A G.D.A. [stands for girls day out] wouldn't be a G.D.A. if there're boys tagging along wouldn't it ? -_-'
except for moosy. he's an exception. BAHAHA XD
aish, out of the blue pulak nama tu keluar -_-'
but seriously,
GDA is not the same when there are boys :|
and its not that i don't like him or don't want to see him or anything -_-'
its just...
fine, he can be all mushy gushy lovey dovey about my besfriend, but CMON ! NOT TO ME DUDE !
i mean at first i thought i was jealous because she has a guy loving her and i don't.
but this happens like everytime he chats with me.
and i'm getting annoyed and it's really getting on my nerve.
i'm currently ignoring him at myspace.
is that a mean choice ?
i don't really care anymore -_-'
"i miss my cyg shoo much. huhuhu "
"i love her shoooo much. huhuhu"
i think his 'HUHUHUHU' doesn't worn out till next generation.
if i have to have another conversation with too many 'HUHUHUHU',
i think i'll choked myself till i passed out. [ heh tak sampai mati pulak ek fasya ? ]
i wish i could vomit, at least it will ease the nauseating feeling that i have.
but i can't, which make me feel even worse.
haih, of all people, why she has to stuck herself with this kind of guy ?
and she said this is forever.
but i don't think forever EVER exist.
believe me, she's gonna find someone new.
i'm not being a bad friend or anything.
but i've been with her for a LONG LONG time.
so when i say she's not changing, SHE WON'T.
oh well, its her life anyway.
i really don't wanna get involved anymore.
i mean, whats the point if she doesn't even listen to me.
thats just.. life.
we know we make mistake, but we don't listen. we just keep making it.
eventhough we know that its wrong.
and right now, i'm in dilemma whether to accept her offer to go out with her.
sigh, seriously, of allll the guy in this world, why does it has to be him ?????
i'm so stress that i think my eyesight are getting worse.
and what i really don't understand is that..
when i'm in this kind of situation...
i keep thinking of HIM.
and how much i want to talk to him.
but i don't even know what would i say to him.
i just keep picking up my phone and putting it down.
to youknowwhoyouare,
i'm sorry. i'm sorry that i didn't tell.
i just..
i miss you..
don't worry, i'm smilling.
i am.
this is hard
Labels: friends, love, PROBS, sadness, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.