i did promised didn't i :)
well i was kinda embrassed to do it all alone. so i asked my bffl to dance with me.
she's a better dancer than i am, i swear -__-"
i'm kinda thinking of making a FULL video.
so, anybody who is free and in the mood of making a video dance?
i already have the idea for the video and the choreography, so anybody?
the video will be like plenty of people of dancing to this song and funny acts will be include.
it will be so much fun!
seriously, i'm in the mood for director, singing, dancing, strumming and editing right now!
my mind feels like its gonna blow up because of too many ideas explosion in so many way -__-"
oh yeah, anything different about my blog? wee :D
-sushi kings always makes me smile :D
while in the car.
daddy: " asal masam ni? "
dlm hati marah sebab semua nk mkn kenny rogers :(
after finishing salmon steak at sushi king.
daddy: " nape alang senyum2 ni? oh baru skrg nk senyum"
semua gelak :D
-you are SOOOO BAD IN BEING A GOOD FRIEND, my 'friend'
- haha lawak ' bestfriend' LIVES till this very day. haha
just like old time, or shud i say last year -_-"
- so i love miley cyrus's songs, you have a problem? :)
- trust me, the bad guy will never be ME :)
- you'll regret. thats all i've got to say you.
- i hate you, eventhough you are my brother. i swear to god, i DO.
ps; " SHUT UP, you talk too much. "
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i realised that i don't usually sing malay songs.
i was strumming the michelle branch - everywhere song.
suddenly . .
i had an inspiration to find the chord for juliana banos song since the chord almost sound the same as the song * not really -__-", only the strummings that are the same *. but i
couldn't find the chords, so i strummed it on my own. never tot i was that brilliant :P
enjoy :)
Ku di belakang kau dihadapan
Bila ku marah engkau ketawa
Dengan selamba engkau berkata
Kita berdua jauh berbeza
Langit dan bumi tapi serasi
Ku cintaimu kau cintaiku
Itu saja yang perlu kau ku tahu
Kuharap bicara cinta
Kau cerita tentang bola
Ku ingin bersiar-siar
Dikau baca surat khabar
Bila ku terus keluar
Kau tertidur tidak sedar
Ku pulang rumah jam tiga
Kau pula cemburu buta
Ku ke kiri kau ke kanan
Ku di belakang kau di hadapan
Bila ku marah engkau ketawa
Dengan selamba engkau berkata
Kita berdua jauh berbeza
Langit dan bumi tapi serasi
Kucintamu kau cintaiku
Itu saja yang perlu kau ku tahu
Sepelik-pelik manusia
Oh! Dikau mengatasinya
Dan mungkin ku juga gila
Kerana masih bersama
Tapi mungkin kerna itu
Ku tertarik kepadamu
Biarlah orang mengata
Cinta kita cinta gila
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

we sold out TWICE.
preparing the stall
yes ex smks 9, thats william, karthiy and natasha
they're in my class.
loo is also taking stpm but he's gonna leave for pilot next year :'(
its fun seeing friends again :)
new friends! kids, don't try this at home -_-"
from left; neereindar, sarab, JAYA, ruban ( back ) and farhaan
farhaan has left for uitm :(
ps; NO TINI, he's not my HUBBY, WTH -_-"
pn nourul sarah, our class teacher :D
" beli float ni! nnti insya'Allah kamu dpt A dlm physics "
syuiada and tini
i know! her name is the same with my TINI! haha XD
except her name doesn't have izreen :P
yes thats the kartiniizreen i'm talking about.
ada yang lain ke dlm dunia ni?
they said we look the same -__-"
do we? 0_0
ps; tini, kita dua org je melayu dlm kelas skrg! XD
he's name is ashley, aka bapak ayam. BAHAHA
just kidding ash!
oh wait, its that how to spell your name? -_-"
moley, i pun boleh goreng kentang la -_-"
:P haha
budak yang mata tutup biler senyum
haha, not really, her eye are just so sepet when she smiles -_-"
razanah gui aka nana :)
i love her so much
drift drift! it was awesome man!
yes, at hari kantin, drifting show was there as well.
it cost like 5 ringgit for the ride, and the ride is only about few minutes -_-"
but i didn't care, i WENT FOR IT ANYWAY :D
you might not feel the adrenaline that i had during that ride,
but nisa suruh i ltk jugak video ni :P
haha! nisaaaaa! i miss you :(
* wanna noe whos nisa? scroll down babeh :) *
tada! thats loo! :D
jaya aka kaki buli -__-"
i swear to god, one day dia x buli aku, mmg x sah :P
tada! this is nisa :D
cute kan? :P
i love her so much :)
she always made my day
but now she left for stinking uitm :<
ok xde niat pun nk kutuk uitm -_-"
face painting!
this girl all of a sudden became close to me ( the one who is painting )
she had this badge with big bang's T.O.P pic
but i didn't quite sure of it, so i asked her.
she said " what? you know T.O.P ?
who doesn't :D haha
she gave me a free face painting after the long talk we had about kpop :)
sweet girl :)
thats the boys of my class :D
haha jaya! i cover muka u! tak sangka u pendek rupanya haha XD
don't ask, budak2 laki kelas i mmg semua senget2 kepala diorg. haha
tini 1 and tini 2 haha
dua2 sama je gediknya -_-"
haha just kidding! oh i am so dead when tinis reads this -_-"
haha tinis XD
haha :)
empunya kereta myvi biru :P haha
you know ily aite? :D
budak baru balik dri uk :P
they rock my world, and they always will :)
adam, ash and fasya :)
ps; i know! muka ash klakar kan? :D
argh! i miss you man, hope you get well soon from that fever :P
haha both of us kene buli and being accused of having h1n1 sebab i dgn dia x sihat -_-"
natasha jahat :P
conclusion: i had a wonderful time that day :)
these are the pictures i took from jaya,
he kinda edited it.
which was kinda cool, but i pretty much prefer original pics than edits.
but he's good with it.
ps; JAYA! i still want the original pics! -_-"
jadi promoter sekejap :P
oh sebelah teacher, thats chris! he's our class monitor :)
jaya loves him , bahaha XD
tini, and thats devika, she's a new friend as well :)
and thats CHRIS, haha flu guy -_-"
natasha!! :D
did i mention that she is our assistant class monitor ?
she's awesomely hardworking :)
haha, i don't know why i grab this pic, but i kinda love looking at this pic.
jaya is a great photographer.
oh thats me! showing my butt! haha
promote tropicana life sweater! haha
what the hay? i didn't even notice him taking this pic, i don't even remember when i did that FACE! -_-"
why most of my guy friends always take pic of me when i look ugly -_-"
yes, i'm talking about you too BEAR BEAR -_-"
haha XD
neereindar looks gay-ish affectionate to chris -_-"
my boys :)
bahaha, i can hear jaya swearing and cursing when reading this from a far -_-"
formal :)
free style! :D
i love my class :) eventhough sikit je org -_-"
haha, if i have to be stuck for 1 and a half year doing freaking stpm, i'm glad i'm stuck with you guys :)
he asked me to act like crazy, i tried, but in the end i laugh -_-"
but i think i do like crazy in this pic 0,0
haha thats me :)
crazy fasya :D
so i guess thats about it for the hari kantin.
i kinda need to step it up because i haven't been updating for a long time.
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, happy moments
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

an old saying " jangan gelak banyak sangat, nanti nangis. "
i once asked the first person who told me that * kakya, i miss you :( *
she said it was in a bad way.
till this very day, i believe in that saying *i always say this saying at every end of my laugh moments* yet i am trying to prove that the saying is wrong.
weird? i know. but thats me.
everyday, every time i laugh. i always say to myself, don't laugh too much, cause you're gonna cry in the end.
and eventually i did.
but i did try to fight it.
i guess emotions are really dangerous.
thats why " don't take it personally. " saying comes along.
why am i babble-ing this at my blog?
because i had too much laughs today. not that i haven't in these past few weeks.
if you know me well, i laugh everyday. even when there is nothing to laugh about, i laugh because there isn't.
so apparently i'm waiting for the moment that i'll eventually breakdown to tears now.
but that doesn't mean i WANT to cry.
i DON'T want to.
i've cried too much. and i think, ... em.. i think...
i just think i'm tired of crying.
i mean, i really want to prove that the saying is wrong.
i want to be able to laugh everyday, alot, no matter how much or TOO much regardless of what
ppl might say of me, * yes i might look crazy but as long as i'm having fun, I DON'T care of what you think. *
and not cry at the end of that day.
yes, there will always be rainy days. but... i don't want my life to be.. no, my life OF HAPPINESS to be limited because of some silly old saying.
we would cry soon, i WOULD.
i would cry now. but that doesn't mean i can't laugh all i want.
there are reasonable times to be serious and there times to enjoy and.. to feel ALIVE.. right?
i want to LIVE my life. not... go with life...
em.. what's really funny right now, my eyes are like burning now, and in any minutes if one slight mistake, i might cry.
and my nose are already runny and my throat are soring like hell and i can't even sing properly which really stress me out the most.
and NO people, i'm not getting the VIRUS. pfft
seksyen 2 is CLEAN. i think lol -_-"
and no, i'm not crying YET.
huh, i don't know what to say anymore.
not that i don't have any idea, there so many, i'm just thinking everything is not related that this post will not make sense at the end of it -__-"
i need, something to pull me up. to pinch or punch or slap in my face, at least SOMETHING, to wake me up and tell me STOP LIVING IN MY COMFY DREAMLAND!
and no, saying this doesn't help at all.
HONESTLY, i miss the people who would scream and yell at me " HOI! mkn ubat skrg. " " HOI! jgn mkn bende pedas. " HOI! jgn minum air sejuk. "
i swear to God, i hate nosy people but these people LOVE ME SO MUCH. thats why their being bosy and nosy in every single slight thing of me.
and God, do i miss them hell now.
i just want to hear them say those words. thats all. haha
argh! i can't even think straight right now.
- gjie is going, but i'm not crying. weird -_-"
-i have infected christopher with my flu! muahaha
- i love him. and i'll always will. SO?
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, sadness
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, my voice, songs
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

finally finally! its here people! its here! * singing finally from fergie *
i have succeed on uploading the important videos!
this is it! fazra fazra! cheers for you babeh! and hope this'll help you to sleep tonight -__-" haha
and najwa, i know you love this song kan? :) where are you anyway, dh lama x tgk u update blog -_-"
this is the piano version.
while this one * pointing the below *, is the GUITAR version. * heaven's humming *
* trumpet of victory! *
amboi, ada ada je dgn sound effects dia -_-"
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i need to redeem myself, as in topup-ing my blog.
trust me, i have TONS of things to do, and not to mention my homeworks -_-"
urgh ok ok, apakah reason writing this blog anyway? to release stress kan?
so release release! pfft flashbacks ~
oh ps; BEAR BEAR, i nk video "saranghae" and "tell me" yg i buat gile2 time kt blakang umah farhah tu haha
yeah, i did alil bit romeo and juilet scene that time X)
what? well, i just think it kinda suits the moment that ime X)
bear bear says i'm crazy X)
yeah! haha
budak dlm penjara!
please ppl! tekan gmbr ni utk tgk dgn clear ape yg actually dier tgh buat!
lawak! i swear XD
fasya: dia kan ada debate.
farhah: are you sure about dat? cause there's no way i'm gonna fall for your dirty tricks again! :P fasya: dia ada debate la. dh jgn kacau i! i tgh men game gaia online ni! :P
but i never said he wouldn't come :)
but seriously bearbear, TERKEJUT GILER KOT, biler tgk belakang, tibe2 u ada kt atas motor
following kitorg, dh ar time tu tgh ckp psl u -_-"
sah u akn pjg umur haha, badan dh ar tinggi :P
well xde ar tinggi sgt haha
ape? ingat i takut dgn u ke bear bear :P haha
you tu dh ar STALKER haha! ok ok moving on :P
GOOD :D haha
eleh tutup tutup pon, semua tau tu kau farhah :P
eh wait, bear bear, you dh kawen ek ? :D haha
dude, finally! one video dpt di upload.
skrg ni tgh tunggu 4 lagi video.
argh!! boleh mati klu camni! -_-"
argh!!! stay still you laptop.
and stay still you font!
if i langkah satu dua tiga line, biar kan!
jgn la gedik sgt nk rapat2 kan balik huruf2 tu!
ingat ape, community huruf2 ape -_-"
kenapa mereka memboikoting daku, sedangkan aku ni yg tgh type korg -__-"
and why am i saying like i'm insane!
oh wait, i am. lol :)
agak ar, dh pukul 4 pagi. no wonder.
over dose sugar -__-"
HONESTLY, i'm actually effing sad right now. but does it really show?
naah it doesn't kan?
haih, rindu mempunyai seseorg utk bercerita dn dipeluk :(
- i am determined to publish a post where two videos of me singing the climb song in guitar version and a piano version.
i WANT TO, i need to.
- gabebondocgabebondocgabebondocgabebondoc :)
-i actually felt loved and cute when a guy pat my head -_-"
- saya sayang awak, senantiasa
* WHOA -_-" *
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.