i should have done this long before you go. but i've just been busy. i didn't even do a post on your birthday.
lets make up for it when you got back to shah alam k.
you better come back to shah alam. i'll hunt you down to lendu if you don't.
i miss you. so yeah. LOL
i am honored to be invited to your house for the first time. haha
giler susah cari umah u kot -_-"
but don't worry, nnti i pindah 7, i akn serbu umah u slalu :P
but you won't be at 7, since you're at lendu. urghh
now i sound so lonely -_-"
i came straight from hari koperasi, tau x?
so i didn't took my lunch just to see you.
thankgod you masak gjie :)
yey! i get to taste your cooking :)
and it was... err.. LOL just kidding!
it was awesome my dear :)
urgh, now i;m hungry -_-"
nanti i dtg mkn lagi ok? ;) :P
i swear to god, your house is SOOOOO AWESOME :D
aiyo, plasma la plak -_-" LOL
eh eh! tgk! i kt dlm tv! haha or shud i say, kt reflection tv je -__-"
boleh x for once , kita x sebut pasal gemuk? -__-" LOL
pandai masak, men gitar, tinggi, putih, pndi nari, pandai menyanyi. what else?
haih :)
i'm lucky to have you as a friend, lol
err, kenapa aku slalu kwn dgn budak2 yg hot ek -_-"
for example, * sorry nk selit something skit :P *
eh jap, salah gmbr -_-"
um never mind. terus kan je dgn blog 0_0
* senget, habeh aku kene buli dgn farhah -_-" lol *
the last song i get to hear gjie play before she goes..
sigh. i love you babe, and i'm glad we are still close.
i hope that in the future, it will still be the same eventhough we are moving on.
huh... things definitely change alot this year.
good? bad? heh. i don't even know...
all the best my dear. hope you do well there and take care of yourself.
" i don't want to brag, but to me, You will always be my friend :) "
Labels: friends

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.