arghh!! lembapnya loading -__-"
ish ish, fasya jgn merungut. atleast you dpt jugak tgk secara online and free. lol

akai ito, meaning red threads. but kt iklan tv diorg tulis threads of destiny? -_-"
punya la susah nk cari dgn tajuk threads of destiny, boleh plak kuar psl star wars.
sorry, i'm not a big fan of star wars. saya nk cari drama jepun, bukan star wars -_-"
i want to watch it at tv but..
sedangkan The Accidental Couple pun selalu miss -_-"

punya byk title drama ni -_-"
argh! time time stpm ni jugak aku start addicted balik kepada korean drama and japanese kan. and time time ni la! baru kuar cite2 yg mcm ni kan -_-"
ok i love boys over flower, but it just reminded me all the same korean drama i've watched ( winter sonata, stairway to heaven and etc )
and it bores me alil bit. * conflict,conflict,conflict,lost of memories and more conflicts *
honestly, i haven't even watch bof till the end.
so this kinda freaks me out that i'm actually continuously stuck everynite, on the sofa of my parents bedroom, from 9 to 11:20 pm.
The Slingshots ok ar, but i don't follow it much.
but definitely following from the first episode of Hello, God until now :D

i feel so sad for Day :(
i mean, stupid bitch. that mentally handicapped guy ( well he's not an OKU anymore after the surgery ) has done alot for her, but damn, she is still in love with that doctor yg x hargai langsung.
biler dh lama2, baru nk hargai dia, SENGET.
aku benci doctor tu, SOMBONG.
ah, dengan contoh2 reaksi yang saya tunjukkan di atas, ini bermaksud mereka yang berlakon telah berjaya melakonkan watak mereka sehingga membuatkan saya beremosi sebegini -_-"
seriously, cerita2 begini wujud dalam reality. its not a fairy tale.
except for surgery fact, dah berlaku ke dlm dunia ni?
satu pembedahan yang boleh menukarkan seorg mentally handicapped kpd budak normal?
ah esok xde hello god kan? :(
mysoju.com, help me! onegai! eh jap, asal kuar jepun lak -_-"
oh akai ito dh habis load. ja ne! ;)
- i know i know, dh kul 4, urgh -_-"
problem seyh
- I NEED TO SEE YOU, faham?
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.