and listening to jojo's new songs.
and dude seriously, out of 13 of her songs, ALL OF THEM I LOVE haha
thankyou jojot for the news.
if it wasn't for you, i wouldn't even know there were leaked of jojo's new songs.
i was jumping up and down when i heard the news :D
no matter how leaked the songs are, i'm still gonna buy the cd :)
oh ok, jojot dh sign out.
i think i'm gonna finish this post by posting all the videos and i'm off to bed i guess.
or maybe i might be downloading songs -_-"
i like the beat.
i think this song was from daftpunk if my memory serves me correct.
one of the best.
jojot said this song is ME :)
i kinda agree with her.
sigh. ish ish ish mula la tu -_-"
yup yup.
i HATE love haha
"wrong guy, right time.
right guy, wrong time."
"love keeps hattin' on me, so i hate love"
the first song j.j gave me :)
"i wish i could go back"
this is sooo much like rihanna - unfaithful song.
not the lyric, not the beat of the song.
but the story behind the song.
"Cause.. he doesn't know that I'm kissing another man While he's missing me."
but seriously, cheating is not AN OPTION.
i disagree to cheating entirely, even though i love this song so much >,<
this song is okay i guess.
but i think i'm not into it that i might fall asleep if i listen to it more than twice.
but its ok. maybe to some people, they like it.
ok, i'm gonna go download her songs :P
january, please come!
no, december please hurry up!
my butt hurts from sitting around at home :D
i know there's like one more month before i go. but i feel so excited and anxious that i think i should start packing right now you know?
aish, i shouldn't be so hasty -_-"
i wonder when will i finish my persona..
ok la nak gi download lagu.
i know i was wrong, i regret it. i won't do it again. forgive me ALLAH
Labels: songs, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.