it hurts. cause you wish you knew everything.
but you could do nothing, when no one is filling the empty spaces.
in the end, you end up knowing NOTHING.
i am in no intentions to make you confuse.
i am in no intention to make you feel insecure as what i had gone through all these years.
i just want you to know that you're stuck on my mind.
my friends said i think TOO MUCH about you.
too much has never make sense to me, cause all i wanna do is just to be with you.
and by letting you runnning around my head, at least i can feel your presence standing by me.
i don't want to be selfish, yet i don't want to be called heartless.
so let me just say this with all my heart.
and the only thing i want is, to see you happy.
love isn't suppose to be a war.
oh and when i said the quote and all, let me rephrase and explain.
when a girl and boy swore their undying love to one another, it is enough to understand that they belong with each other.
and a third person shouldn't be involve to make that undying love become a triangle love.
how can you expect others to respect you, when you don't even respect someone's heart?
but then again, i am a good person. I AM.
so i want to be in the middle.
i might not be the lucky girl, i might not be the juliet, the heroin of this undying love.
so if i'm not all those thing, wouldn't that mean I'M THE THIRD PERSON?
cause if i am, then i prefer to back off.
the last thing i want to do, is to destroy a wonderful love relationship.
i want a love that is meant for me.
i don't want to fight my way to get love.
i don't want to sacrifice my soul to win love but in the end gain nothing but pain.
all i'm saying,
i am not jealous :)
thats all :)
ps; too tired to even think straight.
wishing to hear his voice singing.
sweet dream apple
your guardian angel
Labels: uitm life

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.