So my brother bought David Foster and Friends concert cd and dvd, kay. And once we got home, he puts it on and it blazes out such wonderful old songs that had been a hit song up until now. I ended up crying watching such musically talented people. Its the same feeling as watching a person dance awesomely, but i dont cry due to the person's awesomeness in dancing though. LOL 0_0
It's just.. the music was like food for your own soul. It was soothing, it was peaceful and.. huh, it was a perfect little called, song.
And to imagine, these amazing songs were written by this one guy. And watching him and the songs performed live, gosh, i could feel every inch of my body had goosebumps listening to it. And my heart had never had this beating, ever since I laid my eyes on my first crush. But that beside the point, just to clarify how awesome the songs were performed. haha
But seriously, for those who are soul music lover, you should really buy the cd. You would be sway be the songs :) its different when it is live.

ps; Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Celine Dion. Gosh I'm in the mood for jazz and soulful music <3

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.