ye, saya mmg pandai pengaruh orang :)
punya la byk part2 dier -_-"
and punya la lama tunggu download. oh note; to the ppl yg nk tgk, sila bersabar semasa tgk episode 4.
dailymotion adalah satu2 nya videouploader yang ada episode 4, and punya la LAMBAT LOAD DIA* seriously! LAMBAT GILER -_-" *.
oh and episode 11 tidak dijumpai di mana2, so sila rajinkan diri anda utk cari kt youtube.
jgn risau, youtube ada engsub punya version :3
THANKYOU valancy1 :)
there were many quotes * yes, i took the liberty to wrote down every single quote i found, i even pause the video just to wrote it, bahaha *
It’s still okay, its still okay because it was love.
And eventhough I know you won’t return to me,
we’re still connected
this is the first time I’ve ever felt this way
“we can see each other once in awhile”
Those casual promises were exchanged,
even so its okay..
my wish didn’t come true
that you would come and love me again
the fleeting wish I made was
to see you again today
It’s still okay, its still okay because it was love.
Before I realized it,
You refused to even meet me.
I though of how I was left all alone.
Shouldn’t I be glad to forget about those time?
But aren’t these tears the reply?
A heart cannot be lied to.
I’m even afraid now to remember now,
Your scent, your action and your everything.
Funny isn’t it? I laugh when I say it
Eventhough we’re apart, I think about you only.
A love like this is so painful, a love like this is so sad
I know I should not think of you,
But I do.
You’re the one I can’t forget inside
The one I’m completely devoted to
Even if you never return again
But its just you now and its only you
Nothing but you.
there were two videos i found at youtube that had different kinds of translation.
ah.. times like this i wish i could speak and understand japanese fluently * gazing to the sun *
oh yeah, asal the last three episode, diorg x ltk ayat2 qoute lagi dh?
hem, never mind -_-"
Perhaps you’ll find out once you’ve crossed it.
My love may have started that day."
"Our first encounter was by chance.
Our second meeting was destiny
If this is true,
Is it also our destiny to pass each other by?"
"You can’t put your true feelings into words.
I can’t express my important feelings.
If the two of us could exchange the feelings in our hearts
Would we see..
Would we see that destiny is on our side?"
"There’s so much I want to tell you,
There’s so much I want to hear.
But if after learning everything, our love breaks…
Then I’d rather be as I am now."
"When I think about my friends…
When I think about the one I like
There’s something important that always out of sight…
Is there really anything out there I can count on?"
"I never even realized
So many people were there protecting me.
The important thing was that I
Had to lose them to realized it."
"Why is it? Why is it?
That we think it’s
So Important
That we live without hurting anyone, I wonder?"
and the last one was " is everyone well? "
that kinda hits me bad, cause well... you know..
everyone has gone their own path...
and i am definitely missing my bestfriends soooo much...
i actually ask myself that question everyday...
but i think... what i should have ask myself was...
haha it doesnt make any sense is it?
em... watashi wa, honto ni genki des.
yoshinba, watashi wa kanashii desu.
soshite, watashi wa kare o natsukashimasu.
anata, daisuki desu.
zutto watashi dearou.
ah, babble-ing again.
sorede mo ii.
demo, oshiawase ni.
datte, aishiteru.
em, ai tai.
ki o tsukete.
ja ne? :)
bottom line; i enjoy watching it. this is the first drama that made me sad so badly that i didn't cry. seriously i didnt :)
-mulut i x lekang2 dri berbicara dlm bahasa jepun.
bahaha even dlm birthday card mama pon terkuar bahasa jepun skit, sedang time tu tgh tulis bahasa korea XD
-i love meaningful songs :)
-sudoku is addictive 0,0
-apa lagi drama jepun yg best ek? :)
-sepanjang hari ni, saya belajar bahasa JEPUN SAJA.
so sila maafkan klu telalu byk bahasa jepun dlm post ni :)
ps; " AI SHI TE RU "
~thegirlwholovesandalwayswilllovenoonebut *

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.