alot has happened during that time.
even words can't explain how bumpy the road i had to faced just to be here right now writing this blog.
one thing for sure...
i could have gone home today
i could.
since i was given an exception to not go to my 10:30 am class :D
something you will never understand ;)
but seriously, i can go back hme and wrap in my favie blanket.
my own bed, and hugging my family whom i miss the most ! :D
FWB, will you be home this friday ?
heh, maybe not -__-'
i'm coming home everybody.
one week of holiday is all i need now.
i have been skipping classes and laying on my bed hoping the time would pass quicker so that i could go home :)
well, it was unintentionally !
i overslept !
so i missed my class -__-'
don't worry, i've already topup everything that i missed.
well almost. LOL
home here i come !!
ps; most of my friends said that i look stressed these days.
aimi is worried if i have problems with my classmates.
it's nothing people.
i just want to go home badly.
thats all.
running around everyday is fun, but i need rest too sometime.
energy has to be topup too ya know ? :D
though i will miss all the friends i made here.
good or bad, you guys had stood by me :)
love you guys loads ! :D
pss; FWB, i want to see you.
i can't stand this pain.
i need HUGS :(
somewhere i belong - linkin park
Labels: friends, holiday, uitm life

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.