don't you just love it? just when you said, "can things get any worst??" and bam! there you go.
you know for a min i thought that spm is my worst nightmare, but it turns out i became one of the luckiest spm-ers. spm is already a horror, but spm+dengue= doing spm in hospital. now that is a new thing.
ok, a form 5 die before spm, a form 5 die during spm. sounds familiar. a form 5 doing spm in hospital because of a dengue? thats hilarious. just few weeks ago i was reading about dengue at atok's blog. and bam, the next thing you know, i was in the hospital taking blood test everyday. why? because i have DENGUE.
pfft to be honest with you, few days before spm, i knew i had a fever. but as usually, like anybody else, i neglected it thinking that "it was just another fever, it will be gone by the time you know it". and it DID.
but then, just the day after i had laughs and playing with my twins, the day after my parents and izzat went to beijing. that day - the day before spm-, i had a crashdown. i knew sumfing was up. my bro thought that i was just snoozing myself off when i wasnt. kak jannah check my temperature, again we thought it was another ordinary fever.i sent a msg to mama saying i was having fever ( hoping mybe she rethinks of me taking spm, didn't work ). mum called and as usually giving instructions. i was fine after two milledon 500g and two cups of tea with honey. i can even laugh while talking to zaki on the phone that night.
but that first day of spm, thats when everything started. i couldnt breathe, i couldn't stand up. the world was spinning around so fast, or was it me? i didn't even get a good nite sleep because i keep waking up every minute. i closed the air-conds and the fan. but still i feel like i'm at the north pole. i pulled myself together saying that, today is the first day of spm. i can't let some stupid fever get in the way ( stupid fever la sgt! tgk2 denggi, hampeh! ) but the fever has won over me. there i was, 7.25am lying in front of my living room, being insulted by my eldest brother ( he tot i was just trying to slck off from spm), another two pills of milledon and i'm in the car. mum called after i gave msg. she keeps telling me to pushed myself. pfft the thing about having dengue alone, ppl around you hve no idea how sick you are and how you couldn't even stand. so how the heck you're gonna push urself when ur already at ur limit????
when i arrived at school, that was it. i was gasping for air, my brother just realise i'm not playing any role. i am SICK. before you know it, teachers including my own principal of smks9, Pn Maizan surrounded me asking me whether i can make it through the day. she hugged me, kissed my cheek when i said i wanna do spm at school wivout any of my body being inserted a needle or two. i or shud i say 'we' (teachers all pushing me) keep telling myself that its just another fever. it'll be gone the next day. i was isolated to the 'bilik pesakit'. before exam starts, pn maizan hugged me over n over telling me i can do it. and she cried.
at that moment, i felt so grateful to be in smks9 and have teachers like that. now thats one of the moment that makes u think that life isn't all bad. XD
but then again, i was puking during the exam, and dizzy throughout. seriously, i cried. i cried cause it was freaking BM paper and i cudnt do the best i cud. i cud ave done better. and i shud! but damn effing fever. les fab came by during the recess. that cheer me up abit. and don't forget zaki. XD thx love.
(ok this post is too long! lets just get this fact straightforward)
skipped all the drama, i was admitted to hospital the second day of spm. because i was suspected to ave denggi after my first blood test at DEMC. (i took it after school) and i was too sick to do the spm at school.
seriously, it wasn't fun at all. i did sejarah paper 2 at hospital.
u feel so limited, my left hand is being inserted with needles so that they can suck in 0.9% NaCl solution into my body. gosh, blaja chemist plak kt hospital. -_-"
i've stayed at the hospital for one week. it was tough. everyday they take blood from you. it hurts. plus, they keep taking it when ur started to think that u finally can fall asleep. seriously, its hard to sleep! it was so cold! ugh.. seriously, there is no special and luxury about taking spm in the hospital. food SUCKS. everyday bubur je! dh la bubur kosong. lame!!! X( lol
but here i am, after one week, the doctor said i was getting better. hah! who said i wasn't taking care of myself? lol eventhough she said i wasnt ready to discharged, but i insisted on going home. hey, my bed at home is much more nicer than the hspital ok. eventhough you can't move the bed up and down like the hospital's does, its my bed. so yeah! haha but it feels good when your hand is not stuck to a water support thingy ( ntah x tau ape yg diorg panggil -_-")
honestly, byk bende boleh ckp psl demam denggi ni. oh oh! caya atau tidak, bi paper aritu kuar psl demam denggi. haha giler xleh bla. and the funny freaking thing is, i cudn't even answer a full essay for both questions in paper 1 english. giler bengang. stupid fever! when i finished the paper, i've just realised that ade 3 poster psl demam denggi and factor2 nyer terpampang di dinding bilik tu. stupid! -_________- giler seyh..
like i said, byk bende leh ckp psl demam denggi yg saya alami. and i would like to say thanx to
-zaki, for supporting me all the way, love you <3
-along, for always there for me. sorry sakit farah mengheret along sanasinisitu
-kak anees, for taken care of me. XD
-les fabs, for being there for me. thx for visiting as well.
-shahril, ur the best brother-in-law. XD ops, don't forget evil XD
-aunti rozi and husband. seriously kamu berdua mmg best! :)
-maklong sekeluarga. oh man, i'm getting emo and mushy.. thx sebab sanggup dtg and sorry x bagitau awal. n jojot, terima kasih sebab care sgt psl perempuan gedik ni. haha :'<
-oh atok, tak lupa kamu juga. XD terima kasih shahrullah! XD
senang cite, thx to all that has been supporting me all the way. my parents that never stop giving me hope and faith. i've screwed up my SPM. they knew. we knew. there's nothing left we cud do but just wait and see.
ugh.. this post is too long....
i'd better stop now. seriously...
but thx anyway for reading! toodles!
and i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu XDDD
funny notes; i'm addicted to you. ;) and that feels good. XD
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, famiglia, friends, overall

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.