i mean, like all my latest post are all in my UiTM label folder post -__-'
maybe it's because i haven't been updating like every single day, so all that i always do when i open my blog is,
UiTM UiTM UiTM -__-'
semangat UiTM la tu :P
not ? haha XD
ok maybe alil :P
but anyway, here's another post about UiTM.
buuuuuuutttt !
it involves Super Junior.
muahaha >:D
suspense tak ? LOL :P
i've already showed jojot and nurul.
but i still want to brag it on my blog X)
you might think this is like a small thing.
but little do you know that the smallest thing can cheer me up for the day :)
the day before i went back last 2 weeks ago,
huda gave me something.
at first i thought she was just going to show it.
but all of a sudden she said, " nak tak ? ambik la. "
and i was like, GOOOOD.
ok. only the people who were there on that day saw how jumpy i was, how LOOOOOUD i was.
THAAAAANK YOU soooooo much :)

don't worry.
a clear picture of this will be taken soon :)

i love huda :)
and ofcourse you as well la geeja inDOOON
haha XD
it's two side poster.
one side is super junior and the other side is ss501 XD
haha :D
yes, be greeeeen with envy my friend :)
i have found what i want to put on my wall :)
ok la.
braodband slow.
waited for so long for the pictures to be upload.
ps; i'm soooo confused whether to go home or not ?
i have this gotong-royong.
but it's not important.
i just wish i could go home and settle everything and come back here in instant.
i don't want to burden my family :(
and yes, i miss them so much -__-'
toodles ;)
pss; i'm doing fine :)
thx to you FWB :)
Azan Zuhur
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, happy moments, suju, uitm life

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.