and i wish that jojo's album comes out asap.
i hate downloading at ares.
not only it is slow, it will stop in the middle of the process and sometimes when it is almost done. and when it stop. the wireless connection hangs [as in jam].
thats when i can't open the internet, and i can't disconnect or disabled the connect to fix it back.
so AGAIN, i had to restart my computer -_-'
the same process all over again.
haha !
like any new movies, they always have their own trailer to get the public to watch the movie right ?
well this is the trailer for my new phone.

i showed this last saturday to jojot, abg dwan and maklang.
maklang was fool by the pic, she thought abg cepoi was online.
HAHA takda broadband la mak lang XD
and fuyoh! maklang ada facebook, HEBAT AR :D

dude ! its a touch screen !
and it has wifi! :DDDDD
nothing could describe how i feel right now.
even by looking through a webcam i'm like over excited !
and thinking of I, fasya [me!] going to hold, touch, talk, play and anything i wanna do with that phone !
haha and its mine !
so i don't need to care whether to be envious of holding somebody else ! haha
ok, TMI TMI fasya.

anak kesayangan omma pun dpt handphone baru, sebab dia slalu merungut handphone dia rosak.
heh, i'm not surprised to see that coming.
but what i'm VERY VERY VERY surprised omma decided to buy the same handphone that she bought for me for along too.
like what the sushi >:)
haish, tak terkata kemarahan ku >:)
sabar je la.
nasib baik dia dapat warna hitam.
december ! pretty please, datang la cepat!
hurry up.
palli !!
haha korean much :P
i don't even know if the spelling is right -_-'
did i mention i love ABG CEPOI ?
if i haven't, then I LOVE YOU ABG CEPOI ! :D
thankyou again.
tgk dari jauh pun saya gembira :')
do you know that i'm writing this at 4:23 am ?
yes. i'm still awake.
haiya -_-'
time time ni la start mood terus jatuh.
hah ! tgk tu, dgr lagu jojo je nak nangis -_-'
kena psg super junior balik XD
jojot! i'm downloading superjunior going to sleep episode! :D
toodles !
and i miss you HYAKUJI ! i just can't get enough :(
how can i leave when i know he's the one
tersalah -_-'
Labels: birth of sumfing new, happy moments, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.