never thought that that day would come.
the funny thing is, the school is like a walking distance kot -_-'
it doesn't even take a minute just to get there.
so i don't have any reason to not visit.
again, why do i always say i want to visit my old school ? LOL
now, if i could just go to Alor Setar for one day to see Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Asma.
no matter how much i try to compare,
both of these school has their own pros and cons.
and in each school i made my own history.
and i'm happy, cause at least i'm remembered for something.
i guess i'm impossible to be forgotten ? :P
but thank you teachers. for still remember me.
how time and things change so fast.
no matter how many times we over look those little things, we will always end up looking back and missing it so much.
wishing that if we knew that things would be this way, we wouldn't overlook it.
izzat's kemboja.
i think i've never done that kind of assignment O_o lol
but still, i'm proud of my brother.
he took care of it pretty good 8)
sekolah cat baru kot O_O
its pinky-ish colour :D
i miss school too.
i do..
they're just the cutest thing ever :)
heh, choir.
this REALLLY brings back memories.
one of the moments that i really enjoyed the most :)
i guess music was in me all along :D
i don't remember her name. LOL
i can't believe i was that small :D
no wonder everyone want to pinch me every time they saw me -_-'
so cute :)
parents :)
fathers :P
i think this is the first time daddy came for izzat.
usually izzat doesn't get anything -_-'
LOL i'm still proud of u bro :)
you should be grateful daddy came.
daddy never came for mine -_-'
oh well :)
my parents never know what i have accomplished, but at least my friends and teachers know :)
they were ok for a pre-schooler :)
aliah, farhah's sis :)
it gets prettier by year -_-'
school really renovated alot O_O
its nice to see the teachers are still the same :)
eventhough alot has retired or moved.
which kinda bring tears to the eye.
she's growing up looking exactly like him.
well of course, they're siblings. OBVIOUSLY -_-'
i told you that it is walking distance.
even dad is too lazy to put his butt in the car and drive to the school. LOL
well, thats it.
hope you enjoy this post.
and to all ex srks18, i miss you guys.
hoping we could do a reunion one day, aite ?
we could see who has gotten married and who has changed and become rich :D
hence with that, i conclude to say, i miss my school.
18, or 9 or 2,
i missed them.
haha i moved alot huh ? :)
and i miss lesfab.
right gjie ? :)
well, its 3:40 am.
and i'm still thinking about HIM.
give me one week.
i'll lose control if i don't get a msg from him. LOL
not really.
this is normal.
i'm getting used to it.
errgh babble-ing -_-'
i'm scared to fall, cause no one will catch me.
Labels: famiglia, flash backs

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.