first of all, thank you 4 wishing my birthday :
queeny;lf zaki nasrudin tinot;lf eqmal irham :) nik ahmad rafiq XD lala;lf amirulafiq jojot gjie;lf farhana syed nuraini nana kak anees kakya,maklong,abg dwan ashikin atok/shahrullah X) nuha and etc :) ilyasm
eventhough i only spent 1 year in smks9, i think i've grabbed it up all that was in the school. X) loL.
ofcourse i do wish smtime that i hve went there from the beginning. i'm just glad to be a part of it for alil while.
the thing about graduation is that nobody can be too happy or too sad in that moment. and in our minds, every single memories we've had there playing back all over again.
oh by any chance, is SMKS or SMKA 18 is doing any graduation day? they never had one b4. i wonder if they're gonna do it this year. atok! give me the scoop will ya? ;)
thx anyway queeny for the backup veil. pfft next time i'm gonna force my mum to do what the school ask. pfft spending alil money wouldn't hurt to spare me the trouble won't it? wtv, but there was a reason for it. such as i won't be sitting in the kuliah room to feel the wind rather than cramping in the hall with the rest. XD
i think i should start opening up seriously. meaning no more keeping to myself about anything. the problem is, i don't want to look or feel like i'm the only person who is trying so hard, or should i say "desperate". but i don't want to be controlled by anybody. i mean, afraid of what ppl say? worried how ppl will feel or think about what we do? that is so letting yourself and life being control by others. but then again, if i tell the truth, some ppl judge me being too sensitive or telling ppl what to do. i'm not commanding or demanding. respect is all i need. everybody needs to be respect.
i feel like crap. probably because this has been going on for so long. and i guess my line of patiency has been crossed. my advice to you, do not try to make me jealous. i swear to you, if i'm mad, i can still sustain myself. but jealousy is something that even my daddy can't control. haha
don't judge me. this is who i am so accept me. if you can't, then don't bother. and i dislike paparazzi. the only thing they would do is make a big fuss out of a scoop. listen here mister, my world doesn't revolve around anybody (except zaki X) ). so get this fact straight, i don't care what you think. and don't talk shit to me if you don't really know what is going on.
and when will you start to learn that do not judge the book by it's cover? let me be honest with you, i have no intention of making anybody or anyone jealous. and i am not wht you think i am ash. those words, yeah yeah i get it. listen here sweetie, ever heard of "kawan biar seribu, cinta biar satu" ? ok, let me tell all of you bozos, zaki and me are not going anywhere. we're staying together for ever whether you like it or not. so just because one day you don't see me with him, doesn't mean i already brokeup with him. what the fish?? and the fact that you guys making faces (seriously most of guys always make face like shit to me) with each other, signalling as if i can't see it. pfffft! you don't like me? i don't like you either.
ya heard? oh, and if you got something to say, say it to my face. put your money where your mouth is silly.
and don't tell me how to lead my life.
haha when you think about it, post ni mcm seriously xleh bla seyh. but heh, this is my blog, so i can do wtv i want anyways. XD hah! one more thing. don't jump to conclusion. sengal seyh. X)

funny notes; last saturday, they said that we won't celebrate my birthday but in the end we went out to subang parade to ask wht i want to eat. haha parents are so predictable. XD
and i still go to school! XD but tuition for me is over :( sorry mr. aru.
oh and zaki was at subang parade as well, but we didn't bumped to each other. a pros and cons thing. u wudn't understand ;)
3 more days till spm ppl! XD
toodly woodly doo! doi! XD ilysm and imysm. you know who u are :(
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, my voice

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.