i apparently having the most awful fever+gastrik+headache= madness rite now. you probably wondering y am i still stubborn to be onlining and writing this post. well because i've rest too long and i'm too bored to rest. haha plus i miss n need sumone rite now. oh u've read my first chpter of my book? well any comments are appreciated.
this past few weeks, have been a very very hectic unusual weeks for me.
there so many ups and downs ( more down actually), and i am not highly proud to say i survived. pfft ok ok i've survived anyways. oh and btw, even if it has been 7 days of fasting month, i wud like to say
selamat berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan.
apparently i've realise dat i aven't been updating my blog for a long time. ngeh spm is always in our mind for now ppl. dun worry juz a few more months n we off to our freedom island! haha
but then when i think again, after spm, there's no more schools for us. no more laughing our heads off when teacher makes the worst jokes ever. no more sighing n complaining about teachers pissing us off. no more screaming n yelling at tons of frens when they grouped together to annoys us n bullied us. haha no more walking home from school. no more classmates all together crap in one room. wow. there so many things. even if we get to see each other again after this but it'll be a whole different world then. there is no more whole. its just you n the gengs that used to. haha without us noticing it, it has been 11 years us being in school. and now i'm babbling. i dun even noe wuts da point of all of this anyway. well wtv it is, if i knew that time wud past this fast, i wud cherish all the time i had wiv my friends. oh i love recess on wednesday last week. being bullied by moose,gjie n lala. haha priceless. i am not saying dat i like being bullied or anyfing,( dun get any idea zaki!) its juz dat was da time when i really laughed n i miss dat. n i miss u guys. especially u kanda. i miss the time when les fabs group together gossiping about other ppl n laughing our heads off. XDDD
and yesterday meeting wiv my old frens make me realise dat sum part of me do misses 18. but not to extent of wanting to be there again. i juz think dat they juz miss me for me not being there. i mean they wud be da same old persons dat i know for da past few years if i dun moved. ngeh wtv, all i know dat i'm glad we bumped to each other again. and i met with my secret big admirer yesterday! haha well apparently its not a secret anymore if i already know is it? XD ngeh he still likes me. i know he does. haha ngek sorry bro! ur still dudes to me. but hey! we're unseparated aite? ur my gay partner! XD
oh sorry queeny!! u've missed on meeting nik in person. seriously i was like yelling at him n pulling him screaming. "nik!!! why didn't u tell queeny u were here!! how long u've been here! how cud u!" n i didn't queite remember wut else did i yelled at him all i know i was so mad. XD mad dat queeny wasn't there n it gets more unluckier dat her tusyen was cancelled! how life is so cruel! and then i ask n pleaded n beg him saying i want to take a pic of him. after hours of pleading for his permission to take pic, he finally agreed.n he was like mad at me cuz he said he look horrible in the pic. XD sorry lerrr. n i'm really sorry dat i can't send to you dat pic queeny. i dunno y. i've tried n tried but it juz cudn't pass through. maxis said dat there was a comunication error. pfft screw u maxis!! X(
n then i laugh more wiv my old dudes n annoyed them more n mirul went all emo n touching. haha juz like ol' time aite! XD
eqmal,amirulafiq,faizi,azwan,firdaus,nikrahimi,etc etc and i met a new friend named fendi. hai hottie! XD haha
b'coz of my overfriendliness n my great humors n jokes, he laughed so hard dat he was attracted to my force. haha giler poyo! well wtv it is, welcome to my circle of life. XD
god i made my post sounds so happy when i'm like pissing off rite now n not mention i'm sick like hell.
oh well till then. thx for reading this crap. XD oh i miss my dear hyakuji!
n oh my best night eva was thursday nite! XD i knew i shud ave called him! XD da bomb! well even if its hard to get through to him. but i neva give up on calling u. even if it pisses me. but i neva give up cuz my love neva lets me! i love u oh too much my kanda! walking in the rain. when all the souls are all sleeping, so quiet n tranquil. only you n me. hugs n kisses bonus to the feeling that we kept everyday. and yes even cats were jealous of us together. but you're still in my heart. y? cuz apparently u took my heart n planted it in yours as well. :)
oh notes : somehow i wonder why ppl criticize other ppl when they neva look in the mirror themselves. i mean u said dat u are surrounded by fakers when u are one of them too. yes get this in your head perempuan, you're a faker too. n all that saying about tariq's friends are sugapop candy girls etc etc ( ape lagi ntah yg kau kutuk, aku xnk tau n xnk kisah), well guess wut, ur juz like wut u think they are. pfft worst, u are more horrible than them. but i guess thats juz life, one thinks they are betta than the other. pfft look in the mirror u fool. but i guess the mirror breaks to pieces before u even get to see urself. n wuts wiv da pic yo? "some importants notes from the past"?????are u trying to piss me off or sumfing? cuz it ain't working. i actually felt sorry for u. seriously! drop the act! my advice, dun judge the book by its covaaaa! pfft.
and u'll neva be betta if ur attitude is worst.
funny notes : my hyakuji is crazy especially when raining but i still love him. XDDD
look at dis pic hyakuji, u can see the raindrops. i told u i'm a good camera girl ;P
Labels: overall

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.