"if you ask me not to leave you, then i won't leave you. but if you ask me not to love you, then i'm sorry. i just can't do that."
"of all the lies that i've heard, I LOVE YOU was my favourite"
emo yet, i love that.
i got that from asyue :)
wanna know who's that ?
well she stays next to my room :)
we got close through dance training :)
she's tall and skinny and pretty
of all people, she keeps LOADS AND LOADS of quotes.
seriously, she's amazing :)
oh wait, i end up talking about my next door neighbour -__-'
anyway, this picture was taken during busking.
the lighting was awesome, so i decided to make her my model.
well alot of people had to be my model that night :D
i like this picture alot :)
and i love the person in this picture alot too !
no matter what people say, i will always love you.
things was rough back then, but i still believe in second chances.
just don't be afraid, if you are on the right side, then there's nothing to fear.
truth will always reveals itself.
that is a guaranteed karma :)
oh more quotes
"it's already hard enough for me to say I LOVE YOU. now you're leaving me slowly, what am i suppose to do ?
throw away my feelings? "
well i'm in hurry right now.
i'm just onlining cause i was bored of waiting to take shower.
oh well :)
at least i update this blog :)
i miss blogging so badly.
and i miss reading everybody's blog -_-'
i miss you fazra ! nuha ! at0k! :)
and loads more whom i can't write out cause it'll take more than an hour.
haha now thats a full mouth :D
till next time, toodles ;)
ps; wouldn't it be nice if you just say what you mean to say ? :)
lies are just tiring, don't you think ? :)
Labels: friends, quotes, uitm life
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

last night we had the most terrible rain ever.
lightning flashes from one to another, thunder everywhere.
not only that my life went from exciting to VERY HECTIC.
rain was not only the main problem,
i had a pre-competition to represent my kolej in Santai Kebudayaan.
and a forum was being held at the same time, and the reason why this forum is important is because you got stamp for college's activities.
and unfortunately my stamps are still incomplete to ensure i could still stay in this college next sem. CRAP
oh oh to add more problem,
at the same time as the forum and competition was being held,
how crappie my life would get ?
cause today has answered for me !
seriously, i mean, we spent practicing marching from 8 sumfing and end like 12 midnight.
and not only that, i slept late and then today woke up at 6.30 am !
and straight to perkad,
and thank god i survive the heat, the sun (why am i repeating this, cause it's important for you to know how hot it was today), and stand through the opening ceremony and closing !
and i marched, well.. okay ?
it doesn't matter.
as long as i don't have to repeat next sem !
win or lose, thats beside the story.
(we lost anyway)
and now i'm rushing to go take my bus off to do my duty taking care of artists and singers at MiTC.
exciting ?
yes, no. maybe ?
precisely :(
my feet is sore.
oh yeah, did i mention last night my sport shoes got ripped again ?
yeah, the same sport shoes i used during MMS.
the one i sent to get fix. well sewed to be precise.
but now it's ripped again.
so now i am left with no sport shoes.
erghh !
rushing rushing.
can't wait to go back home :(
ps; i miss you !
i hope you feel the same way.
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, uitm life
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

this song precisely reflects how i feel right now, and i dedicate this specially for,
heh YOU >:)
Playing God - Paramore
I can't make my own decisions
Or make any with precision
Well maybe you should tie me up
So i don't go where you don't want me
You say that i've been changing
That i'm not just simply Ageing
Well how could that be logical?
Just keep on craming ideas down my throat
You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back
And break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror
If Gods the game that you're playing
Well we must get more aquainted
Because it has to be so lonely to be the only one who's holy
It's just my humble opinion but it's one that i believe in
You don't deserve a point of view
If the only thing you see is you
You don't have to believe me
But the way i, way i see it
Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror
This is the last second chance
(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm half as good as it gets
(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm on both sides of the fence
(I'll point you to the mirror)
Without a hint of regret i'll hold you to it
I know you don't believe me
But the way i, way i see it
Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror
I know you won't believe me
But the way i, way i see it
Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror.
ps; i still love you, STUPID
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

to cry for no reason.
i mean sure.
there's gonna be that one day or one night where you feel like just sitting alone, probably listening to the wind or even songs, and you end up with tears on your face.
at times like this,
have you ever asked yourself..
were you crying because you were all alone, or because you FELT so alone ?
and do you really need someone to be by you side just to say,
"hey, whats wrong?
cmon, tell me whats ur problem. maybe it'll ease the pain alil.
hey, i'm here. aww"
the thing IS...
what should i say if i was crying for nothing ??
i mean..
i know it's weird to cry when there's nothing wrong.
that is just it!
i just felt like crying!
that's all.
and it may be alil pathetic but i just can't help it..
but it would be nice if you don't talk that much..
just sit by my side and hold me close to your arms and..
just say you love me..
there's nothing you can do if there's nothing wrong with me, right ?
so stop talking as if there's something wrong with me !
just be there..
"you say it best, WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL"
they don't just write songs blindly, you know.
it gotta means something.
is it so hard ?
to just look into my eyes, and mean what you really want to say to me ?
to just say those three words with passion and honesty?
wanna know something funny ?
i have been pretending in alot of situations.
i never thought this is the worst situation i've ever been.
i thought that pretending is already in my blood.
so why is it hard for me to do this ?
what is so damn different right now ?
have i become too honest with people that i can't lie anymore ?
heh, i still smile even when i'm sad.
so whats the effing different now ??
urrrgh !!!
what is wrong with me ?
am i really that different now ?
am i really that weak ?
to those who is reading this,
i still love you..
but probably tonight i'm just TOO selfish to think straight to even pick up the phone or knock on the door to cry on your shoulder.
it would be nice, but it's better if i just sit infront of this lappieto and cry my eyes out while my roomies are fast asleep.
i need to rest.
got another exam.
hw nice -_-'
yup there goes the first smiley in this post.
ps; i miss those dozens of kisses and hugs.
i miss alot of things..
i miss those lil things that gives butterflies to my tummy.
those sweet things that would lit up the smile on my day.
you know ?
can't have you, can't live without you
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, PROBS, sadness, uitm life
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i don't even know why !
i am suiciding myself by posting all this pictures.
to prove how ugly can be pretty.
yes, i took your words, happy ? :P
but to be honest with you, after i took all these pictures,
i suddenly realized how i don't look bad at all.
i actually look cute ? :P
fine ! so what if i'm vain with myself ?
who else gonna treat u nicely other than urself right ?
said and DONE.
anyway, remember my last post ?
the "call me 'budak separuh gigi besi' " ?
here's the continuation.
we're reaching the climax.
let see how long the suffering begin shall we ?
lets mark 19 of march 2010.
here's more pictures of how ridiculous i became while taking pictures.
i've sent mms to jojot, cause i promised her once i got my full braces that i would show.
and i've sent mms as well to my hubby at Lendu.
and the words that i got from him was..
"U, i mintak break ble?"
haha !
yes, very funny oppa 0__0

it started all sweet and cute.

then it started getting vainer.. -__-'

and then it gets pretty ugly and ridiculous -_-'
is it just me or i've been using the word ugly, ridiculous so many times tonight ?
hyakuji hyakuji :)
oh well :)

i had to smile like this so that you can see my full braces ok !
it hurts actually when i smile like that -__-'
it is SOOO FAKE 0_0
oh and i took all the pictures above using my phone cam.
which is kinda cool that it turned out okay :)
here's a collage of the pictures i took using my baby D3K

yeah, i love my baby D3K :3
oh damn ! i am most confident to walk out of this house without feeling of being watch ! :D
where did i get all this confident ?
i do not know !
but all i know that i am pretty braces or no braces !
it's not about the outside, it's the beauty within :)
i'm tired.
i did this post for certain someone satisfaction.
but in the end it became my satisfaction :D
oh how cute i am with braces :)
haha i better stop now.
it annoys me as well -_-'
yes ! i know ! there's alot i need to update !
but don't worry, at least ur up to date with how i look like ! :D
ps; i will listen to Anita the psychic.
i will watch and let things happen :)
toodles ;)
taylor swift - crazier
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, factaboutfasya, love, my things, uitm life
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

dear jojot,
i am writing this like i am sending a letter.
eventhough we are actually in a cyber world, that does not mean we can't act like we are from the 80s who still haven't yet to discover what is computer.
without going out from the topic,
i want to start off by saying I MISS YOU.
enough said.
it occurred to me that during the last holiday (which is CNY) we did not had much time to spent a slight moment for each other.
i understand for we have been too busy with our studies life that we couldn't even spare a minute to talk to each other.
i for one, feel very sad and guilty.
you took the liberty to actually sms-ed me and asked how i am doing,
while i just daydream about u but never pick up the phone just to say hello.
but i hope that i can make it up to you.
i heard that your finals are coming up.
with finals are up, that means holidays are coming as well.
i know that you and i are in a dilemma state which are excited and scared for the finals and the holidays.
but whatever the consequences and the future will bring,
i just want you to know,
many things i wanted to tell you.
how i am doing here.
how my life has never been so dull lately.
it has been too colourful with many things that i could not even describe.
yes, there are days where my life felt so EMPTY.
but i know that you wouldn't want to see me crying alone.
still, i am very sorry if i ever did shed tears alone.
some things are inevitable.
everyday is an adventure to me.
there are no day that i can say i feel so bored.
i have been so active that i could not believe i am this energetic.
but you would.
cause you know how hyper i can be, right ?
there are also days, where i face so many problems.
actually everyday, i have to face problems.
i'm not ego.
that is not the reason why i did not pick up the phone just to tell you how miserable i am.
the reason i did not call you is because,
and i was very busy.
but i'm glad.
cause.. well do you remember last year ? haha
do you still remember how i was ?
and do you remember what you told me ?
"jojot doakan sangat farah masuk cepat. supaya farah tak emo lagi and biarlah farah busy sampai penat. at least farah tak kan duduk tak buat pape and then mengenangkan balik kisah silam. jojot taknak farah nangis."
well you got your wish.
i am very busy :)
though sometimes,
missing you and some of my friends can make me feel alil bit depressed.
i hope this letter is not too long for you to read.
and i hope you get this as soon as possible.
till we meet again,
i love you my faraway cousin.
though perak and melaka isn't that far. LOL :P
not as far as England :P
ps; i always think of you everyday.
seriously :)
your hyperly cute sexy bitch cousin,
Labels: famiglia, letter, uitm life
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

for not updating my blog.
for not reporting what has happen around my life.
but boy you wouldn't guess what i had gone through this year.
my life is so hectic right now that even words can't describe.
10 post is not even enough to tell you guys everything.
but i'm glad that 2010 is much more happening than 2009.
errgh no way i want to go through 2009 again.
of course, i started my first job in 2009.
and i build myself from nothing to something.
and there are good times durinhg 2009.
so you see, this post was supposed to be published 4 days ago.
but the wifi at UiTM sucks so bad that it didn't get through.
oh fyi, i am continuing what i left in the draft while having my CSC class.
i wish my class was not cramped up the whole Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
ok i need to make a list of things i need to post:
-we won cheer block for our level ! go level 13 ! :D
-masscom induction was like one month ago, but i still want to post that out
-going out with friends was so awesome. i miss it so much.. huh..
-went for my first date at JJ. LOL
-went to the beach !! wee :D
well kinda mental block right now -__-'
i'll keep it post if i remember more events.
first off i need to post something specil for jojot !
and something about my current boyfie.
kinda personal but heh, there's no such thing as personal once ur reading this my dear ;)
ok off to multitasking between class and blog XD
ustaz alias, please don't hate me.
i'm still focusing most of my attention to you :)
maybe 70% ? :D
and i'm serious ;)
toodles ! :D
ps; i miss you very much.
more than i could have ever imagine.
CSC class
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i'm scared.
that is all.
i am happy.
but yet afraid.
this is not me.
they even said i'm weird.
the fasya that they know is not a scaredy cat.
she ain't afraid of taking risk.
she's up for challenge.
and she never gives up.
i know that.
they know that.
then, why am i feeling so helplessly down?
i need help.
i need someone to hold my hand and bring me back to senses.
i need someone to keep my grounded and strong.
i just need a whisper of faith and strength.
thats all i need.
please ?
do i really need to spell everything for you ?
do i really need to show my real feelings blindly to you ?
is it hard to read me ?
is it hard to see through my mask ?
you're so different.
at times, i feel i need u mre than i need myself.
at times, i'm scared of being with you.
i'm scared of falling thoroughly for you.
it's too soon.
that's what i always said to myself.
can't you see the walls i build so hard between you and me ?
i'm trying so hard to not fall deep.
but u just blow right through these walls, and now i'm left open.
with no hopes and dreams, i can't even stand still.
my ground is unstable.
what i can't understand, there are times,
you will build those walls up again and made me despise you.
i don't want to hurt you, i really do.
but please don't blame me if i was the reason you cry at night one of these days.
i totally need some sleep.
never mind.
just babble-ing around again.
no air
Labels: factaboutfasya, PROBS, uitm life
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.