i'm onlining myspace and i can see clearly her boyfriend's status.
does she think i'm stupid ?
its like she's lying straight in my face without thinking of what i don't know and what i DO KNOW.
i can understand if any person in this world would have the guts to LIE to me.
but her ?!
dude ! its like my own blood self is fooling me.
i'm hurt.
i AM VERY hurt.
and all i could think right now, is our friendship.
why ?
why is it hard to find a REAL TRUE friend in this world ?
maybe they're right. you're best friend is your own enemy.
what i hate the most is that, i'm crying over someone who doesn't even care what i feel.
honey, i hope you'll have A TIME OF YOUR LIFE WITH HIM TOMORROW.
i don't wish you bad things.
i don't wish you ANYTHING.
i can' trust anyone anymore.
i just can't.
just think, if my own best friend have the heart to do this to me, i really can't imagine what would a total stranger could do.
i'm really coming down with something.
oh well, sitting at home tomorrow, doesnt really hurt.
i'm going out next week.
can't wait for izzat's recovery.
at least izzat has the power to melt daddy's and omma's heart to go out !
one thing about friends,
is that they are replaceable but family aren't.
and jojot i miss you :(
one day is not enough for me to enjoy talking about suju :'(
oh oh nurul is going to finish spm soon right ? can't wait to see her !
bored to death.
i really don't know what else to do.
i have no money anymore.
not until i went to maybank -_-'
ps; thanx zikri for accompanying me today.
if not i would be all alone at the mall today :)
i hope we could bump to each other again :)
Labels: boredom, friends, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.