Yes, family is always first.
But how can they be worst than my friends are ?
No offense. When friends or haters threaten to hurt you, it doesn't damage you that much, cause you know you have someone to back you up. Cause you friends are much bigger bitches than the haters are, AND THEY ACTUALLY LOVE ME.
But when family threatens you, what are you doing to do ?
If you rebel, you'll be black sheep forever. (the fact that I AM ONE)
I hate being given options that I can't even choose. Instead I just have to give up and throw all my dreams away, BECAUSE OF MY 'DEARLY LOVING' FAMILY.
For once, I don't feel like my life is unfair. I actually think the reason my life feels that way, is because of YOU.
I respect you. Yes you are the reason why I was born in this world.
And you raised me well enough to see what is right and wrong. But what am I going to do if you don't give me a chance to prove that I DO KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG.
oh of course, it is cause I make mistakes. A WHOLE LOT OF THEM.
But I thought you said it is the process of life !
ps; my family can be the closest enemies I have ever got.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

I'm depressed. And that's all I've got to say for now.
I'm depressed like in a state that no one have ever gone through. If they think they've gone through shits before many times, well if they listen to my story, the only sound you will hear is you breathing in the details. SILENTLY.
SPEECHLESS. yup that's what Farhah said.
I, myself is speechless of the situation I am in.
But that's a joke, when as a matter of fact, I'm IN IT.
Put it simple, EVERYONE HATES ME. That's all I've got to say.
This karma. And it's not biting, it's sucking my blood and life out.
Thank you.
ps; Allah, is this a sign ? Why am I still forcing my way out of this ?
Daddy, Omma. I'm sorry. But I just have to disappoint you over and over again.
And this time, it's big.
I'm sorry, but I gotta do.
*breathing in*
Call me crazy, but I think I've come far enough to go back. Enough said.
Fasya; The most rebellious Daughter ever who does not deserve to live
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, famiglia, my voice, PROBS
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

confused ? read 1st post and 2nd post
i. PMS
A common symptom in almost every girl in this world.
When you have PMS, you have mood swings, back pain, weak strength and even, PIMPLES.
Yes, trust me, when I'm having that time of the month, DON'T mess with me.
Any irritating jokes that I feel like I can't take, say saeunara to your life :)
ii. Unknown numbers/miss calls.
Don't you just hate it when you have no idea who is calling you but every time you try to pick up the phone and suddenly the other line just hang up when you were about to say hello ?
Seriously man. It's almost 2011. Can't you get any lamer than that ?
And yes, don't text me asking who I am. If I ever get a hold of you, you won't see another sunrise. Seriously. If you're clever enough to get my number without me knowing who you are, then I think you're not THAT DUMB to figure out who I am.
*note the despise tone*
iii. Accusations.
Seriously, it's like waaaaaaay against my principle of life if someone starts judging me and accusing me of what I haven't done.
It sickens me to actually think that they have the right to tell me off.
Even my family. Seriously.
iv. Break up.
I hate that word. I do. I just hate either it is for better or for wrongs. I just hate it. Sorry.
v. Unappreciated.
Seriously, this has come to a point that it is not even annoying anymore. IT HURTS DEEP.
You tried your best, gave your best, but no one seem to acknowledge all those hard work. Gosh, feels like punching the wall again. Seriously.
vi. Backstabbers, Liars, Cheaters, Bitches, Jerks, F*ckers and etc etc.
This is common. So thats why I'm putting it in the same list.
vii. Provoke.
There those who are clever in making jokes. But there those who are dumb in making jokes.
My friend, to your circle of friends, you might be funny. But just so you know, not everyone is the same as your circle of friends. So, walk out that stupid shell of yours, and check the real world for once.
Cause if you're not funny in making jokes, then I feel as if you're provoking me.
And with that, I AM ANNOYED. Thank you :)
viii. Late.
I hate waiting. I don't mind for 5 minutes but, for freaking 1 hours ? 2 hours ? HELL NO WAY !
so yeah, Late :)
so there you go.
hope anyone of you guys if have any free time, you guys can do this tag thingy ;)
have a nice Merry Christmas :D
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

This is sad.
These are the movies that I haven't watch but really want to watch.

grr geram X(
sentap dengan jojot and nurul sebab diorg dah janji, tapi diorg pergi tanpa saya :(
sentap dgn nasquin sebab dia pergi tgk jugak tanpa saya. hmph

grr geram :(

and many more. but I kinda forgot. oh well :'(
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

confused about this post ?
read the first post here
i. Of course eat, sleep, shower, drink, poop, pee, walk, sit, pray(if i'm not period) and non the less, living. All of that happens every single freaking day. So yeah, that pretty much sums it all for number one. move along~ lol :P
ii. FACEBOOK. Now that's a must these days. But once i'm back at Lendu, Facebook will be the least option. As what they all said, Part 3 is the craziest sem. Well I have to repeat one paper, so I guess it'll be VERY crazy. Oh well
Karma always bites. And I deserve it I guess. move along~
iii. Songs.
seriously, I'd be lost without songs and zikrullah. yeah, I can't say that I AM REALLY REALLY RELIGIOUS, but I know where I stand.
iv. Dance.
whether there's song or not, I'll dance my day away. Lol and thats just how much I love it.
v. Sing.
Do I need to explain this ? Nope. Not at all :)
vi. Azlan Sulaiman.
Ok my oppa is soo conquering my posts. Lol
He is a must in everyday. Call, sms, Facebook IM, Skype. And I even sacrifice my time and money to spend it with him at his workplace.
heh, wonder if he will ever realise how much I've given him. move along~
vii. Sudoku.
I love playing sudoku. Oh wait I already said this on the last post.
Oh well :)
viii. Youtube
errgh now I realise how boring my life is at home. I don't go out much except going to Oppa's workplace.
ix. err.. *thinking thinking*
God, I can't think of anything else -__-'
I don't really watch TV. Oh right, piano.
Ok don't want to think anymore. lol
See ya.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

yey ! I manage to do this hair.
err ok, nampak sangat kebosanan tahap 7 langit di situ.
but it was REALLY SIMPLE with messy steps. though it was ok with alil tutorial from Youtube.
so yeah. BORED TO DEATH and forcing oneself to sleep.
haish.. :|
ps; i wish my hair was longer, but then again, i'm not even sure what i'm gonna do once it is long. what style suits me. urghh. tomorrow going out with this hair.
i hope my hair stay fabulous for tomorrow. seriously, don't be so mean to me.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Dahlia. I know you've posted this ages ago. But I couldn't complete it cause by the time it was Day 5, I'm already on vacation.
So here I am, to redeem myself :)
others can also join too you know. I miss those tag posts.
Atok and Fazra usually would tag me on those kinds of posts. haha
missed my blogging days :)
oh oh since we are already there, might as well I tag you guys. OKAY ATOK AND FAZRA, you have a challenge. let's begin ;)
Day 2 : Nine Things You Do Everyday
Day 3 : Eight Things That Annoys You
Day 4 : Seven Fears/Phobias
Day 5 : Six Songs You're Addicted To
Day 6 : Five Things You Can't Live Without
Day 7 : Four Memories You Won't Forget
Day 8 : Three Words You Can't Go A Day Without Using
Day 9 : Two Things You Wish You Could Do
Day 10 : One Person You Can Trust
i. I'm hyper. But we all know that, don't we ? What we don't know about me is that I can easily break as easy as I laugh. And that's fact.
Not a surprising fact though cause mostly everyone is like that -__-
move along~
ii. I love Sudoku.
For those who don't know what is that, NO IT AIN'T SOME SUSHI OR A JAPANESE NAME.
Seriously man, get your facts right -__-
It's a puzzle game. Some may say it's complicated.
My brother qouted, "Setan mana ntah buat game yang setan macam ni"
Well, he can say like that since he's not good at as I am :)
Don't ask why I love it, don't ask how can I be good at it,
Cause it just happens :)
iii. I love taking pictures. Candidly.
I love to take pictures of scenery the most.
Stars, Oceans, Rainbow, Lights, Sunsets, Anything that soothes the eyes.
I love taking pictures that words can't describe.
I love, I love, I love :)
iv. I hate taking pictures of people who ASKED ME TO TAKE THEIR PICTURES.
Here's a piece of an advice. Ask people politely to take your picture.
Don't act as if you're an effing superstar. Seriously, who do you think you are, going around ordering me like I'm some kind of your photographer. You don't pay me, SO BUZZ OFF.
People nowadays just don't have manners anymore. Enough said.
move along~
v. I love dancing, singing, acting.
Enough said :)
vi. I'm married to Azlan Sulaiman.
err I don't even know why I'm writing this. But hey, I'm just randomly picking my facts up. So yeah, it's pretty much acceptable. lol
vii. I love playing Sorority Life at Facebook :D
It first started at Myspace. Didn't when or how but after I know all the tactics and how to win the game, I became obsessed of leveling up.
The game was too easy and too simple. All it needs is strategy and patience. Cause it could take quite some time for the levelling up process to take place. But it's awesome.
The game has no end, so you can play until you got so bored that you puke. LOL not literally of course.
viii. I can play piano as well as guitar.
oh I'm a multi-talented person as Kaklong Huda always say :)
ix. I love rainbow. That is why I love colourful things. White, pink, blue. Any colours even dark colours. Cause I can be as hyper and emo at the same time. heh
yeah I'm complicated in that way.
and lastly,
x. I love Disney. Very much.
Who doesn't, right ? :)
so there you go. Ten random facts.
Whats yours? :)
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

That we can't download through internet anymore ?
That they can trace us and sue us ?
Cause that's a HUGE LOST TO ME MAN.
Songs, Videos, Animes. Gosh what am I going to do :(
And dude I do not enjoy the fact that I'm still at episode 58 of Fairy Tail.
ARGGHH I appreciate FairyTailDataBase is uploading those english subbed Fairy Tail episodes, but I just wish they would speed the episodes up :(
erghh, oh well. Beggars can't be choosers.
But the fact that Lucy is getting stronger just wow-ed me ! awesome man ! :D
ps; still can't get along with Malaysia'a sleeping time. oh well :)
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

but it's not, is it ?
lonely again.
ps; It is an unfortunate that my phone turns to zombie at Europe cause it has no international roaming. So I had to go around secretly using omma's phone or daddy's phone to freaking text someone who i miss dearly.
The sad thing is, after arriving in Malaysia, things just went even more worse. And now I actually wish I didn't have to go back to Malaysia.
That's how sad I am.
pss; I wish I could be less emotional and sensitive. Or better yet, no emotions AT ALL. Amin.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Sometimes, you don't have to be in the picture TO BE THE PICTURE. Sometimes, when I hold the camera, and the picture is beautiful, knowing that I create that picture, makes me feel pretty as well. And not to mention satisfied. I mean hey, that picture wouldn't be existing if I didn't take it, right ? Different people, ...different camera, yet same angle of an image can create different picture, no ? Well to me, yes :)
~fsi, 15/12/10, 6am
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Incident in the train station.
Now this is some effed up DRAMA HERE. so READ THIS. seriously.
We were trying to find the right train to hop on.
And we did found, but we weren't sure if it was. Then suddenly daddy yelled that it was the right train.
But the siren sounded meaning the door was about to closed. I was in front of my family, so I was the first to get in.
All of a sudden the door was closing. My family tried to hold the door.
But nothing could be done. The train had start moving and all I could do was a single punch at the train's door and yelled "Omma."
Alone. In a train. Separated from family. In, Paris. With no handphone.
From a noisy hectic compact crowd, the only sound that could be heard in the train was only the train. The silent was killing me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I felt like I was naked in public for the first time.
I was ok that time. I said to myself, I have to get off the next stop hoping maybe they might do the same looking for me.
But then a woman approached me. "Do you speak English?"
"Don't worry dear, all you have to do is just get off at the next stop and wait there. Your family might look you there. So don't worry. If anything happens, go to the police or call your parents. Okay? Don't worry."
Okay. I know that woman was just trying to help and I really appreciate it but it made me more terrified.
I mean, what if they end up going straight to the place we were heading to? So should I get off the next stop or just go straight ahead ?
Dude, I have no phone. Damn, daddy should have given me the phone! But then I couldn't call anyway, cause I have no international roaming.
DAMN ! What am I to do ?
The period pain stings me again. And the coldness of the weather went through my body like poison.
I was frigthened to make a decision.
What if some guy take this opportunity to snatch me away ?
The train stopped.
I immediately got off.
I didn't know what was on my mind, and I couldn't control my body, but as I step outside, I pray to Allah hoping this is the right choice.
And the train left. My mind went blank.
Things went through my mind.
It was like the devils were whispering, making me fear, scared.
I can feel warm tears on my eyes ready to burst any time.
And then a guy was looking at me up and down, trying to approach me. I was terrified, I looked around. There were 3 other strangers. I was not alone.
I walked the other way and sat on the bench, looking at the map like a clueless puppy looking for it's master.
I kept praying to Allah, hoping everything will be alright. I waited for the next train to come.
I stand as the train moving in and once it opens, I looked around hoping I could find faces that I know, faces that I love.
Faces that I am separated.
Non could be found.
I sat back again. Lost, confused, helpless. In any second my cheeks will be raining with tears.
I looked around, knowing those voices.
Alas, there they were, running towards me. I felt like the world was falling back to places. My mother hugged me and everyone was relieved.
"Macam mana alang tergerak hati nak turun kat stop ni? Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah. Nasib baik takde pape."
"Pandai pulak alang."
One to another keep talking. I was so relieved that I cried and laughed.
The funniest thing was, I was never afraid of the fact of me not finding them.
I was afraid of they not be able of seeing me again.
Paris is one fierce place. If pickpocketing is easy for them, then human traficking is easy for them to right ?
Dude ! I don't wanna be sell !
Okay, now that's a drama queen. But then again, this is a drama anyway.
so who's to say I CAN'T BE A DRAMA QUEEN :)
ps; weirdest day ever.
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, travel
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

"Why him? Why are you not afraid of yourself changing from loving him to loving another?"
"Now that's a funny question."
"In 2,3 years, who knows ?"
"Because I know. Not to boost myself or anything, but because I know myself better than others, and not to mention past has resulted the same ending, that's why I fear of him changing, cause I can control my feelings, but I cannot control his. And that is why I fear of him instead of fearing myself."
"But you can't control fate."
"That is why we have Allah to trust in, to keep our faith strong in our heart, so that we can still keep going, and to always remind ourselves why we are with those who we are now. I believe that if we trust in Allah, everything can be done if we want it to be done. Don't you ?"
~FSI, 15/12/2010 8:09 am/1:07am
enjoy :)
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

hahahhaa :p
2) sgt2 friendly. mula2 jumpe da bising. hahahah :p n hyperrr. nampak mcm always in positiv...e mood. XD
3) u always showed us ur love PUBLICLY. haha. love it.
4) bnyk! ingat i guling2 kat blik u mcm ulat gonggok tu?? haha
5) Pyramid. bcuz u ade nmpk ckit2 (ckit je ok) mcm Charice. heheh
u're awesome sweatheart. Love yah! ♥
ps; i tak jumpa picture kita berdua je ! maybe dalam lappie i ! nanti i cari !
grr hehe i love u mr sheffield ! :D
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

She wrote this for the status thing ! :D
1. MMS!! hahaha..
2. first time i noticed u is when u volunteer for Penghuluwati.. i was like, apsl budak nie hype gler ek?? hahaha.. then the next day, u tgor gee and then u duduk selang satu kerusi dr i ble u nmpk pic jay at my hp, u tros pndh seblh i and then i,u and gee dok rancak berbual abput korean artis especially suju ^^.. so jay kinda help us get together :)
3. you are not afraid to be yourself and to speak your mind. you do your work do matter how hard. you inspire me :).. you are not afraid of challenge and you protect and care for the people that you love and that are close to you..
4. too many... the first one is the part where you seat next to me after seein jay's photo on my hp, then during ppkp, we sang during the ending and then we have our own photoshoot at dataran keris, ber"bangla" at my room early second sem, trip to puncak alam, trip to pengkalan balak :)
5. sorry sorry... we kept singing that song during mms and also hero by mariah carey
hope u are having a blast on your trip.. miss you :')
saranghae ♥
ok thats not enough to show you that I cried really hard when I read all those wall posts ok. I love you guys so much and miss you guys badly :')
I love Jay because it fated us two to meet :)
and betul2, byk sangat memories kita :D
and betul2, kita siap pasang video suju la, and then dgr slow2. just nak stay awake :)
i love you KAKLONG !!! :D

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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Like my status and I'll tell you :
1. How we met.
2. My first impression of you.
3. What I like about you.
4. Favorite memory with you.
5. A song that reminds me of you.
6. Dare you to put this on your status. :)
so i liked Ann's status, and she posted on my wall this:
Ann サッチ 1. Again, Huda Binti Kamarudin played her role... XD
2. Noisy, noisy, noisy girl.. (But your speech at the end of MMS changed everything... ^^)
3. You are noisy. But that just means you're fun to be with ^^
4. We seldom met/ hang out together, don't we? But I like it when I just passed you by otw to somewhere and you shouted my name~ XD
5. The song that you sung during the competition. It was a medley, I forgot what the songs names are ^^;;
hahah i love her !
haha I AM NOISY ?
and i can't believe you actually remembered my speech at MMS :)
gosh i love you :)
and the medley was "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys and some Siti Nurhaliza song that i forgot it's title. haha XD
hahah thx ann :)
that is so effing true man :D
but i have my moments aite :)
i love you ANN ! so much :) miss ya :)
thx again :)
ps; can't wait for geeja's and kaklong's ^^
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.