now this make my day :3

i really hope i get to meet them tomorrow :)
oh wait, i mean, today -_-'
cause it's already 12 o'clock.
you see,
there are certain times that i feel i AM alone.
but i know i'm not.
it's normal to feel lonely.
and it's normal to laugh for no reason.
err wait, farhah said i'm weird for doing that -_-'
fyi, i dont like my new fringe.
i was wrong to let it cut shorter than it should :|
oh well,
farhah was the one yg nak belanja.
never mind then.
but i still love her hair X)
awwh, when will my hair grow long ? :'(
pallii !
hayake ! X(
i wish there's a serum to make hair grow faster :)
ps; is it just me, or its like i have nothing to write about anymore in this blog :/
oh my gucci.
that moment, the i-feel-like-deleting-my-blog-because-there's-no-reason moment :|
errr, sabar dulu.
we can't be hasty.
everything has a reason.
we just gotta open our eyes.
it might not be there, but it's there.
not look harder, but dig deeper.
hait hait *nod*
i'm sorry about my last post :/

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.