Name: Farah Syafiqah Binti Ibrahim
Nickname: FASYA, andy, baby, alang, budak hyperactive, emosya etc.
Marital status: -
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Gender: female
Age: 17 years old
High School: ex SMKS 9, ex SMKS 18
University: next year, insya'Allah
Height: 152cm
Weight: 50kg
Do you like yourself: i could be better, but i am who i am.
Piercings: earrings
Right or left: right
Are you a freak: most def
Hair: naturally black
Allergic: allergic to rempits and liars
What are you doing now: this, singing and cleaning up the hse
What will you do 1 hour later: lipat kain.
What will you do 10 years later: succesful, rich and make a difference to this world.
Live with mother/father/parents: uncle and aunt
Siblings(including you): four; 3 boys and 1 girl
Eldest: along
Youngest: izzat
Love/hate your family: i appreciate them.
You found your another half: i did but he broke up with me.
If yes, who is he/she: ahmad zaki bin ahmad zuber
If no, who you want he/she to be: still him.
Time(s) you in relationship: 2 or 3
Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): not anymore. you want me, then come and get me idiot.
Anyone woo you before(0-100000): yup, loads of time. idiots.
Did anything wrong to your other half: big YES
What was/were the wrong(s) you had done: i was too pushy to him i guess. i made him think the wrong way.
Ever argued with your other half: LOADS of time.
You have been with your other half since: 30th may and it ended on 4th Dec
Are you straight/Lesbo: i'm straight and lesbo. haha right bitch?
Reasons you love your other half: love doesn't need a reason does it?
You and your other half are in which stage: beginning anew, bye bye good ol days.
Who woo-ed? Him/ her or you?: we both did.
Ever think of marrying him/her: yes i did. but that dream has crashed.
Your first best friend: nur farhah wahidah binti muhd kamil
Your first enemy: amalina. musuh dlm selimut. sialan.
The friend you love the most: zaki, queentinlajie; les fab, miyo, shahril, farhah, atok ;), syed, nasrudin, mike, fattah, ira, najwa and etc. too many to be spoken of.
The enemy you hate the most(1 only): myself. seriously.
Your most beautiful girl friend: yes everybody is beautiful but most beautiful is les fab for sure. oh u too zaki. haha
Your most handsome guy friend: always will be him. :'(
The kind of girl/woman you hate the most: bad-mouthed, backstabbers, liars and sluts.
The kind of boy/man you hate the most: liars and who can't keep their promises. effing assholes, rempit i hate.
Have you ever fallen in love with your close friend before: hahahahahahahaahahhahaha
Your best friend is your ex-lover: YES
If your friend backstabs you: i tell them in their face, and let karma hit them.
If your friend betrays you: leave them be.
If your friend woos your lover: they're not my friend anymore.
If your friend falls in love with you: sweet but no thnks.
If you fall in love with your best friend: not anymore. i vowed not to fall in love again.
Are you a good student: i AM.
Have you always done your homeworks/assignments: not always.
The teacher/tutor you love the most: i love all of them.
Always late to school/college: most of the times. sorry la duduk jauh dari skola kan?
Your class: agree with nasquin, has lots of drama.
You love your seniors: my seniors at 18? yes. i don't really know seniors at 9. 0_0
Senior whom you love the most: kak anum :)
Your classmates good/bad: theres always good and bad.
Excellent results classmate: agree with queeny again, amira farhain. and martin xavier X) god miss him. haha
Laziest classmate: zhariff. suke dtg skola lambat giler. haha
Smart people: even the smart people can be so stupid
Stupid people: again, even the stupid people can be even smarter than the smart
Good looking people: knows that they're good looking, grateful for what they have and doesn't need to show off.
Ugly people: that make a fool of themselves.
Funny people: can be found everywhere
Cute people: just being themselves.
Bad people: never think about other people except for themselves.
Honest people: are hard too find.
Acting people: just makes me sick.
You are what kind of people: one of a kind ; UNIQUE
Lip or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: lets be greedy, both.
Shorter or taller: taller.
Hesitant or spontaneous: spontaneous
Nice stomach or nice arms: nice hugs
Listener or talker: both
Romantic or rich: both
Good wife or Good mother: both
[84] Age to get married: -
[85] Numbers of kid(s): the more the merrier, i'm gonna adopt!
[86] Career: something that i love
[87] Salary: higher and higher
[88] Retirement age: -
[89] Value of properties: -
[90] Wishes: i want my life back so that i can be happy, but thats never gonna happy rite? so abaikan....
and who else that wanna do this go ahead....
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.