ok. lets cut to the chase. I'M NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW.
my day plot end up so hectic.
from tired --> clueless --> happy --> grateful --> feeling stupid --> bored --> clueless --> frustrated --> motivative --> energetic --> tired --> miserable.
great ending huh? sarcasticly yeah!
pfft. i know that most of my post is apparently about emo-ing or weeping about sad stuff. ( well most of them.)
ok honestly, i don't really have the heart to write this.. i'm damn too tired but... i can't sleep! i can't call my love. why? because his phone is off. why? because his batt is dead. why? because the batt is broken. why? because life is not on MY SIDE! i am freakingly effing worried and missing him like crazy. shit! i always call him every day n nite. and one nite no call feels like i'm dying... X(
the ' best part', he doesn't know. ( ngeh, he knows. i think *straight face* )
wow, so many things to complain and nag about. just dunno where to start. dunno how to start.
ok lets start with how school end.
crycrycrycrycry. done. haha oh and thx queeny for the bag :)
well, for most ppl, when their spm ends, they ave nothing to do. well i don't. i used up my time training these two boys of my ex classmates from 18, afiq and syed for OIAM. for ppl who doesn't know that, kluar2 lah ye dari tempurung itu. ONE IN A MILLION. the audition was on saturday. so we had limited time for training. and as usual, there are conflicts during training. mostly from afiq's parents. i really feel sad for him. i mean, we all know how it feels to be left unspoken. for once, we wished parents can understand us more. after all those hardwork, on the audition day, afiq's parents force afiq to not enter it. so there goes all our hope. life is just LIKE THAT.
but at least we had best memories together during training. right atok? ;) its great to see u again btw. can't wait for PERAM nite. haha from buntut to kentut, haha!!! hai.. thx guys.. walaupun memenatkn melyn kamu XD, it was great.
but i never get tired of listening to those singing. they are really good. playing piano all day was worth it for them. haha
and at the end of training, miyo slept on the floor while i played the piano and ATOK SANG. yes ppl. atok sang to the music i played. amazing :)
enough said. back to phase three. eventhough i didn't get to give support to them by going to times square that day ( i really wish i cud) but i had my own fun that day -->
saturday, 29/11: went to ira's party. it wasn't a blast but it was good for body, mind and soul. fyi, ira is my evil brother-in-law's daughter. haha pelik kan? biler saya kahwin? lol
ok mcm ni. my boyfriend, zaki has a little pet bro( adik angkat). so that pet bro ( shahril :D) is consider as my brotherinlaw. at the same time, shahril has a 'daughter' and she is ira! haha its weird but thats us. we're like big family. :) so ira is like my 'niece'. eventhou its weird and annoying, she calls me her aunt. haha XD weird is us.
on that day, i get to c my bf. :) miss him too much! and we went exploring! it was fun/awesome/amazing/lovelovelove moment! :)
the party was held at tasik mahkamah. ala sebelah mahkamah sultan aziz shah je rupenyer. gedik tul. nasib baik ku x sesat. XD zaki came to rescue me from being clueless walking at the side road. lol. caution; tasik ada byk monyet. haha! seriously. giler la, jumpe kaum kerabat ana. haha XD juz kidding. zaki was the tarzan. dats wut we said when he was standing on the hill alone, admiring the nature on his own. aww, he's bonding with his nature. haha XD
saturday, 29/11: went to ira's party. it wasn't a blast but it was good for body, mind and soul. fyi, ira is my evil brother-in-law's daughter. haha pelik kan? biler saya kahwin? lol
ok mcm ni. my boyfriend, zaki has a little pet bro( adik angkat). so that pet bro ( shahril :D) is consider as my brotherinlaw. at the same time, shahril has a 'daughter' and she is ira! haha its weird but thats us. we're like big family. :) so ira is like my 'niece'. eventhou its weird and annoying, she calls me her aunt. haha XD weird is us.
on that day, i get to c my bf. :) miss him too much! and we went exploring! it was fun/awesome/amazing/lovelovelove moment! :)
the party was held at tasik mahkamah. ala sebelah mahkamah sultan aziz shah je rupenyer. gedik tul. nasib baik ku x sesat. XD zaki came to rescue me from being clueless walking at the side road. lol. caution; tasik ada byk monyet. haha! seriously. giler la, jumpe kaum kerabat ana. haha XD juz kidding. zaki was the tarzan. dats wut we said when he was standing on the hill alone, admiring the nature on his own. aww, he's bonding with his nature. haha XD
again, it was a great. and i love every moment i had to bits and particles.
but today, hem.. lets just say i've cried too many times..
but today, hem.. lets just say i've cried too many times..
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, overall, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.