before i leave shah alam for good again, i want to write something here first.
at last, you're 19yearsold. it feels like yesterday i was just celebrating my 5yearsold birthday.
and it feel like yesterday i was getting my first heart break. my first bestfriend, my first enemy, my first boyfriend, my first scar, my first bicycle, my first handphone, my first of EVERYTHING.
whoa, thats a mouth full.
its a sad thing cause i know that alot of my life experience are based on my teenage memories. don't you feel the same way ? but nothing can be change by changing the face. but everything can be change by facing the changed.
heh, i just want to write out my birthday speech, dont want to babble too much.
Daddy, Omma, Along, Angah, Izzat.
no matter how pain in the butt you guys are, and seriously, YOU ARE UNBEARABLE SOMETIMES, but still, i love you oh so dearly.
i could cry just by hearing you saying i love you to me. i don't even know how to show my gratefulness. everything you have done, it's irreplaceable, unforgettable and priceless.
if i'm still a horrible daughter, forgive me. i am still weak here and there. but i just want you to know, i'm trying hard to make you guys proud. i am.
and thank you that wonderful dinner. Chillis are something new i had to adapted with, but to be honest, the food is great, but i still love TGIF better :)
and thats just an opinion, no matter what you stuffed my tummy with, i still love it anyway, as long its not too spicy -___-'

kak aneez also tag along to celebrate. of course you love free food :P haha just kidding.

haha XD sengal la abg aku ni.
adik ku yang G. haha :D
the only boy who will call me crazy but laugh and love me anyway :)
my main course for tonight's dinner ! drum roll please ! (sounds of drum roll)
oh god, i'm drooling all over again.
mutton mushroom, chicken and steak cooked to perfection, Jack cheese all over it with salsa sauce. gosh, em em em ! :9
so yeah, so that's how my celebration went. only a simple dinner. with no cake :(
haha, but i'm thankful no matter what :)
thank you Allah for still letting me breathe another day to celebrate my birthday :)
ps; thank to all who have wished :) i love you oh so much :)
Empire is nice. can't wait for all the stores to open :)
Subang will be my next place to hangout other than Shah Alam from now on :P

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.