the thing is,
i should be grateful.
i should be happy, i should be content with where i am standing now.
but i just don't get it.
why do this tears keep falling ?
why do this heart stop beating when hearing a song that reminds of a moment, a place and a person ?
and then every time you go through a hard phase, you end up wishing that what if you didn't made that choice and you wish you could turn back time before everything happen and relive to do it differently ?
but doesn't that mean you regret ?
but why am i regretting for ?
did i made that choice ?
did i choose to be in this situation ?
i keep asking myself that.
or i was wrong to let it escape from my hand.
should i have fight for what i want ?
but does it work if they were the one to release us first ?
god, i've been holding on to this, and yet i'm still holding the glimpse of their memory with me eventhough..
they're gone..
gosh, i'm still young.
Allah, give me strength to keep going on.
give me faith that things will get better in time.
give me hope that they are better off without me.
ok, i lied on the last part. don't do that. i beg of you. i take that words back and swallow each one of it.
cause i miss them dearly.
so bad that i can't breathe when i think about them.
sigh, i need to get busy.
i need to stop getting emo again.
oh did you know ?
i'm the assistant mama level.
woot woot, go fasya ^.^
thx for trusting me :3
oh and i'm the class rep too !
gosh, they still love me :')
i promise to do my best !
and i will not crash like last sem >,<
ok, lets get busy and start being professional :)
Labels: love, sadness, uitm life

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.