hem.one of my time when i dunno how to start my post. might as well state it in da post. lol oh wait i do got sumfing to say. second monthiversary!!!! :D yeah. its my second month wiv zacky wacky. :) now who said we cudn't last huh?? we'll show u! all of u! lol u ave to accept da fact dat love is full of surprises. sometimes it keeps u high and strong, and at times u can't expected, it hurt u deeply that u feel like ur scared of facing it and neva wanna be in it anymore. but dats just it. everyfing dat happen, it happen for a reason. when everyfing is done, u will realise dat it all makes it worthwhile. nothing is easy as u want in life. but it is never impossible. u just gotta believe in it. it takes courage,sacrifices, patience,honesty,toleration and most importantly love. to u my friend, i ave said sumfing i shud ave neva said.i guess i was too stupid dat it slip out my mouth. i'm so sorry... (uncompleted post)
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

here i am, 2:46 in the morning doing blog. this post was suppose to be about les fab when i was writing it few days ago. but i dun wut stop me from writing da post. and now i forgot wut was it that i was going to wrote on dis post. oh well.. new day new post. haha
its not dat i can't sleep. its juz dat i miss dat sumone n i've got loads of things in my mind. i hate it when dat happen. i got da syptoms of insomnia when things are so cramped up inside me head! yes yes i know. its ' my head' not ' me head'. well screw u! haha
plus amy ask me to download loads of songs for him n his cuzin(i think). well they put me in alot of problems! i ave neva download and put songs in ipod b4. so how da heck i wud noe! its not dat i'm complaining or anyfing. plus i'm happy to help ppl. its juz dat they shud ave known betta all dis stuff themselves n give me instruction. when i tried to sync the songs into the ipod, it said dat if i sync, all the data and files in da ipod wud be lost n replaced wiv da new ones. geez like dat wud help me. not to meantion i didn't noe dat if we save in da library of itunes, it wudnt like save directly into it. it is juz a backup files dat needs the real original location like windows media player n etc. so when i delete dis whole folder full of files dat i aven been downloading for 5 days. it was all gone! shit.. not to meantion i aven't sync it in ipod yet. now how da heck am i gonna download it again. ugh prob n probs. not to mention tomorrow mybe i'll be aving a physics test at 2syen. shit! i aven't studied. n all my hmwrk is still on hold! n here am i still doing dis downloadings stuff n writing dis blogs juz to past da time while itunes doing da syncing.. wait 4 a sec. lol juz checking whether da syncing is finish.
damn i'm wrkng so hard on dis! not to metion i still haven't recovered yet da deleted files. 49 files ppl! it sound little but to find n download all of it takes huge time! especially when u ave a very low and slow n stupid modem connected to ur computer! lol
i may sound cool or juz being hyper n all. but i'm serious ppl. i am extremely mad rite now! i cud roar if i want to! i cud even kill sumbody rite now. ......... lol do u believe it? i can't believe it myself either. i'm smiling for god sake! but dat doesn't mean i enjoy dis. i do not enjoy dis. note to self! do a backup file. wait dats not it. oh yeah. b4 delete, think!... ah... dats not rite either. oh i get it. stop helping other ppl!! help urself will ya! lol i wish i cud shot all dat words n plant it in my head. coz i can't seem to understand da princip of help u b4 others.
damn! i must have waste ur time reading all dis stuff rite? haha
oh guess wut is the greatest part. yup there IS a greatest part. all of da songs dat i tried to sync juz now. well i deleted it thinking my job is done(when it wasn't!).. n now in da ipod too.. ave already gone! yey me. wut am i gonna do now. em em em! yey me! for aving so many problems. huh.. so sleepy! shit. i am so damn tired rite now.i'll think of sumfing i guess... eventually. huh..moose.. i miss u...really badly..i ain't enjoying being so away from u and obvly i ain't enjoying dis! lol. oh well..life juz ave to move on. huh. till then.. toodly woodly doo!
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

i'm feeling so fucked up rite now. hey you! r u serious dat ur apologizing to me! for god sake. all i need is not ur apology...well at least a sincere one.. but did i get it? not at all.. instead ur sleeping ur head off n snoozing while i'm keeping all of dis to myself! dun u realise dat i need u! nufing else! i know i know! its b'coz of da hope thingy! well i dun want to point fingers here but everyfing juz crashed down everytime i build it up u know! life is juz like dat. but i dun care! i still luv u! huh...dun u believe me?? y....y can't u understand...i dun need anyone other than u... he can comfort me loads of time..but da person dat i want n need....huh...i need u....y.....instead of u....tears is accompaning me....n it goes on every nite.....i hate dis....am i so bad....i guess i dun deserve being happy..i'll juz ruin other ppl's happiness instead....might as well let my feelings bottled up inside....da thing dat i hate da most is dat i'm gonna go to school today and act as if nufing hppn in front of everybody...i'm da greatest actress in dis whole entire world...ok then! lets put on dat fake smile...oh wait...its already on. haha...huh...i'm so stupid...
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

hem.u may all think dat when i say better, i mean like literally better. but actually i'm juz being sarcastic my dear. da reason i didn't went to schl today is b'coz ;uno:tired, dos:lazy and tres:stres!!!
have u eva had dat feeling sumtimes dat u think or maybe know or feel dat there is dis sumone dat really understand u and u can depend on them/he/she anytime.. but then again everything crashes in front of your eyes. you started to realise u can neva depend on him/her/them.. or anybdy else.. coz when u start to depend on sumfing, ur putting all hope on them. but when it turns out all wrong, you feel so hopeless and is like falling from the highest builiding.. mountain, and there is no one to grab your hand from falling vry hard..your falling so fast that the wind feels like knife cuts rite through you. lol i'm being so emo! well anyway u get da point.
i'm juz saying dat there are times when u want to feel needed,protected,cared.. loved. but life is juz like dat u know.sumtimes we're up.sumtimes we're down.u can't run away.its how u balance urself when ur up, and down.so think again.
life isn't about them.its about u.u determined how ur life shud be.hey.. if they throw u trash, dat doesn't mean u ave to throw trash bak at them.well u do ave the rite to throw trash at them.. wait think again. do u? or God ave da rite to do dat? :] we have a mind. a perfect mind that has been given to think clearly.sumtimes ppl neva appreciate things dat has been given.thats y they make mistake n blame others for it.
i'm juz saying.. instead of throwing bak trash to them, y dun make use of it? turn it from trash to sumfing wonderful. show to them no gooders that no matter how low they throw u.. wait. us! no matter hw low they throw us and put our hopes down, they dun determined our life. we decide! wtv they do, they'll neva bring us down. cause the glory of winning is not in da counts of winning, its how u get up from losing.
i know i know. sumtimes it's juz easier said than being done. but guess what? the more u believe in it, the more it is easier being done. :D so believe in urself will ya? coz who else dats gonna believe? winning usually comes from 1% of supports but 99% of it comes from urself. ahaks! Y AM I BEING SO MOTIVATIVE! then again this is my blog. so wut da heck aite??? :D well toodles. sumbody ask me to go to sleep. so i think i shud. tata for now! :}
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Katie, don't cry, I know
You're trying your hardest
And the hardest part is letting go
Of the nights we shared
Ocala is calling and you know it's haunting
But compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright
And when we look to the sky, its not mine, but i want it so
Let's not pretend like you're alone tonight
(I know he's there)
You're probably hanging out and making eyes
(while across the room, he stares)
I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor
And ask my girl to dance, and she'll say yes
Because these words were never easier for me to say
Or her to second guess
But I guess
That I can live without you but
Without you I'll be miserable at best
You're all that
I hoped I'd find
In every single way
And everything I would give
Is everything you couldn't take
Cause nothing feels like home, you're a thousand miles away
And the hardest part of living
Is just taking breaths to stay
Because I know I'm good for something
I just haven't found it yet
But I need it
So let's not pretend like you're alone tonight
(I know he's there)
You're probably hanging out and making eyes
(while across the room, he stares)
I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor
And ask my girl to dance, and she'll say yes
Because these words were never easier for me to say
Or her to second guess
But I guess
That I can live without you but
Without you I'll be miserable at best
Ladada ladada ladadaoh ohhh
And this will be the first time in a week
That I'll talk to you
And I can't speak
It's been three whole days since I've had sleep
Because I dream of his lips on your cheek
And I got the point that I should leave you alone
But we both know that I'm not that strong
And I miss the lips that made me fly
by : Mayday Parade
a song that suits one guy that i know. the first time i haerd this song was in my bro's car.it really hit me bad.plus with the melody. really touching and alot of meaning. to him, do take care of yourself. 'coz i care for you. i still do. no matter what. but life has to be carry on. we can find happiness anywhere, love. juz look deep inside you, for you have alot of ppl who care, no! not only care, love you! so be happy. and be thankful each day and love to live & live to love! huh.. everything is much easier said than done.
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Labels: love
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Labels: birth of sumfing new
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.