apa lagi yang kau nak dari aku?
aku dah penat la!
seumur hidup aku, aku cuba nk puaskan ati kau
but then bila aku pndg tempat lain sekejap je.
just for once i slip real hard from you.
ya Allah, tolonglah...
jangan Kau jatuhkan bebanan lagi. aku dah penat nk menahan derita ni.
i think the more i pull myself together, the more i break myself apart to pieces.
AH! malas ar nk pikir.
menangis air mata darah pun tak berguna gak. so why shud i waste my time?
notes; 16 january 2008
senior night
senior night
class of 2008
tonite, i conquer one of my fear
fear of being embarassed in front of everybody
fear of making myself look like a clown
fear of fooling myself
but then i realised
i have fooled myself long before i know
i have made myself look patheticly fool
so why shud i even care?
so i cast away every feeling inside of me and told myself
"lets be a fool and be PROUD of it"
like i said,
it wasn't the best
wtv it is...
its done..
UAD, thank you.
thnk you for the opportunity
hope u enjoy urself.
we know it wasn't the best but..
it was the first for u guys, so congrats
selama beberapa bulan ni,
saya menahan perasaan saya.
tonite, i'll forgive myself for this.
so, go ahead my little sepet eyes.
go do your thing..
haha pelik2
tonite, i conquer one of my fear
fear of being embarassed in front of everybody
fear of making myself look like a clown
fear of fooling myself
but then i realised
i have fooled myself long before i know
i have made myself look patheticly fool
so why shud i even care?
so i cast away every feeling inside of me and told myself
"lets be a fool and be PROUD of it"
like i said,
it wasn't the best
wtv it is...
its done..
UAD, thank you.
thnk you for the opportunity
hope u enjoy urself.
we know it wasn't the best but..
it was the first for u guys, so congrats
selama beberapa bulan ni,
saya menahan perasaan saya.
tonite, i'll forgive myself for this.
so, go ahead my little sepet eyes.
go do your thing..
haha pelik2
ps; i'm not that good dalam bak memujuk.
tpi saya ok dlm menasihati mana yang betul dan salah
so, sorry ek put. i'll help u guys ok.
saya kdg2 berharap sgt, yang klu saya boleh tlg kwn2 saya utk perbaiki hidup mereka dan diorg berbahagia, kenapa tidak saya?
kenapa bila saya cuba baiki diri dan hidup saya, segala usaha saya mcm dicampak ke tong sampah? saya ni sampah ke? ya Allah.. ampuni aku kerana berckp begitu..
saya cuma berharap saya dapat merasai secebis kebahagiaan hidup.
kerana apa yang saya alami sekarang, hanya kepahitan.
xpe la... Allah menguji..
haih... xpernah penat plak air mata ni..
tpi saya ok dlm menasihati mana yang betul dan salah
so, sorry ek put. i'll help u guys ok.
saya kdg2 berharap sgt, yang klu saya boleh tlg kwn2 saya utk perbaiki hidup mereka dan diorg berbahagia, kenapa tidak saya?
kenapa bila saya cuba baiki diri dan hidup saya, segala usaha saya mcm dicampak ke tong sampah? saya ni sampah ke? ya Allah.. ampuni aku kerana berckp begitu..
saya cuma berharap saya dapat merasai secebis kebahagiaan hidup.
kerana apa yang saya alami sekarang, hanya kepahitan.
xpe la... Allah menguji..
haih... xpernah penat plak air mata ni..
bilakah bende ni akn berakhir?
bilakah kedamaian dapat dikecapi menjadi penyelesaian?
"i try not to think about it but i think about it just by nt thinking about it."
bilakah kedamaian dapat dikecapi menjadi penyelesaian?
"i try not to think about it but i think about it just by nt thinking about it."
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, my voice, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.