dunia dan HIDUP ni.
it seems that it doesn't really want us to fly high enough. and IT despise us so much
when we just stay on the ground.
probably because i cudn't sleep but i am totally TIRED
yes ppl, its time to reveal the truth. well sooner or later they're gonna find out jugak psl bende ni, so wt the heck kan?
currently the name of the band is;
well band ni dh lama dh tertubuh but then suddenly they ask me to join them as well
band ni x famous
band ni x pernah perform
diorg klu perform hanya among friends
but because of me ( cewah nk bangga plak)
i ask them to come out of the shadow, thats why they ask me to guide them to the rite path.
ceh SENGAL je aku ni. lol
we're currently trying to update the logo since i'm in. haha
and we, meaning I, lol are still trying to compose songs.
no we're not INDIE band. they hate that. haha
ok honestly, i tot i wasn't needed in this band anyway. i tot it was just like for one night but i was really touched by their hard work and the way they treated me. i mean, they really persuaded me and all. fuh.. terharu :')
i VOW not to ever waste anyone unintendedly anymore. i WILL apprecite until the last breath i take. last week i didn't post much about what really happen. so i'm gonna repay that by posting this.
haha say hello to amirul/ afiq/ miyo :)
he's always there when i need him. well almost. haha
thank you for the ride that day. if it wasn't for you, i duduk je kot kt taxi stand tu smpi mlm
biasa la org dh blur dan terlalu emo. mcm tu la jadi nya haha
miyo i hope you're readin this. i know you are :)
haha asal bunyi mcm poyo je.
x.. betul.. x tipu. tanyer kwn2 dier yg lain. kan atok?
eh jgn tanya atok! atok akn jeles! haha XD
juz kidding my friends
tanpa dia, mungkin saya masih terkapai2.
dia melindungi perasaan nya di balik gurauan nya.
seperti saya. haha XD
haha XD
ps; sesuai kan gmbr2 ni dgn caption dia? haha :)
saya mmg seorg yang PRASAN genius lol
maafkan saya 'abe' kerana menjadi mangsa. haha
baiklah hutang saya sudah langsai. weee :)
janji sudah ditepatikan? :)
yey! kan saya dah ckp? saya dah berubah. tpi klu ada janji yang tak dpt ditepati tu,
jangan salahkan saya. kerana ada hikmah di sebalik nya.
sah ini mesti demam berjangkit dgn jojot. haha :D
jot! ari sabtu ni gi tgk wyg!
cpt! tarik farah dri sangkar emas ni!
ari rabu je farah nyer piano. plssssss :)
and jom cari keje nk? haha i mean like REAL job la.
kamu jgn main2 dgn saya. cium baru tau! haha XD
Labels: band, friends, happy moments, my voice, sadness
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i saw a rainbow. a BIG one
ok bukan nk jakun
but its been awhile since i went out and see rainbow. u dun see rainbow everyday rite?
klu ada org yg dpt tgk ari2 tu, kamu bertuah le. bukan macam SAYA
so shut up, heh
i dunno why. but i'm attracted to these clouds
its pretty
and time ni bukan nk maghrib ok, its still 5 sumfing.
mcm cotton candy lak :9
haha but seriously, i guess i'm into scenery these days
heh, xde kene mengena.
i love this pic because, the light of the sun still shines strong even if
its being covred by big clouds.
awan2 tu mcm membentuk mcm separuh bulat
time ni kene pergi skola izzat, SRKS 18
haha dh la x tido masa tu, wat keje mama satu mlm. pening 8D
xpe la, at least survive gak.
what i'm proud about is dat the teachers there still remember me :)
" eh farah ek?"
" assalamualaikum cikgu, sihat cikgu?"
" sihat alhamdulillah, dh lain dh awak skrg! hampir2 x kenal td. ni farah yang nyanyi and nari tu kan?? la dulu rugged, skrg dh lain! kamu buat pe kat sini?"
" oh nk byr kan duit yuran adik saya"
"adik kamu kelas mana?"
"ahmad zul izzat kelas 5 bakawali cikgu"
" ya allah, tu kelas cikgu la! "
haha pn zaharah, is still the same. and pn fazillah came along when she saw me
well i'm close to pn fazillah more since sarah, her daughter was in the same batch with me
god where are u sarah! i miss u :D
the best part is dat, i feel thankful dat i insisted on being active during my time at srks 18
my parents keep pushing me studying until i don't have my social life
thanks to kakya :), i finally get to join some clubs dat shows my talents
so menyanyi, bercerita, menari, men music
adalah trademark utk cikgu2 di sana ingat siapa farah syafiqah
primary schools are different
especially the stool, the chairs and tables
even the corridor
it looks much more smaller now that we've grown up

trust me, this is not a chair
this is a table
and tinggi dier takat atas lutut je
itu baru meja
belum agi kerus
corridor pon kecik and x luas
takat atas my chest.
this? i cud even jump down from this floor. haha XD
not that i wud. lol
ok! satu bende yg mmg CAUGHT my eyes giler2 ar
while i was waiting for the teachers to go into the class so dat i can pay the fees
i was boringly watching the sky and the kids.
saw izzat's friends staring at me for no reason. weirdly enough. lol
and saw few of my friends' brothers
haha my batch klu lelaki, byk adik dier kwn dgn izzat plak. haha
so senang la nk kacau diorg kt umah diorg :D
ok ok bak to my point! 0_0
while i was waiting, i saw this ONE boy
why he caught my eyes? because he was doing the exact same thing i always do when i'm in class at primary.
gossip? no, talking? no, copying others ppl works? no
he was sitting ALL alone.
he sat all alone beside the window and just stare at other ppls.
while everybody has their own group, playing chatting etc
he was left all alone with no one to talk.
giler, bring tears to my eyes doe.. :(
this reminds me of this one song
Who sits under the bleachers
Just another day eating alone
And though she smiles
There is something she's hiding
And she cant find a way to relate
She just goes unnoticed
As the crowd passes by
And she'll pretend to be busy
When inside she just wants to cry
tpi skrg cikgu kata saya nmpk sopan and solehah. haha pelik2
iye ke? rasenyer x kot. haha masih lagi tomboish nyer..
oh well, thats just me. what u see is what u get babeh ;)
ps: jot!!!! nk gi mid valley gak! :(
" nothing is ever complete when you are not here with me"
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, flash backs, my voice, views
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

whoah! kamu tag saya biler saya x update XD
ps: rindu dgr kamu berceloteh di BLOG XD haha
1.The last person to tag you was ?
fazraaaaaaaa :D
2. Your relationship with him/her ?
rakan se blog ;)
3. Your 5 impressions towards him/her ?
suke dgr dier celoteh kt blog :D
dier lawa :D
masih dlm percubaan dlm baking XD
lawak sgt :)
ceria selalu ;)
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you ?
dier peminat pertama blog saya kot XD
5. The most memorable words that he/she has said to you ?
"nice blog :)" haha XD
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
kami berdua bukan les la! XD
x mungkin akn berlaku kot, kan fazra ;)
7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
haha bak pepatah fazraa " bodyglove sama dia" haha XD
nah bende ni pon xmungkin akn berlaku
kami berdua baik :D
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on....
fazra, kamu leh transform jadi laki ke? haha XD
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
sebab dier comel sgt kot XD haha
saman sama dia XD
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her are..
baca blog dier smpi tergelak2 XD
11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
i like her alot :)
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you ?
define ppl
13. Who is your ideal ?
them :)
14 What do you hate about yourself ?
emotional kot XD
15. For the people who care for you and like you, say something about them
they're the ONE in MILLION ppl
and effing COOL/hot/Handsome/Sexy/Beautiful
totally undescribable :)
that is THEM :)
16. 5 people to tag answer:
THE RULES:2) For each quest, press the next button to get your answer
3) You must write down the song's name NO MATTER how silly it sounds
4) Put any comments in bracket after the song name
5) Put this on your journal/blog
1- If someone says, “Is this okay ?” … you say ?
- crazy for you. (asal sengal sgt XD)
2- How would you describe yourself?
- ku ingin kamu ( hem dats sounds abit rite. yeah its rite. i am devoting myself to this one guy. totally rite :D )
3- What do you like in a girl ?
- hot in here - nelly ( haha well, who can stand a hot bodilicoius and bodacious girl rite? haha XD )
4- How do you feel today ?
- kalis rindu ( haha betul2, saya tgh rindu!!! :D )
5- What is your life’s purpose ?
- connected - cassidy laden ( haha lagu barbie and the diamond castle. ok songs about friendship. dats good i guess haha )
6- What is your motto ?
- stranger inside you - hilary duff ( hem, true. i see a stranger inside this one person, so i dun wanna end up being like that )
7- What do your friends think of you ?
- can't hold us down - christina aguilera ( :D sape tau lagu ni, akn ckp ye kot ;) )
8- What do you think of your parents ?
- hot and cold ( haha XD maybe )
9- What do you think about very often ?
- i'm only me when i'm with you - taylor swift ( i miss u my love :) )
10- What is 2 + 2 ?
- lie about us - avant ( Pathetic. Haha :D )
11- What do you think of your best friend ?
- unbelievable - craig david ( awww sesuai sgt la! :D yes ppl, u are unbelievable )
12- What do you think of the person you like ?
- crush - david archuleta ( 0_0 ok, this media player really reads my mind la XD )
13- What is your life story ?
- fly on the wall - miley cyrus ( betul2, shuh shuh! i hate paparazzi XD )
14- What do you want to be when you grow up ?
- love story - taylor swift ( yes yes! i want my romeo to propose me so dat i ave my OWN love story :D )
15- What do you think of when you see the person you like ?
- back at one - brian mcknight ( what i said? this media player has it owns mind :D, and yes this is true :) )
16- What will you dance to at your wedding ?
- mesmerize - jarule ft ashanti ( hem, xde kene mengene but psl love song jugak ni :D )
17- What will they play at your funeral ?
- big girls - fergie ( hem, yeah. i'm gonna miss u guys like a child misses her blanket but i've gotta move on :D )
18- What is your hobby/interest ?
- love of my life - erykah badu ( admiring my love from a far? very true, that is so one of my hobbies )
19- What is your biggest fear ?
- gossip folks - missy elliot ( wrong, i dislike gossip ppls )
20- What is your biggest secret ?
- rising sun - dbsk ( haha dun really get dat but i love this song cause its good for dancing! )
21- What do you think of your friends ?
- never gonna fly - clique girlz ( hem, just some of my friends yg dh dritfted apart and forgotten me giler2, mana amirul azrin ek? budak lupa daratan betul.... )
22- What will you post this as ?
- say ok - vanessa hudgens ( nah, not gonna happen :D dh ltk dah title tag by fazraa, so xnk tuka! :D)
-sesiapa yang x pernah buat agi
silalah buat :D
its kinda amazingly weird but fun :D
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i officially declared my phne line is bak on track! XD
last saturday ( was it saturday? or was it friday? zaki!!! i forgot! 0,0 )
oh jap! i remember, it was friday. yup the day that i feel so BUMMED. i want to swear but nah.. i'm just wasting my time. haha
ok cop cop! bak to my main point.
last friday, had this WAY bizarre lightning. thank god i already close the adsl modem but didn't realize it affected our phone line. so for the whole 3 days we were out of line. so no INTERNET.
ok i said this like loads of time to u zaki but trust me. even my bro said the same thing. LIFE IS SO BORING without internet. haha
its just boring. its not that i'm dying of it anyway. i spent the whole 3 days playing ddr and PERSONA 3. i swear to u. this game is undescribable!
damn!!!! even my bros were so into it when i was playing XD
well talk later, i'm hungry!
notes; izzat kate my hair looks like mitsuru. i'll take dat as a compliment :D haha
ps; jojot!!! i miss u :D
ira! happy one monthiversary with put! :D
and atok notty! pikir yg bukan2 haha :D
miss u guys lorh... biler nk hangout betul2 :(
Labels: happy moments
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.