Help me. Guide me. Give me strength to carry on.
Give me hope to walk through this pain. Show me which is the right path for me to take. Cause I'm lost.
With no one to believe in, not even me. Only you that I can depend on.
It is hard.
"Never look back, we said. How was I to know, I miss you so.
Loneliness up ahead, Emptiness behind, where do I go ?
And you didn't hear all my joy through my tears, all my hopes through my fears,
did chu know ?
still I miss you somehow."
I learned that, in any circumstances, NEVER EVER show how weak you are without them.
but then I would just be lying to myself.
then again, I have been lying all my life. So why stop now ?
Whats so different about it this time ?
oh, I see. Cause' it's you.
You're different.
ps; I'm hurt.

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.