Be a witness, Not a judge. Focus on yourself, Not on others. Listen to your heart, Not the crowd.
ps; Notetoself; make a difference for a start.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Right now, I just wish that you were here. Regardless you dont understand how I feel, regardless with your stupidity to criticise my stupidity, I just want you right here by my side. Cause I miss you.
I deeply aching, missing you.
Oh God. If this is one of those times when I feel like I'm giving up in life, well maybe I am.
Huh... I just feel like shutting my whole world and disappear.
I just want to disappear..
I just need to getaway and to find my peace.
My way back. Cause I'm lost.
God, I'm lost.
I'm sorry...
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

I just found out that one of my ex-classmate from sek18, is getting married to one of her classmates in Maktab.
Eventhough you didn't invite me, let me just say silently through my blog, Congratulations.
I would understand clearly why you would not invite me, I mean, we merely just colleagues. And for the record, I think you had something against me when I first entered the school.
Nonetheless, I'm still happy for you. I'm not as evil I wish to be, or evil as people think I would be.
Speaking of marriage, doesn't it seem most students that just finished diploma is getting either married, engaged or.. married '_'
Gosh.. I haven't even write out my feelings yet, thinking of it has made butterflies all over my stomach and heart. And not in a 'LOVEY DOVEY' way.
Its just, I've been considering the options that I might have after diploma. The pros and cons.
Its, I thought.. I had it all planned out. And I was pretty sure I figured out what were my decisions.
But, as always, God planned ahead of me and twisted all my dreams into something... into an option in either changing my life, or staying where I am now just to secure what I have now.
Now that really hurts, God. Cause you make me think twice of what I can actually achieve in this world. But I guess I'm grateful that you still realise the existence of this sinful human being. And I'll always come back to you.
There are times when I feel, it's too good to be true. But after what we had been through, I can't help but to think that this could work out. After what I had done, it is nothing compared to your forgivingness, caringness, lovingness.
And thats when fear crawl upon me. Fear that I might make the biggest mistake of my life. And it always has to do with letting go of something so precious within me.
The true question, which one is to sacrifice and which will give more pros than the cons the other option offers?
ps;Should I change my life, or miss my flight ?
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

2 post in One night
Well done fasya. It must be due to all that soul music you've been listening to.
Here's one of my favourite. I would post you the song only. But when live, it sounds reaaaally good and better than records one.
so please skip to 5:50 or you can enjoy his performance. Whichever you like :)
enjoy <3
I can only give you love that lasts forever
And a promise to be near each time you call
And the only heart I own
For you and you alone
That's all
That's all
I can only give you country walks in springtime
And a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall
And a love whose burning light
Will warm the winter's night
That's all
That's all
There are those I am sure who have told you
They would give you the world for a toy
All I have are these arms to enfold you
And a love even time can't destroy
If you're wondering what I'm asking in return, dear
You'll be glad to know that my demands are small
Say it's me that you'll adore
For now and evermore
That's all
That's all
If you're wondering what I'm asking in return, dear
You'll be glad to know that my demands are small
Say it's me that you'll adore
For now and evermore
That's all
That's all
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

So my brother bought David Foster and Friends concert cd and dvd, kay. And once we got home, he puts it on and it blazes out such wonderful old songs that had been a hit song up until now. I ended up crying watching such musically talented people. Its the same feeling as watching a person dance awesomely, but i dont cry due to the person's awesomeness in dancing though. LOL 0_0
It's just.. the music was like food for your own soul. It was soothing, it was peaceful and.. huh, it was a perfect little called, song.
And to imagine, these amazing songs were written by this one guy. And watching him and the songs performed live, gosh, i could feel every inch of my body had goosebumps listening to it. And my heart had never had this beating, ever since I laid my eyes on my first crush. But that beside the point, just to clarify how awesome the songs were performed. haha
But seriously, for those who are soul music lover, you should really buy the cd. You would be sway be the songs :) its different when it is live.

ps; Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Celine Dion. Gosh I'm in the mood for jazz and soulful music <3
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

So last friday (night, yeah we dance on table top).
Ehem. As I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself :P
I went out with Queeny and Gjie, to release our tensions of staying in our house for 2 weeks without doing anything productive -_-
I think last minute plan turns out pretty well :D
Anyway, it has been from one fairy tale to another. What surprised me that there's two movies that decided to adopt from the same fairy tale. Which makes it quite confusing for some people to keep track.
But for me it's easy.
Mirror Mirror is the Snow White version of non stop humour. Yes the Snow White also fights in this movie, but apparently it is not as serious as Snow White and The Huntsman.
For Mirror Mirror, Imma give it 3.5 for the entertaining humour. The jokes were predictable yet thats what makes it funny. Especially the Dwarfs. And Julia Roberts doesnt look that evilish, but she's good in making people annoyed with her character.
The CG effect is so so. Conclusion; it is an entertaining movie for family view.
I suggest to those who love to watch movie with their whole family to watch this.
ps; can't wait for Snow White and The Huntsman in June.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Does this mean I have to watch Footloose ? I've watched the trailer, it was that old cliche movie trying to save the old dance and stuffs.
erghh Well I did asked for an adventure this sem break. And I did promise myself to actually memorise any new steps and any kind of dance moves. I guess maybe this is.
Well then I have alot of work to do then. I've got three songs to get into shape.
Yeah the other two songs are frm School Gyrls. I recently found out about them from their feat with Wonder Girls, who would have thought I like their old single. And it had this awesome beat which makes it more easy to choreograph and follow some of their steps. Well then, off to bed and start the work out program ;)
ps; Thanx Jerel. Bogoshipuyo :)
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Sometimes, it takes a lot of courage with a dozen of faith for you to take that step that could change everything. There are times when that step might not be the one you want. You might wish you didn't stumble upon that option. But we are not God. He planned everything for us before we were born. We were just going through the choices that He had put for us.
But let me just say, I would give anything up just to make everything right and goes the way I wish it would be. But maybe its for the best. And maybe soon enough, I might find out what are the reasons behind all of that had happen to me.
Maybe giving up, is the only option left for me. Funny, I have no tears left to cry. Its all used up. Never thought not able to cry is much more worst than never to get the chance for you to know how much I actually loved you.
and I hope you find it, what you're looking for, which you couldn't find in me.
ps; The only wish I had was to not end this way.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.