i want to say i'm sorry if i ever did wrong to all of you. (aduh mcm ucapan raya -__-)
if i ever hurt your feelings, took something and never give it back, talk backs about you, giving wrong information, made faces or jokes that hurt you, or even misjugde,accuse and semua yang seangkatannya,
i have a lot things going on, like i said before, God really made me realise where i stand -___-'
i am a horrible friend -___-' when will i ever change ? :(
and will everyone forgive me for all the wrongs that i've done ? :(
haish, tak tenang aku nak belajar. takutnya mass media !!! jgnlah doakan keburukan terhadap ku ! :((
btw, i made a new friend, well i can call her a new friend i guess or someone that i just known.
she made me realise that things doesnt have to so complicated and that every thing can be settle calmly. and i was really shocked, cause to me she was like an angel.
well i must say she is just lucky that i'm the type of girl that, well, like mean and bad.
the type of girl who cares if she was the reason that everyone else's life is being destroyed. like RELATIONSHIPS. some may say that friends are much more important than life right ? but if friends respect friends, they would respect their relations too.
i'm just saying based on the fight that i had with Miss R.
err is that too specific ? but anyway, me and her are cool now. i mean, like she said before, Jodoh di tangan Tuhan, if it meant to happen, it will happen.
and she's right. i was just worrying too much -___-'
but again back to my new friend, she's awesome, sweet, kind and. god nothing can describe her -___-'
well anyway, i'm really sorry to her, if i ever caused her trouble and i wish for her the best in life.
ps; i'm so sad that everyone hates me -___-'
Labels: friends, PROBS, uitm life

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.