be patient.
i have 4 events that has pictures to be uploaded into facebooks.
and each of these events consist of more than 100 pictures.
and you expect me to upload those pictures in one night.
my BUTT !
oh fyi, it's the time of the month.
so don't play play.
it's not my fault if you ended up crying because of my harsh words :)
i haaaaaave warned, have i ? :)
and how many times should i have to tell you ?
not in a million years.
no matter how many times you write down those cheesy meesy words,
i ain't gonna fall for it.
so stop it.
just STOP IT :
jojot said;
" jodoh tak menentu. bercinta lain, berkahwin lain.
kalau dapat berkahwin dgn true love, itu namanya rezeki."
with all my heart, wait.. i take that back since my heart is empty.
with all my will, i deny all this.
jojot said;
"it's hard at first. but slowly you will move on and open your heart."
only one word, but it echos trillion times in my head endlessly.
how crappy can i get ?
sometimes i asked myself, how did i get myself into these kind of situations ?
silly, it'll all comes back to me :
err, never mind.
i'm off to bed.
cause no matter how much i tried, i just feel too excited everytime i think about how i am going to meet FWB tomorrow.
do you see how happy i am now ?
can you ?
cause i am.
i really am ! :D
even a thousands of smiley that i can post here, it will still can never reflect how happy i am when i think you FWB :)
my brain says i need to pull myself together,
but my heart feels all jumpy and giggly to even make sense with the brain X)
oh, yeah.
it's the time of the month.
i have warned :)
mood swings spilling all over the place.
i'm sorry oekaki.
oh and i haven't wish you yet.
not that i celebrate either of those two,
but just wishing to those who are :)
ok. now i'm off.
and i mean it.
ps; you're just too BAD to be true :)
slow motion - kartina persian
Labels: factaboutfasya, love, PROBS, random

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.