my butt hurts, both of my feet are aching. my body is soring.
but the worst part is that my mind is like a working machine.
i'm not SLEEPY O_O
sigh. why is the youtube so slow ?
is it just me ?
i'm happy. to get the chance to hangout with my brothers.
too bad izzat is sick. we couldn't bring him along.
i would really like to upload today's picture.
but i'm still waiting for the youtube.
heh, you know what ?
youtube is VERY SLOW.
upload then.
oh oh i didn't planned this :D
thx along angah!

while waiting for the pics to be uploaded [and youtube to load, pfft] i'm gonna post the review.
let me just say, i didn't even know that this story exist until today.
angah was driving to The Curve, and saw the poster.
angah : "hah along, jom tgk ninja assassin. awesome kot. rain berlakon. workout giler2"
well, i'm REALLLLLY not a big fan of Rain.
but boy did this movie changes everything to me 8D

looking at his body gives me the chill :D
i mean he is really different :D
ok ok reviews ;
the graphic effects were awesome. i mean cmon, from the creators of 'The Matrix' kot?
mesti la hebat kan? but seriously, even the beginning spook me off.
like there were so much blood to take in -_-"
my blood is fine, but other's, NO NO NO O_O
there were body parts flying, can't say that the movie was exaggerating because, that really happen when you slice a person with a katana -_-'
oh yeah, there were alot of Japanese influences.
which kinda made me more into the movie :D
the first half of the movie i keep covering my eyes -_-"
but when it was coming to the last fight, i was already used to it?
but still, it SPOOK ME off up until now.
and there were alot of funny scene.
which kinda makes me laugh up until now :D
and seriously, RAIN really work out for this movie.
we've watched the making of the movie.
it was really TOUGH O_O
oh the story plot was soo exciting that i couldn't even take my eyes off it.
so yeah :D
um long story short, i'm really satisfied i've watched it.
especially with my brothers.
haha, i mean, i'm sure my friends would prefer to watch new moon instead of ninja assassin.
but i don't mind to watch ninja assassin again! haha XD
but i need something to cover my eyes, TOO MUCH BLOOD >,<

"oh mika, i like you more and more"
haha :D
ps; next time, each one buy their own personal popcorn -_-"
like i bought my own popcorn, but it ended up finished in angah's hands -___-
tu la, nak share sgt dgn along.
right... SHARE :|
oh well :D
betrayal leads to blood
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, movie, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.