let there be songs marathon in my blog.
i just found out tons of awesome new songs [at least it is new to me, lol]
i have been hidden by all kmusic that i haven't been listening to all new english songs.
someone even said that i'm TOO obsessed with kmusic. but in my dictionary of life, there's no such thing as TOO OBSESSED :)
ala baru dengar 10 lagu korea dah kata obses, poyo ar -_-"
ops, terkeluar malay plak :D
hai bebeh! hai aliah! hai tirah! hai aiman! hai makcu! hai kaklong!
haha i just found out that even my cousins at kajang reads my blog.
eh budak2, kenalah paksa diri baca bahasa inggeris ok, akak tulis inggeris je memanjang! haha :D
ada lah sikit2 melayu. this post is exceptional.
OPS menyimpang T_T
ok, this is official.
i am in love with jay sean new album :|
all his songs are awesome kot!
ok not all, but seriously, 85% of his songs is sooo awesome :D
ada percentage tu -_-"
i'm gonna post all the songs i'm in love right now.
and people, jay sean's down song, IS SOOOOO LAST SEASON -_-"
i heard from farhah that at uitm melaka, students there listen to that song everyday.
what a bore :O
its hard to choose the best song. cause to me all his songs is awesome -_-"
but the top one [pointing above]
that one really nice :)
please, let it rain money. i want to buy his new album :(
this song kinda hit me bad :/
see i told you, to me alot of his songs are awesome okay? :(
ok, enough is enough.
i want to buy his album right now.
he prove his point already.
his songs are awesome.
plus i can't download musics are the moment.
ares is acting up.
pleaseeee help me :'(
she could never love you like i do
Labels: songs

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.