i hate you.
like really really hate you.
ok i lied.
i don't hate.
i don't know how to hate.
but i dislike you very much.
you know i've learned my lesson.
you wanna know what am i talking about right now?
well you could guess by reading the title.
but i'm gonna tell you the whole story anyway.
cause i'm soooo... umm *pausing because i don't want to curse on my blog* 'stress' about it.
here's the thing..
i've known one of my bestfriend for quite a long time.
longer than any best friend i have.
i've been friends with her when i was 11 up until now.
so i pretty much gone through every changes with her.
and when i say changes, i mean relationships.
i see her getting her first boyfriend ever.
and moving on to her next boyfriend.
and then the next one.
and well.. you get my point.
but this post is not about her.
i mean, its 'normal' i guess to fall in and out of love right ?
but back to my point of the post, her boyfriend(s) who became exes.
i know ALL of her exes.
well minus one, cause she met him at UK and only been with him for few weeks.
but i still know him and he knows me too.
well duh, she talks about me alot to everybody.
bad or good, i'm not sure.
but i know she always talks about to everyone she knows.
ok ok, i don't wanna waste more time.
here's the thing, since i'm like 'friends' with her boyfriend(s), the funny thing is,
they'll all end up being exes.
and thats the hardest part you know.
i mean, they'll all end up coming to me 0_0
no no no ! not in that way.
coming as in, asking for HELP.
because THEY ARE SSOOOOOOO in love with my best friend.
so they come to me for advice or a shoulder to cry on.
and they'll use their tactics by saying ' i'm her bestfriend. "
okay, if it happen only one time or twice, i could handle.
but i'm not some love counseling booth.
i LIKE helping people. scratch that. I LOVE.
but the thing is,
what i don't get it, why use me?
" i've sacrificed so much for her. "
" i have never love anybody like i love her. "
" i can't love any girl. she's one of the kind. "
" she's my life. "
you know how many times i've heard this coming from them ? and you know how there are many more cheesy words than those ?
it makes me itch ALLLL the time.
oh and there's this one guy who's not even her boyfriend who cried for help.
it was like he broke up with her even before the relationship ever begin.
which kinda funny when you think about it again, but i'm the one who had to suffer listening to those crappy mushy words :|
breaking down after losing someone you love,
i know..it can be pretty hard.
i mean, we all know how it feels like to be rejected or unappreciated.
it hurts, it does.
but that doesn't mean you have to make it worse for other.
i mean, put this thought for a sec.
' this hurt so bad. i don't want anyone to go through what i've gone through. it's hard. "
then wouldn't it be nice? *smiling*
and stop taking advantage of other people for Gucci sake *smile fade*
seriously, its not that i don't like being friends with my bestfriend's boyfriend(s).
i just don't wanna be there when the relationship is over.
if you know what i'm saying.
and by the looks of it, this current relationship of hers...
heh i'm just gonna keep that thought to myself.
i know that i'm not in the right position to tell advice on love.
but some people said i'm an expertise in love.
so i'm gonna put that to end now.
i'm no expertise honey.
i just tell what i've been through and what i've learned from it :)
one rule; if you already dump a boyfriend/girlfriend who is still in love with you, don't contact them if you don't love them anymore.
i mean, if you already told yourself that you already find a guy who you really likes and you don't wanna go back to you faithful ex who is still madly in love with you,
yes i'm talking to you mrs w.
you're not only making your life hard, you're even making your ex trying hard to get you back.
its like you just give him a green light for him to make you his again.
hope that helps you.
again, don't contact him.
he'll get bored and leave you.
trust me, been there done THAT :)
l-o-v-e is just another word i never learned to pronounce
Labels: factaboutfasya, flash backs, love, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.