i'm busy. period.
no, not because of studies. because of activities.
the few first 2 weeks at lendu was exhausting because it was boring. all of sudden now, frm one thing to another. gosh, everything come all at once. why !
damn it.
nt only that, during puasa, we're not gnna get the chance to go back home. cause we have classes on saturday. the reason was to give the students go back early for raya.
argh, raya..
i rather celerate raya late, rather having class on saturday. damn it.
why my life sucks to the very bottom.
so nt in the mood now. i only have few minutes left to get ready to class.
and i have even take a shwer.
so not in the mood to go to class...
go away stomachache ! go away pain ! :(
and for the first time, i actually want you to stay that way.
and for the first time, i wish that this is the last time i ever dream of u again.
seriously, scary.. -____-'
i actually prefer seeing u in person.
i think.. LOL

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.