Ok, Episode 21 was really long ! It went on and the ending of it was at Episode 28 !
gosh, the pressure of me waiting for the ending and the tense of the battles.
well of course they will win in the end, but there were so many battles @_@
Each episode consist of approximately 25 minutes or so -____-'
My head is spinning around *,*
but the story is awesome that I can't get enough of it ! wah ! :D

You see Natsu is like the guy who lights hopes in everyone's heart. No matter how bad the situation is, he will give these sparks inside of you making you believe that there's a way and you end up not giving up, no ?
No matter how annoying, destructive and crazy he is, HE IS AWESOME ! :D
er right, otaku much -___-'
well I'm still waiting for episode 56.
and have I say that I LOVE FAIRY TAIL ?
if I haven't, I LOVE FAIRY TAIL!!!!!!
tak dapat beli kreko pun takpela :P
ps; I don't want these nightmares to haunt me again. Please, don't make cry again :'(
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

my current obsession :3
well I'm not completely obsessed on this but I've been downloading all the episodes from FairyTailDataBase.
I know oppa said his friend has the full season episode, but well, waiting for that is like waiting for Malaysia to snow -,-
plus I have nothing better to do at home this sem break :|
who am I going to argue anymore about anime ? sigh. everything feels wrong.
Allah, please guide me through this :(
I'm so sad that I can't even see my future anymore.
ah, let's go back to Fairy Tail please ?
it's just a waste of time crying over the past -_-
You don't even care about me anymore. hmph ! I HATE YOU !
saeunara !
ps; I don't really hate you. I just hate the way you make me feel.

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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Help me. Guide me. Give me strength to carry on.
Give me hope to walk through this pain. Show me which is the right path for me to take. Cause I'm lost.
With no one to believe in, not even me. Only you that I can depend on.
It is hard.
"Never look back, we said. How was I to know, I miss you so.
Loneliness up ahead, Emptiness behind, where do I go ?
And you didn't hear all my joy through my tears, all my hopes through my fears,
did chu know ?
still I miss you somehow."
I learned that, in any circumstances, NEVER EVER show how weak you are without them.
but then I would just be lying to myself.
then again, I have been lying all my life. So why stop now ?
Whats so different about it this time ?
oh, I see. Cause' it's you.
You're different.
ps; I'm hurt.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Assalamualaikum. Hai.
My name is Fasya.
and I'm afraid of thunder and lightning.
I know this sounds lame but this is me.
I am lame like that.
There it goes again.
At night, where only you yourself can depend, you will feel a weeny bit lonely and weak.
So if you are afraid of thunder like I am, do give me a call. Cause I would appreciate the company :)
"Hey, I'm here. Turn around. Yeah, I'm right beside you. Always. Close your eyes. Can you feel it ? I'm wrapping my arms around you. You're safe with me. The thunders won't hurt you. As long as I'm here. And I will always will. So let's talk something funny to get your mind off the thunder. Or would you just like to lie here and cherish this moment silently ? Whatever you want. As long as you're happy :)"
aww, isn't that sweet ? :')
Wouldn't that just made your day ? You would totally forget all about the thunder, right ?
but I guess, not everyone can get a happy fairy tales. sigh..
but then again, there's no such thing as fairy tales in my life :')
*yes i'm crying with a smile. see how sad i am. LOL*
ps; there's nothing wrong with wanting more.
but there's something wrong if you don't feel like giving more.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i want to say i'm sorry if i ever did wrong to all of you. (aduh mcm ucapan raya -__-)
if i ever hurt your feelings, took something and never give it back, talk backs about you, giving wrong information, made faces or jokes that hurt you, or even misjugde,accuse and semua yang seangkatannya,
i have a lot things going on, like i said before, God really made me realise where i stand -___-'
i am a horrible friend -___-' when will i ever change ? :(
and will everyone forgive me for all the wrongs that i've done ? :(
haish, tak tenang aku nak belajar. takutnya mass media !!! jgnlah doakan keburukan terhadap ku ! :((
btw, i made a new friend, well i can call her a new friend i guess or someone that i just known.
she made me realise that things doesnt have to so complicated and that every thing can be settle calmly. and i was really shocked, cause to me she was like an angel.
well i must say she is just lucky that i'm the type of girl that, well, like mean and bad.
the type of girl who cares if she was the reason that everyone else's life is being destroyed. like RELATIONSHIPS. some may say that friends are much more important than life right ? but if friends respect friends, they would respect their relations too.
i'm just saying based on the fight that i had with Miss R.
err is that too specific ? but anyway, me and her are cool now. i mean, like she said before, Jodoh di tangan Tuhan, if it meant to happen, it will happen.
and she's right. i was just worrying too much -___-'
but again back to my new friend, she's awesome, sweet, kind and. god nothing can describe her -___-'
well anyway, i'm really sorry to her, if i ever caused her trouble and i wish for her the best in life.
ps; i'm so sad that everyone hates me -___-'
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

I'll be the best you ever have. but if you leave,
Fasya, 2:02am 12112010
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

cmon fasya ! new attitude ! new spirit ! new image ! ok scratch that part. new habit ! new style of thinking ! and most important !
peace out !
ps; trying to get back to who i used to be.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

pain from playing tennis can be felt on my left arm.
pain from me bleeding through my private place can be felt throughout my whole body.
stomachache from not enough consuming carbohydrates or food.
college problem. transferring problem. family problem. friend problem. and most of all, love.
nothing can define the situation i've put myself in.
Allah, i hope that this is another plan of yours in making me stronger and understand that i'm still weak. cause i can see that i'm a such horrible human being.
but something inside me telling me through this pain, i must not give up.
though 99% of my life feels like dying is the best solution to repairing the mistakes i've done. but there's this one 1% telling me, if you still love, then don't give up.
prove it, show it.
Yes i did alot of mistakes.
i just need to get up. i have to wake up. stop dreaming.
this is the reality of life.
it will f*, but don't f* it by your own mistakes. let it f* u. and you have to f* it back. but never let it f* all the way without any effort to fight back.
oh god, the monthly pain is pounding. Allah, please spare me and guide me through this.
if this test was to make me realise that i am slightly forgetting who i am, then i'm sorry. i might lose my trail but i'm always on the right track.
I'm sorry Azlan Sulaiman. i'm sorry for all the wrongs that i've done. i'm imperfections has caused you alot of hurt. I admit that i wasn't loyal. but i've always love you. and always will. no matter how much we have gone through, i still want you and need you.
i will wait for you until you forgive me and accept me as i am. i will change myself, my attitude and my imperfections. i'm sorry.
but if fate has set that you find someone else, then i must have been cursed to be all alone. hem.
again, i will always love you. byane oppa.
ps; hurt me, curse me, swear to me if that will make you stay with me and love me.
pss; lets study mass media.
farahsyafiqah binti ibrahim
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i don't even know why i'm here right now. i'm such a pathetic loser.
i think i've been in these mess a thousand of times. and yet i haven't wake up.
you know, starting over sounds nice right about now.
but how many start over must i go through ?
how many laps must i run over again ?
how many new hello must i say ?
how long will these goes on ?
everything happens for a reason. and yet we are still searching for the one reason, aren't we ?
they say we shouldn't runaway from the problem. cause it will make yourself look weak and it won't solve the problem.
but honestly, i prefer calling this as AVOIDING.
avoiding from this problem.
unfortunately, the problem is me.
so how am i going to do that ? how to run from your own oneself ?
hey, like i said, i'm so pathetic.
sheesh how emo can i get ? this is getting crapy. good morning world. let me rest in piece, please and thank you.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

before i leave shah alam for good again, i want to write something here first.
at last, you're 19yearsold. it feels like yesterday i was just celebrating my 5yearsold birthday.
and it feel like yesterday i was getting my first heart break. my first bestfriend, my first enemy, my first boyfriend, my first scar, my first bicycle, my first handphone, my first of EVERYTHING.
whoa, thats a mouth full.
its a sad thing cause i know that alot of my life experience are based on my teenage memories. don't you feel the same way ? but nothing can be change by changing the face. but everything can be change by facing the changed.
heh, i just want to write out my birthday speech, dont want to babble too much.
Daddy, Omma, Along, Angah, Izzat.
no matter how pain in the butt you guys are, and seriously, YOU ARE UNBEARABLE SOMETIMES, but still, i love you oh so dearly.
i could cry just by hearing you saying i love you to me. i don't even know how to show my gratefulness. everything you have done, it's irreplaceable, unforgettable and priceless.
if i'm still a horrible daughter, forgive me. i am still weak here and there. but i just want you to know, i'm trying hard to make you guys proud. i am.
and thank you that wonderful dinner. Chillis are something new i had to adapted with, but to be honest, the food is great, but i still love TGIF better :)
and thats just an opinion, no matter what you stuffed my tummy with, i still love it anyway, as long its not too spicy -___-'

kak aneez also tag along to celebrate. of course you love free food :P haha just kidding.

haha XD sengal la abg aku ni.
adik ku yang G. haha :D
the only boy who will call me crazy but laugh and love me anyway :)
my main course for tonight's dinner ! drum roll please ! (sounds of drum roll)
oh god, i'm drooling all over again.
mutton mushroom, chicken and steak cooked to perfection, Jack cheese all over it with salsa sauce. gosh, em em em ! :9
so yeah, so that's how my celebration went. only a simple dinner. with no cake :(
haha, but i'm thankful no matter what :)
thank you Allah for still letting me breathe another day to celebrate my birthday :)
ps; thank to all who have wished :) i love you oh so much :)
Empire is nice. can't wait for all the stores to open :)
Subang will be my next place to hangout other than Shah Alam from now on :P
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

it's annoying. to see you saying sorry million times but you still don't know what's inside of me. what i really feel.
stupid. ahp peuh da.. neh ma eum ee ah pha...
they say time heals everything. well if i ever see them again, i'll shoot them dead. cause they are wrong.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.