but a promise is a promise :)
so here it goes.
10 hottest man !
um, honestly, i don't rank them.
cause to me,
they are soooo sexay that they make me drool all the time X)
oh wait, i've checked fazra's post again.
it's suppose to be 10 APPEALING MEN.
ps; i do not have a solid celebrity crush for i don't really go gaga over a celebrity for a long time.
i just like them when they act on the movie.
once the movie is finish. so does my feeling -_-'
ok. first off !
meet Ewan McGregor :)
my obi wan kenobi

ok, i fell in love with him when i watched The Island.
the one he was in with scarlett johansson.

he was so cute when he was blur about the human interaction :)
and and i fell in love with him even MORE when i watched him in Moulin Rouge yesterday.
that is why his picture is the first one i put here.
because he is the first person that comes to my mind about appealing me -_-'
he sang awesomely in that movie :)
i want to buy the cd once its out :D
oh yeah, and he plays obi-wan kenobi in star wars :D
2nd Lee Dong Wook

look at him :)
i could post a thousand pictures of him but it's still not enough to show how adorable he is :)
i've fell in love with him when i watched him in My Girl Korean Drama.
awesome drama.
i bought the soundtrack after watching the drama :)
oh and when he has the hobo looks.
as in when he doesn't shave,
well, i dont know why.. but he reminds me of my ex -__-'
in a good way though :)
3rd Jake Gylenhaal
![[jake gylenhaal] banner Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u69/photo_shot/examples/CH17exampleB.png)
oh please tell me this reminds you guys of some guy you know :D
gjie ? queeny ? anybody ?
thick eyebrow, puppy eye ?
arghh XD
ok ok cool down :)
have you guys seen him in 'Bubble Boy' ?
funny. awesome man :)
he was as cute as puppy :D
and he is !
and have you guys seen his muscle.
kudos to him! he can be sexy and cute and muscular.
he has so many characters X)
i love him. i love him i love him i love him !
grr :)
4th Channing Tatum

why him ?
well practically because he dance :P
and his muscle 8D
and he has that cheeky smile of his.
and when he talk, he talks in a cool way :]
bahah XD
5th Robert Hoffman

he's funny, he's sexy, he can dance.
and he has that cute casanova smile.
like, DAAAMn ~ haha :D
haha both 4th and 5th are from step up movie X)
6th Daniel Henny

do i really need to explain this ?
like... [i am pressing each and one of these words] COME. ON.
LOOK at him !
he's adorable, he's sexy, he's just.. pfssh ! most guys go gay BECAUSE OF HIM OK.
and thats A FACT :|
i'm getting tired -_-'
7th Hugh Dancy

he's messy. but if a guy's look reminds me of someone that i love,
then i don't care.
i'll fall gaga over him instantly.
but seriously, thats the truth.
oh he's from "Confessions of the Shopaholic".
yeah, he's the boss that Isla dance with and fell in love with.
i can't think of anyone anymore -_-'
because i don't remember their name 0_0
i remember their faces.
yeah, thats fact about me -_-'
remember faces, don't remember time and date -_-'
8th Lucas Till

i remembered him !
the guy who looks so cute in Taylor Swift's video.
and the guy from Hannah Montana.
haha if it wasn't for the movie, i couldn't google him X)
he's cute ? :)
actually, i was going to put David Henrie.
but.. i keep look at him like he's some kind of..
a teenager ?
when he is like 2 years older than me ?
he's not appealling.
he's... attractive :)
pfft, the same meaning KOT -_-'
never mind, i'm gonna put his picture anyway :)
oh, and i know fazra likes him :)

so yummylicious :)
9th Ryeowook

it wouldn't be complete if i didn't put ryeowook in this post :)
it's like forgetting who i really am [not really] :D
he light up my way through the darkness.
and i'm very thankful :)
he's just adorable isn't he ? :D
10th Nickhun

the world has gone mad !!
since when i become madly obsess with nickhun.
no, i will never go back on ryeowook ! X(
no ! stand still fasya. *melting*
pfft, it's no use -_-'
hubby ! :D
fuh, ok, now i'm back to my senses :P
so yeah.
thats it.
i have done it.
i'm sorry.
there's alot more celebrities that i go gaga everytime i see them on tv,
but i just can't remember their names :/
oh well
i'll post if anything happens.
cool :D
i'll make a folder for hot celebs.
at least it'll be easy for me to remember those hot hotties hot guys ;)
toodles !
ps; i've done it fazra !!
and and i love you !
and i miss u !!
i'm sorry that i haven't been able to update my blog :D
i've become lazy over this CNY -__-'
dontknow why :/
pss; thank you hubby for helping me :)
he gave me a list of hottest guy through his opinion.
never thought that most of it kinda what i like too.
great minds think alike ;)
let's play a love game :)
Labels: hot celebrities, tags

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.