hebat nya kau fasya!
engkaulah pelakon wanita yang terhebat di muka dunia ni!!!
practically, i don't know you anymore ...
i mean seriously, who are you? i mean, i know you are me, i mean practically you're living in my body. but i just can't seem to pinpoint whether are you REALLY ME?
it must be hard for you. its weird and sad. its weird that i pity you. * i am pitying myself ? *
and it's sad, that i AM YOU.
go ahead. put that show again. on and on. the crowds awaits.
as you smile and act your scene, you pitied yourself and despised that you're such a hypocrite to others. and TO YOU.
" oh what a shame! life just doesn't go my way. " " oh i musn't harm others happiness just because i am in pain. " " oh, whats the point anyway? they wouldn't understand. " "i must tears in silent . . . "
funny thing is, you tried SOOOOO hard to hide, yet it reveals more than you could ever imagine. so are you a good actress, or a bad pretender?
" such misery less company. " " the more you tried to help, the more you burden them. " " the more you try to smile, the more your heart cries. "
will there be any good sunny day in your life? or you are blinded by the clouds of tears and sadness that you couldn't see the good things passing life?
" there isn't any good things to begin with. "
ah pessismist, i presume.
you are a funny character my friend. not only you're talking to yourself, you're practically making others confuse of your utterly weird post -__-"
to add this weird situation, instead of going to your bestfriends and letting out your feelings, you kept them inside. you're wrecking your heart bits by bits and destroying all the hopes you had. and pouring it onto this innocent, mindless blog.
yet it doesn't even make sense at all.
have you ever had that day? when you just feel like, you're not yourself?
i had. i have always had that feeling.
i can imagine farhah cursing and swearing at me right now if she finds out i'm not letting this go.
" how could you! i'm suppose to be your bestfriend! for the better or worse! plus you promised to cry only with me! "
lol i'm tired of depending on others.
its just not right.
ofcourse, i would love to have a shoulder to cry on, to have someone to hug and said " its alright, you can cry. i won't look. i'm here. you have the right to cry. so just cry. "
but suppose after i cry, it would make me feel much better right? thats why we actually cry and talk out our feelings to others. to express ourself.
it should have.
but it didn't.
whats the point?
this burden. this pain. its all on me. so why i shud i put it on other as well?
pfft, babble-ing again my friend?
from all of this, there's only one thing i need to know straight from your heart. there are many questions i want to ask, yet i think you'll be too speechless to even answer it.
one thing. just one question.
were you ever real? were you ever true? were you ever exist? to me?
or were you just some fairy tale, that i read when i was little girl?
funny thing is, even when i was little, i know fairy tale isn't real. and it never will happen. especially in my life.
are you that?
because everything was so real to me . . . * wiping tears * that i couldn't accept the fact you're just a fairy tale.
the weirdest thing is, haha. . . * pause * i still wish upon those falling stars.
and hoping that this fairy tale, could actually. . . be real. for once.
~miss invisible, enough said.
Labels: love

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.