It's gonna rain tonight. No no, not outside the house. But inside my house. Oh, there she goes :)
honestly I do miss blogging, but at some point, I just don't know what to write anymore.
Cause every sentence I will start off, it will become the beginning of a sad blog.
Sorry blog for torturing you with my endless sadness.
Don't you just hate it when you were just minding your own business and you feel as if there's no reason to get mad or fight about ? But all of a sudden, somebody just got up all on your face making you feel miserable and wonder why you even exist in this world.
It sucks I tell ya.
Dude, fighting with your parents does not feel fine to me especially when you haven't done anything wrong.
And life's suffering does not stop there. You end up having a huge argument with your own loved one.
And that just makes you wonder, why ? I'm asking God, why did I do now ?
When am I going to be enough for anybody ?
And what's even more suckier, you slept through the day cause you were tired and had nothing to do. So now, you have evolved into an owl.
So now, I just have to suck my sadness up and cry my ass off wondering when is this pain going to end ?
What hurts more, you woke up today and you even said to yourself, I want to get through today and when I sleep, I'm gonna do it with a smile.
Well, I guess God must know what's best for me. And hurting is just one of it.
You wanna know what would be really nice right now ? A shoulder to cry on. It would be really nice.. *smiles in bitterness*
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Check it out check it out ! :D
One fat guy - goes to a popular GYM in Bangalore sees an ad for a new
gym guaranteeing to reduce anyone's weight by 5, 10 or 20 kilograms on
the first day. So he goes and tells them he wants to lose 5 kg. They
lead him into a huge gym with all kinds of ropes and parallel bars and
ladders and tell him to wait a minute.
He's standing there when on the far side of the gym a door opens and out
steps a beautiful girl, with a sign saying "If you catch me, I'm yours."
He starts running, and just as he gets close, she starts picking up
Before he knows it, he's running all over the gym, up the ladders, down
the ladders, across the parallel bars, here and there. And just as he's
to catch the blonde, pop, she disappears through a door. In comes
the management who lead him to the showers, and then weigh him. Sure
enough, he lost exactly 5kg.
He's back on the street and starts to think.
"God, I was so close to catching her. If I had a little more time...
So he races back to the gym and says, "I want to lose 20 more kg."
"No problem," says the manager.
Again he is led to the large gym. This time he's standing by the door
when it opens. Out comes a Gorilla with a sign, "If I catch you, you're
Labels: advice, random, something to laugh about
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

It's a part of an assignment in completing my course of study for Semester 3. So this is just a teaser.
I've uploaded at facebook the official storyboard. I'll put a link here soon k.
By the way, thank you Alvota25 for lending me his cover song.
Synopsis : What if it is just something that we overlook in life ? What if it is all because we have forgotten those good moments when we are over shadowed by grief and sadness? What if maybe we've lived too long to understand and realise what are the reasons we are breathing and living in this world ? Do you even still remember what was the first thing your parents taught you ? Maybe if you could just stop and appreciate the moments, you might just get back on your feet. Just one stop.
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

"There's a lot of things in this world that we dont and never understand. But it is never a reason for us to kill someone." (Mac Taylor, 2011)
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Freaking hell, I'm an effing student who should be worrying more about my studies rather than trying to kill myself to get myself a place to stay. And not to mention, wearing my energy out just to keep a place to stay AND coping with people's attitude around the place. SEE how much energy and emotions I've wasted instead of focusing all of it into studying ???????
And by the way,
My YDP is really getting on my nerves. Ok maybe she's mad at someone else cause SOMEONE posted on my college's facebook page(yes, they have a facebook) saying that they want to 'mogok' cause they didn't get college t-shirt. OK HERE'S THE THING.
I MYSELF didn't get the t-shirt, but hey, i'm cool with it. Cause I think I'm brainiac enough to actually FIGURE out that you can always pick up the clothes at the next opening sem. I mean, it's not like you're gonna die because you didn't get your t-shirt or anything.
C'mon !!!! You can always ask for a refund if they didn't get the clothes for you. YEAH, REFUND! Haven't you heard of it ???
Aww, you haven't ?? Well go back to primary school then !
You're already in a university and you dont even know what is refund, THATS BULLSHIT!
AND BY THE WAY, as I was saying,
MY BELOVED YDP wrote down on a comment on a post that one of MY LEVELMATES WROTE (NOT ME OK, MY LEVELMATE).
She wrote down asking about t-shirt. Well like others asked.
So YDP clear the whole thing out and leaving this comment to the MAMA LEVEL (which include me)
Whoa whoa whoa whoaaah!
Na'a. Did you just whipped my ass ? CAUSE TECHNICALLY, you're like saying that all of this was my fault ? Are you saying that my levelmates didn't get their t-shirts cause I was not doing a good job as a mama level cause I DIDN'T CHECK A THING???!!!
Ok correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe I misinterpreted the comment that she wrote, or maybe she was REALLY MAD with all the responses that she got from the other students that she HAD TO put it out on me ????
Dude, you're a YDP. You should have known better that you WILL EVENTUALLY HAVE TO FACE THESE KIND OF THINGS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. So don't get mad if someone under your leadership, didn't delivered their message as you ordered them.
I REPEAT, I did not get any information about the t-shirt. I did not get any information on I should be meeting other MT levels about the t-shirt. Cause as I remembered, one of the MT levels came through my door asking who has ordered a t-shirt from my room, and I said only me. And she specificly said she will inform about the t-shirt.
So don't be all up in my face girl !!! Cause I didn't get any information about it ok !
Damn, You're a ydp and you don't even know how to treat people right? That's lunatic.
But you know what? Since you're really stress out with others stupidity, I figure I'd better forgive and let it be. Instead of me blowing up and replying to your comment, I'll just blow up in my blog and relieve myself here as well.
Cause as you can see, I'm a professional.
I write what I want, what I feel, and what I think.
So YDP. No hard feelings. I feel sorry for you that you had to be burden with many problems, but hey it's your job. You vowed to the responsibility when you put yourself up to audition for the position. So it's the price you have to pay.
I'm just sorry that the price was really high.
I wish you and Tun Putih's MT all the best and have an easy going and less problematic journey in handling Tun Putih.
Goodbye and Goodnite.
:) <3
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

Sometimes, it is better to just stay quiet and sit still. Everything will always find their way.
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.