i'm busy. period.
no, not because of studies. because of activities.
the few first 2 weeks at lendu was exhausting because it was boring. all of sudden now, frm one thing to another. gosh, everything come all at once. why !
damn it.
nt only that, during puasa, we're not gnna get the chance to go back home. cause we have classes on saturday. the reason was to give the students go back early for raya.
argh, raya..
i rather celerate raya late, rather having class on saturday. damn it.
why my life sucks to the very bottom.
so nt in the mood now. i only have few minutes left to get ready to class.
and i have even take a shwer.
so not in the mood to go to class...
go away stomachache ! go away pain ! :(
and for the first time, i actually want you to stay that way.
and for the first time, i wish that this is the last time i ever dream of u again.
seriously, scary.. -____-'
i actually prefer seeing u in person.
i think.. LOL
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

honestly, you're giving me a subliminal message, is that it ?
cause i kind of get the 'POINT'.
get it ?
fine, it's the end. i get it.
sheesh, now i can actually yell if the past actually comes and haunts me back. cause now, i have a solid reason to NOT LET MEMORIES BREAK ME DOWN OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
and all that crap, i'm not buying it anymore.
why, i can hardly believe that you can actually say you care about me with a straight face in front of me.
i actually think that if i ever look straight in your eyes i might cried my eyes out unwillingly.
so i'm afraid i have to avoid from ever catching the glimpse of you.
see how much this hurts ?
never mind, this will grow on me. vulnerable.
honestly, i can't say that i'm happy if you're happy anymore.
cause that is just so fake, dear.
so, all i can say is, take care.
thats all. nothing more.
so goodbye, let this be the last post i'll ever write for you.
but if i ever do this shit again, heh
enough said.
After last summer
When we broke up
In September
I haven't seen you
Feels like a long time
Sometimes it still hurts
But I always get by
I still got a piece of you under my skin
It's always there no matter where I've been
So if I ever see you on the street
I'll pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways
Because if I look into your eyes
Then I'll have to say goodbye
And thatll break my heart
So I wont even start
I wont even start
I wish you luck
And I wish it true
That's the best
I can do for you
Cuz you'll probably find love
In someone new
I have to let go
Yeah it's hard to do
So if I run into you with your arm by his side
Just know it'll cut me like a knife
So if I ever see you on the street
I'll pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways
Because if I look into your eyes
Then I'll have to say goodbye
And thatll break my heart
So I wont even start
I wont even start
ps; just gonna stand there and watch me BURN.
just gonna stand there and let me CRY.
Labels: love, sadness, songs, uitm life
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.

the thing is,
i should be grateful.
i should be happy, i should be content with where i am standing now.
but i just don't get it.
why do this tears keep falling ?
why do this heart stop beating when hearing a song that reminds of a moment, a place and a person ?
and then every time you go through a hard phase, you end up wishing that what if you didn't made that choice and you wish you could turn back time before everything happen and relive to do it differently ?
but doesn't that mean you regret ?
but why am i regretting for ?
did i made that choice ?
did i choose to be in this situation ?
i keep asking myself that.
or i was wrong to let it escape from my hand.
should i have fight for what i want ?
but does it work if they were the one to release us first ?
god, i've been holding on to this, and yet i'm still holding the glimpse of their memory with me eventhough..
they're gone..
gosh, i'm still young.
Allah, give me strength to keep going on.
give me faith that things will get better in time.
give me hope that they are better off without me.
ok, i lied on the last part. don't do that. i beg of you. i take that words back and swallow each one of it.
cause i miss them dearly.
so bad that i can't breathe when i think about them.
sigh, i need to get busy.
i need to stop getting emo again.
oh did you know ?
i'm the assistant mama level.
woot woot, go fasya ^.^
thx for trusting me :3
oh and i'm the class rep too !
gosh, they still love me :')
i promise to do my best !
and i will not crash like last sem >,<
ok, lets get busy and start being professional :)
Labels: love, sadness, uitm life
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let's continue stalking this post? :)

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.