dalam proses mengemas bilik.
bwh katil, sudah gali = checked.
setiap penjuru katil lap habuk2 yg dah berkumpul = checked.
almari = TOTALLY CHECKED *_______*
fuh.. sedang berehat seketika dan menarik nafas yang panjang kerana hampir berjaya me..
*ding dong*
em ? oh ada org kat bwh, jap kene bukak pintu.
*turun bwh dgn malas. naik atas dgn air mcd coca cola semlm*
lol, dgn jelas nya saya menerangkan :)
ah.. so nice.. after a hard work, drinking a water makes it fresh :)
*slurp slurp*
nah, saje nak buat kamu semua tergiur :)
eh jap, i tak minum coca cola -___-'

anyway, back to what i was going to write,
almost succeeding in cleaning up my room. no more dusty bed or dusty floor.
now i'm just taking a minute to rest and continue cleaning up my books and table.
the fun part about cleaning up is that you'll never know what you'll find :)
i mean not the gross stuff.
i mean like when you thought you misplaced it but it's actually there. yeah :
and and when you almost forgotten the existence of that something but then you found it stuck between some things and you suddenly went smiling and tears prickled on you cheeks cause it reminds you one of those sweet memories that you wish you could relive.
lol now thats long.
but still, yeah. you know what i mean right ? :)
oh god, i'm sore.
this shows that i haven't done this in awhile -___-'
oh and the reason i'm slurping this coca cola is because the gas is already gone, so its not carbonated anymore :)
i hate carbonated drinks -___-'
except for ice cream soda ! :D
i miss drinking it :(
i miss alot of things -____-'
actually ! *just remembered what was the reason i wanted to wrote this post*
i was going to write down what happen just now.
well not like detailed.
i just want to strut out few things.
this is my life.
i can be with anyone i want to be.
i know you raised me up to be a good girl, to live up to your high expectations.
the problem is, it's my turn to make you proud, so let me do it my way please ?
i'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything.
it's just that i respect you too much that i appreciate what you have done for me.
so in return i just want you to sit back and see what i can do.
and that you have raised me well enough to know what is right and what is wrong.
i make mistakes. thats normal, but that doesn't mean i don't know that it was wrong.
and seriously, I'M STILL YOUNG !
for goodness sake, i'm not even at the point where i am qualify to say i can get marry right now.
so please, leave out those relationship out!
you can conquer my studies life, my friendship life, my social life, my work life, BUT! not my love life.
it's hard enough to go around when you make your own decision for my own future life.
you don't need to add more pain on how to live my life with whom.
but i'll wait for that one day, when you guys will truly understand and accept me for who i am :)
don't worry, i'll go along with this, even though it hurts.
i mean, who doesn't feel alil bit pissed off when you guys choose the person who left me out instead of the person who is standing next to me.
but still, like i said, i'm still young.
things could change.
i just hope that, that change is for the better, no ? :)
well.. we could.. you know..
err.. well..
oh forget it -___-'
i'm so helpless *__*
Labels: blogging, famiglia, love, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.