i woke up early today with hopes and dreams that my parents will allow me to go out and unground me haha XD
oh well, i have few days left for me to 'hangout' in Shah Alam.
sigh, eventhough i'm excited to go to Lendu, i feel abit sad for not getting the chance to meet up with old friends again.
i mean, i missed alot of people, ira :) whom i haven't yet to met. god i promise to see her. sigh...
and ex-schoolmates, i really wish i could go and see my exform6 friends :(
and and SMKS9 :(
i missed alot of people. and every time i think how far apart we are now, it just brings me to tears.
and i feel even more worse to realise that i didn't do anything to fix it, or couldn't.
oh, life must move on, right ?
god, i miss my bestfriends and all.
*holding back tears*
ok, start off the day with a smile people ! :D
and the whole world will smiles back at you :)
oh oh and i bet you're wondering why i am so happy today ?
well, there's no specific reason actually, its just that i want to make the best of my life :)
and no, nothing happen, nothing particular.
i just felt like i should be grateful once in awhile.
i mean just sit back, watch the world... and enjoy it :)
i mean yeah i had my bad times and all, but why would i want to sacrifice all of my happy moments just because of it, right ? :)
so yeah, just live your life peeps ! ;)
well then, off to do summer cleaning up :)
toodleloo :)
ps; you will always be the one.
"if nothing is everything, would you be my nothing ?"
*holding back tears*
Labels: blogging, love, quotes, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.