what i said? tido adalh 50% hidup dier and the rest BOLA XD
yey dlm mimpi atok , ronaldo klh! haha
pd mlm 4 december 2008, PERAM NITE diadakan ( opposite of prom haha XD) its for hamzah's students SMKS 18. well i was ex hamzah, and miyo was kind enough to ask me to join. wlpun saya kesedihan ditinggalkn oleh seorg kekasih. but i push myself to go and meet my old friends and have myself a lil bit of fun. jamuan dier hebat. diorg sediakan byk bende and mknn. ade mainan. haha i even had to play the games. it was this spoon circling thingy. when the musics stop and at the same time if you are the victim that is holding the spoon, you have to do an activity. i had to dance with Ms Liew. haha weirdly enough! XD and after the party is over, they did a slideshow which i'm not in cause i'm not in their class this year. haha and after than i spent hours and hours at miyo's house with the boys. haha yes, i was the only girl that time. kinda creppy, but i trust them. except miyo and atok! hahah XD
terima kasih HAMZAH. kamu semua tetap di hati. well some of you. haha XD
notes; i went home at 4 am in the morning that nite! haha being a notty girl ;)
- miyo dpt dua award! x aci! haha
- miyo pinjam keyboard yg best giler! so kitorg menyalak menyanyi lagu slow pd mlm tu. haha KESEMPATAN KEDUA and TERBAIK UNTUKMU the BOM! haha
ps: yes ppl, i'm posting a happy post. :) cause i wanna be happy and i am happy! haha
and queeny, love that slap in the face words ;) u've smack me back to reality boo
and remember ppl, i'll always love you :) toodles!
terima kasih HAMZAH. kamu semua tetap di hati. well some of you. haha XD
notes; i went home at 4 am in the morning that nite! haha being a notty girl ;)
- miyo dpt dua award! x aci! haha
- miyo pinjam keyboard yg best giler! so kitorg menyalak menyanyi lagu slow pd mlm tu. haha KESEMPATAN KEDUA and TERBAIK UNTUKMU the BOM! haha
ps: yes ppl, i'm posting a happy post. :) cause i wanna be happy and i am happy! haha
and queeny, love that slap in the face words ;) u've smack me back to reality boo
and remember ppl, i'll always love you :) toodles!
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, happy moments

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.