my new baby :3
bought it with my own sweats :P (hypothetically :P)
no more wire ! no more earphones getting stuck between things ! no more wire being pulled !
no more phone crashing through the ground !
because comes EVOLUTION !
headset :)
i went to sunway, "takde jual la dik"
went to One Utama, "kene order la tapi lambat"
went to KLCC, "brand nokia ?"
i almost gave up, well no, i didn't, i just said it to dramatize :P
i check nokia's website for malaysia's version. and i check the local stores that are qualified by nokia near shah alam.
there were 4 !
one was at Plaza Alam Sentral, one was at SACC, one was at Ole-Ole, and one was at some sek 13 i think.
but unfortunately the sek 13 had no contact number.
so it leaves only three.
so i called in order of that list.
first, Ole-ole.
the girl who works there were SO RUDE. pfft she didnt even said hello. and she hangup even before i could say thank you. pfft
and SHE SAID I HAD TO GO TO KLANG TO LOOK FOR THIS. HAH ! i got it at shah alam. boo you X(
called SACC, EVEN RUDER ! chinese !
OMG ! i'm not being prejudice ! but seriously, isn't anybody wants to work this day ? cause the service sucks. seriously ! :(
but still no sign of headset :(
i pray so bad that this would be the one.
me: oh hello ? is this ashita communication ?
girl: oh yes. siapa ini ? (chinese)
me: i'm *, i want to know if you are selling this model.
girl: oh ok let me check for you okay ? can you leave your contact number. because i need to call the main branch.
me: oh ok :)
i had high hopes. i waited for 3 days. but still no sign of her calling me back :(
so i called the place again.
the same girl ! i know, because her voice was identical.
she was like nervous as if she forgots all about my headset request, so she promised to call me back after she got the confirmation.
i waited patiently, i said ok.
while i was onlining, suddenly !
wee :D! eventhough i was actually waiting for acai's call, but i was happy anyway, cause it was about my headset !
girl: fasya is it ? yeah, we have that model, awak mahu order ka ? boleh dapat esok lo klu mao.
i actually called her back again just to make sure it was the right model.
and we actually had laughs that time. LOL
me: ni model tu kan, bukan model yg lain kan, model yg back, xde wire, and warna putih kan ?
girl: oh miss mao warna lain ka ?
me: err model ni ada warna lain ke ?
girl: oh. ah. xda. haha
me: haha okay XD
see, now thats friendly service man :)
i can jog with confident now :P
oh yeah, its splash resistant did you know ? that means i can jog in the rain X)
but i have to cover my handphone though -___-'
ok then, off to bed. had a wonderful day today :)
will get right back to it soon :)
Labels: blogging, dreams, my things

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.