ps: just for a laugh :D
and i miss you too my lovely skinny tall cuzzie, jojot :P
and i miss you too my lovely skinny tall cuzzie, jojot :P
its abit unfair
that i wrote what i want in a guy
cause a guy can't always be perfect
you can't expect them to knock on you're door either
i mean, at least with a lil consideration
i think i shud be as well as good enough for the man that i love :D
for the resolution to this
i have made like a BIG step to changing myself
eventhough ppl usually say, 'I am what I am"
but if its bad, it wudn't hurt to be better than before does it?
at least to me
take note: i'm not perfect, i'm just TRYING
avoiding the bad karma
avoiding the bad karma
- be less emotional yet sensible
meaning, i'll stop following what my heart says. i mean most of the time ppl actually make mistake by over responding to our feelings. i have to agree and admit
cause, i get carried away easily just by my own emotions, which kinda plunge myself into a big HOLE. you can ask anybody, i really am. the one i think suffer alot because of this, i think its Farhah, but she still sticking to me, which is shocking yet, em.. touching :)
but i'm not gonna make ppl suffer anymore, its enough -_-"
i'm a bad friend if i still continue with this old habit, so i'm breaking it, whether you believe me or not. so THINK before you DO/TALK etc - talk softly and slowly
haha, i used to enter public speaking and story telling etc, so my tutor and teachers at srks 18 keep pushing me to speak OUT LOUD, cause i have these tiny little voice, probably because of my small tiny BODY haha :D
yes i was small, really really small and short :P siapa ingat? sapa budak 18? :D
anyway, since then i'm like used to talk out loud, especially since my mum has a problem with hearing, we kinda have to talk louder so that she can hear us -_-"
but i have to stop that! cause i kinda hate the fact when i talk, some of the ppl can listen to all the facts and crap i'm talking, and some may think i'm kinda showing off, which i AM NOT 0_0
and i talk too fast sometimes, yeah. don't need to elaborate on that :| - try not to interupt when ppl talking :D
hehe, yup, thats me! i really can't stop talking, once i have like a BIG point to wash away an opponent, i'll stop them as fast as i cud so that i can kick them off from the GROUND they're standing :D
ok, sounds mcm debate lak XD
probably my mum is rite.. i have some of the criteria as to becoming a lawyer
aiyo...cannot cannot, i dislike LAW -_-", moving on... - don't laugh/giggle when ppl talk seriously
i REALLY can't STOP. ask anybody, especially FARHAH. she has the same habit as i am.
i'm SO SORRY :|
some say its a good, at least i don't feel tense i'm stress, but somehow ppl get annoyed by it
-_-" oh well, sorry if i still do it, but i'll try giggle less :|
um, actually theres alot rite?
i made a list actually
but i forgot -_-"
dont be lazy ( i am very lazy and clumsy, claims jojot :P )
can't say that i have to start sleeping orderly, cause i'm still staying up late again haha
oh well i will someday :)
try not to be a pain in somebody's ass
bahaha XD
start being independent
while he said i am
but i'm still trying to get use to this situation
sometimes i feel down, sometimes i feel like i can conquer the world
well, everyone has their days
like he always said, pfft
and at least don't cry over silly things
i think so
and be grateful!!
oh got a quote for this
" better by far you forget and smile than remember and sad "
sounds logic
oh and i'm gonna stop trying to please ppl
cause i've learned my lesson
thats not gonna work anymore
its 2 in the morning and
i think i'm too blur to think of any
i know there's plenty
but for those who really really know me
be a friend :)
and at least judge me in a good way
i hate the fact that ppl talk bad about me but they can't quite seem change the fact
if it really bothers them so much, at least talk like nicely or just say it to my face
no body likes to be criticize like
" hey YOU, you're ugly, you don't deserve to live in this world "
" hey, you're a stupid bitch, do you know that? you should die"
thanks for the thought
but that isn't gonna help and save the world is it?
so be a friend
and at least support me
by doing so, it at least change me into a better person
not into an even more worse person
don't you know that?
oh and i'm gonna stop trying to please ppl
cause i've learned my lesson
thats not gonna work anymore
its 2 in the morning and
i think i'm too blur to think of any
i know there's plenty
but for those who really really know me
be a friend :)
and at least judge me in a good way
i hate the fact that ppl talk bad about me but they can't quite seem change the fact
if it really bothers them so much, at least talk like nicely or just say it to my face
no body likes to be criticize like
" hey YOU, you're ugly, you don't deserve to live in this world "
" hey, you're a stupid bitch, do you know that? you should die"
thanks for the thought
but that isn't gonna help and save the world is it?
so be a friend
and at least support me
by doing so, it at least change me into a better person
not into an even more worse person
don't you know that?
did you know most of the overweight ppl, actually realise that they are over weight and hate to be point out that they are FAT
cause if you said to them " You're SO FAT! "
they eventually get even more fatter
why? cause they go for food more after being point out
and and sapa tengok cite house?
dh sampai season bape dh??
cause if you said to them " You're SO FAT! "
they eventually get even more fatter
why? cause they go for food more after being point out
and and sapa tengok cite house?
dh sampai season bape dh??
-i think i cry to the fact that things are rewinding back to the past when i'm urging to walk into the future, yet i noe i'm stuck in between.
-how unique and amazing a mind cud think alot of things just in a few minutes of silent
imagine what mind cud bring us to in a day of silent
-sooner or later, i'm gonna die ALL ALONE TOO, so i shudn't be so frustrated about it
-i've learned alot by being down than being up
ps: " a thousand steps up a mountain starts with one small step "
-i think i cry to the fact that things are rewinding back to the past when i'm urging to walk into the future, yet i noe i'm stuck in between.
-how unique and amazing a mind cud think alot of things just in a few minutes of silent
imagine what mind cud bring us to in a day of silent
-sooner or later, i'm gonna die ALL ALONE TOO, so i shudn't be so frustrated about it
-i've learned alot by being down than being up
ps: " a thousand steps up a mountain starts with one small step "
~mis unperfect

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.