hidup oh hidup.
just when you feel that you're rising up, you crashed real HARD to the ground.
ntah la.. semakin penat dengan karenah dunia dan HIDUP ni.
it seems that it doesn't really want us to fly high enough. and IT despise us so much
when we just stay on the ground.
ok i am totally babble-ing rite now
probably because i cudn't sleep but i am totally TIRED
probably because i cudn't sleep but i am totally TIRED
ok, walau pape pon, saya berbangga dan gembira kerana dalam keadaan saya macam ni, ada jugak yang menerima saya dan mengambik saya sebagai ahli kumpulan band diorg. hehe :)
yes ppl, its time to reveal the truth. well sooner or later they're gonna find out jugak psl bende ni, so wt the heck kan?
currently the name of the band is;
yes ppl, its time to reveal the truth. well sooner or later they're gonna find out jugak psl bende ni, so wt the heck kan?
currently the name of the band is;
Up and Down ( haha unik kan? XD )
well band ni dh lama dh tertubuh but then suddenly they ask me to join them as well
band ni x famous
band ni x pernah perform
diorg klu perform hanya among friends
but because of me ( cewah nk bangga plak)
i ask them to come out of the shadow, thats why they ask me to guide them to the rite path.
ceh SENGAL je aku ni. lol
we're currently trying to update the logo since i'm in. haha
and we, meaning I, lol are still trying to compose songs.
no we're not INDIE band. they hate that. haha
well band ni dh lama dh tertubuh but then suddenly they ask me to join them as well
band ni x famous
band ni x pernah perform
diorg klu perform hanya among friends
but because of me ( cewah nk bangga plak)
i ask them to come out of the shadow, thats why they ask me to guide them to the rite path.
ceh SENGAL je aku ni. lol
we're currently trying to update the logo since i'm in. haha
and we, meaning I, lol are still trying to compose songs.
no we're not INDIE band. they hate that. haha
well thats all for now. i'll spare the dets and all later. can't have you ruining the fun can you? haha XD
ok honestly, i tot i wasn't needed in this band anyway. i tot it was just like for one night but i was really touched by their hard work and the way they treated me. i mean, they really persuaded me and all. fuh.. terharu :')
i VOW not to ever waste anyone unintendedly anymore. i WILL apprecite until the last breath i take. last week i didn't post much about what really happen. so i'm gonna repay that by posting this.
haha say hello to amirul/ afiq/ miyo :)
he's always there when i need him. well almost. haha
thank you for the ride that day. if it wasn't for you, i duduk je kot kt taxi stand tu smpi mlm
biasa la org dh blur dan terlalu emo. mcm tu la jadi nya haha
miyo i hope you're readin this. i know you are :)
miyo seorang pengasih dan penyayang
haha asal bunyi mcm poyo je.
x.. betul.. x tipu. tanyer kwn2 dier yg lain. kan atok?
eh jgn tanya atok! atok akn jeles! haha XD
juz kidding my friends
dia juga seorg yang menasihati
tanpa dia, mungkin saya masih terkapai2.
dia juga seorg yang ceria walaupun dlm kesedihan.
dia melindungi perasaan nya di balik gurauan nya.
seperti saya. haha XD
dia amat berbahaya biler menjadi hyper GILER
haha XD
ps; sesuai kan gmbr2 ni dgn caption dia? haha :)
saya mmg seorg yang PRASAN genius lol
maafkan saya 'abe' kerana menjadi mangsa. haha
baiklah hutang saya sudah langsai. weee :)
janji sudah ditepatikan? :)
yey! kan saya dah ckp? saya dah berubah. tpi klu ada janji yang tak dpt ditepati tu,
jangan salahkan saya. kerana ada hikmah di sebalik nya.
ok honestly, i tot i wasn't needed in this band anyway. i tot it was just like for one night but i was really touched by their hard work and the way they treated me. i mean, they really persuaded me and all. fuh.. terharu :')
i VOW not to ever waste anyone unintendedly anymore. i WILL apprecite until the last breath i take. last week i didn't post much about what really happen. so i'm gonna repay that by posting this.
haha say hello to amirul/ afiq/ miyo :)
he's always there when i need him. well almost. haha
thank you for the ride that day. if it wasn't for you, i duduk je kot kt taxi stand tu smpi mlm
biasa la org dh blur dan terlalu emo. mcm tu la jadi nya haha
miyo i hope you're readin this. i know you are :)
haha asal bunyi mcm poyo je.
x.. betul.. x tipu. tanyer kwn2 dier yg lain. kan atok?
eh jgn tanya atok! atok akn jeles! haha XD
juz kidding my friends
tanpa dia, mungkin saya masih terkapai2.
dia melindungi perasaan nya di balik gurauan nya.
seperti saya. haha XD
haha XD
ps; sesuai kan gmbr2 ni dgn caption dia? haha :)
saya mmg seorg yang PRASAN genius lol
maafkan saya 'abe' kerana menjadi mangsa. haha
baiklah hutang saya sudah langsai. weee :)
janji sudah ditepatikan? :)
yey! kan saya dah ckp? saya dah berubah. tpi klu ada janji yang tak dpt ditepati tu,
jangan salahkan saya. kerana ada hikmah di sebalik nya.
notes; another night i can't sleep. i spent like 3 hours trying to sleep but i cudn't even if i'm tired. so i decided to wake up and online. never tot that i wud online the whole nite smpi x tido lgsg.
sah ini mesti demam berjangkit dgn jojot. haha :D
jot! ari sabtu ni gi tgk wyg!
cpt! tarik farah dri sangkar emas ni!
ari rabu je farah nyer piano. plssssss :)
and jom cari keje nk? haha i mean like REAL job la.
kamu jgn main2 dgn saya. cium baru tau! haha XD
sah ini mesti demam berjangkit dgn jojot. haha :D
jot! ari sabtu ni gi tgk wyg!
cpt! tarik farah dri sangkar emas ni!
ari rabu je farah nyer piano. plssssss :)
and jom cari keje nk? haha i mean like REAL job la.
kamu jgn main2 dgn saya. cium baru tau! haha XD
" you never failed to pushed me off balance but you are always there to pulled me up again"
Labels: band, friends, happy moments, my voice, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.