I'm tagging ALL OF YOU.
seriously, i'm calling out all of you to do this!
do not use excuses as in your busy. i'm busy too.
but i still have time for fazra, lol :P
k then, see ya ;)
love ya!
you are awesome if you're reading :)
and you're still awesome even if you don't read this :)
1. who is the awesome-est person who tagged you? (don't forget to link)
Well, fazra tagged me! haha, you never stop do you? THANKGOD :) haha
love ya babe ;)
2. tell us something about you..
- name Farah Syafiqah, but i'm pretty much known as fasya, and i actually prefer to be called fasya. lol so if you call me farah, i'm sorry if i ever didn't reply back :)
i'm the only girl in my family but that doesn't mean i'm spoiled. seriously, i'm not. kan kakya? :)
-i love sushi. haha some might not enjoy sushi, but i can never get tired eating sushi. it has proven when i was having dengue. lol
- I'm taking stpm in sains, but doctor is so not my thing. i'm not gonna give up on my dream. i'm gonna go for masscom.
well there's more but even one year is not enough to write it all X)
3. what is your reason to blog?
- i started blogging because it seems interesting to me when i saw queeny's blog last year.
right now, it has become some place i would blurt out my feelings or update some interesting info about world :)
4. list and link 5 favourite post from your blog..
damn, this is hard -_-"
- stop :)
i made that story. its because, that time, i find it hard to believe in others.
i find it hard to believe in life as well. and it hit me, if i can't believe in anybody at all, Allah is still there. at least THERE IS SOMEONE TO BELIEVE IN.
everytime i think this, i'll cry in smile.
-Bukit Cerakah; 3 segmen of Mylife #1
that was one of the greatest day of my life. i was so damn tired after that day.
eventhough after that day, i cried like hell because of spm, i felt thankful that i went out with them.
i love jojot, i love kakya, i love kaktati, i love mama ( maklong LOL ), love abg dwan, i love abg said, i love paklong and ofcourse, the day would have been much greater if you were at malaysia that day abg cepoi. LOL
nothing can top that off ( ok maybe the first of everything day can still top everything off ), except for my wedding day. if that ever happens in my life haha
- =)
-school can be nice and cool sometimes
just because i love living in memories, doesn't mean i don't live my life.
hey, this is me. just stop judging what i do. and i love this post. so WHATEVER lol
-i wish you'd knew
another story i made.
honestly i love all the posts i made. cause it means alot that i let something out rather than keeping it inside like i always do.
i hate pretending. funny, sometimes what we hate to do, is what we always do conciously or unconciously...
5. tag 5 awesome people and inform them that they have been tagged by you..
- Everybody
- that
- knows
- and
seriously, i'm waiting to read yours too :)
ps; thanks fazra :)
love ya! xoxo
i miss my friends soooo much :(
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.