amazing! just when i tot things couldnt get any more worst, i've spoiled my first week of spm with dengue, i've wasted my add-maths paper for still aving the fever and a brain which can't take in addmaths. and today i am officially clueless and blank for bio. every single spot question wasn't in the paper. ada la sgt experiment BOD kan? ada la potometer sgt? ada la nutrition sgt? ade ka?
klu boleh, saya mahu bunuh sama itu penggubal. mari kita sama2 nk?
tpi apakan daya, 'penggubal' tu 'HEBAT' sgt.
ugh, whats done is done.
the most unpopular experiment came out. the unbelieveable questions, ugh.
the funny thing is, is that i did flicked through that experiment in the book. which i didn't take note of it!! ugh, how cud i ave just neglected it! ugh...
stop it fasya! there's no use of making urself miserable about wut has past. snap out of it. snap! ow!.. that hurts, seriously...
i cud say the same damn thing about physics paper. but ngeh, waste of time.
so tomorrow... thats it. for some of us..., its the last day of school..
you know the funny thing is, we used to nagged and complains about waking up early going to school... haha... and telling how boring it is the school sometimes... and how lamer can homework be... *tearsrolling*
and right now, we're talking as if its the end of the world. hahahahha
i mean, cmon.. its not like.. we're never ever...ever gonna see each other again... huh...
lol, THAT coming from a girl who's wiping her tears right now...
ok ok, fine. mybe ur right... mybe i don't really have tons n tons n bunch of memories like u guys do.. cuz i'm just a newbie...
pfft this is stupid. I'M stupid.
from saying hello, to saying goodbye..
even the littlest thing can bring tears to our eyes..
i'm sorry... i'm sorry for all those words... fine, i'm paranoid. but that doesn't fight the fact that it was wrong.. I was wrong.
i love you too much. i never wanna hurt u at all. never... so if i did, that kills me.
say what you want to say, but i'd die lots of time just to keep myself from hurting u.
sad notes; i never know why this tears are too generous these days, or is it JUST too cheap to be given away everyday..
-nothing is ever fun when i'm not with you. believe me.-
GOD, pls don't tear us apart. let us be.
i love him with all my heart, and so does he.
give us faith to keep on going.
give us strength to keep on trying.
he's my soul, he's my life.
he's the one that i think, every single nite.
don't close our eyes,
with all them ppls lies.
show him how much he means to me.
and don't keep him away from me.
nothing else matter,
as much as being with you forever.
happy together.

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.