ok, i was like watching a funny videos of matt koval
if you're a youtube lover, then you can check it out.
well actually there's a video that matt koval made dat touches certain ppls heart
it touches my heart too but..
well u be the judge.
i'm not in the mood for explaining about matt koval
eventhou his videos are pretty much funny.
the upper video,
love the song
it's called " i need a shoulder to cry on" by david greendale
i'm still trying to put the notes on my own.
its a simple song yet hard to figure out the perfect and rite key
so anyway
few questions that i like in the videos is this;
"if God want us to be good,
if He creates ppl and things
why did He made bad things and bad ppl and pain in the world
why? i mean
He wants everything to be good,
why it has to be this way..
if He wanna ppl to be happy,
why he make jesus die,
why he make any of us die?"
haha, hey i didn't ask that, its the kid in the video.
its not relevant isn't it?
btw, don't be so closed minded
keep on reading if you think you're up to this
"it seems that most of us are dying as we're living.
simultaneously breathing and suffocating at the same moment"
hem, seems logic? :)
"why theres so much needless hurt and hate in this world?
why can't we just turn around when someone hurt us
and love them back
instead of hurting them back
just because it makes us feel better?"
well does it makes u feel better? well not to me...at least to me..
but people think differently
"why are there so many lonely ppl in this world and
why does it seem like someone is always
looking for someone else and
that someone else isn't always
able to be found"
surely you get the point?
its nature of LIFE
we ALWAYS want what we CAN'T have
thats what makes it worthwhile when we finally got it
if He creates ppl and things
why did He made bad things and bad ppl and pain in the world
why? i mean
He wants everything to be good,
why it has to be this way..
if He wanna ppl to be happy,
why he make jesus die,
why he make any of us die?"
haha, hey i didn't ask that, its the kid in the video.
its not relevant isn't it?
btw, don't be so closed minded
keep on reading if you think you're up to this
"it seems that most of us are dying as we're living.
simultaneously breathing and suffocating at the same moment"
hem, seems logic? :)
"why theres so much needless hurt and hate in this world?
why can't we just turn around when someone hurt us
and love them back
instead of hurting them back
just because it makes us feel better?"
well does it makes u feel better? well not to me...at least to me..
but people think differently
"why are there so many lonely ppl in this world and
why does it seem like someone is always
looking for someone else and
that someone else isn't always
able to be found"
surely you get the point?
its nature of LIFE
we ALWAYS want what we CAN'T have
thats what makes it worthwhile when we finally got it
here's are some from the comments that i really like on the video
"God gave us free will, we brought sin into the world. all that God created was good. we chose to do the wrong. we fell into temptation God did not bring evil into the world"
awesome isn't it?
"Most problems are only there, because we decide to have them."
VERY true
"God put bad things in the world because if everything was perfect, everything would be like a barbie doll that keeps saying "I love you". It won't be meaningful because we cant make our own decisions, and he wont know how much faith we put in him. Unless we accept him into our hearts and put our full faith in him"
awesome isn't it?
"Most problems are only there, because we decide to have them."
VERY true
"God put bad things in the world because if everything was perfect, everything would be like a barbie doll that keeps saying "I love you". It won't be meaningful because we cant make our own decisions, and he wont know how much faith we put in him. Unless we accept him into our hearts and put our full faith in him"
there's alot more actually but then i won't sleep for trying to post this haha
well i have alot to say actually
i was so messed up
furious? anger? sad? pathetic?
everything is like all in one
what was i to do?
and the whole time i keep thinking words, sentences to keep me back in the track
and kick them off the ground
just at least to show them that they can't boss me around
but then, i just told myself to kept quiet
why? cause i respect them
no matter how much they hurt me
no matter how much he hit me so badly
the injury wasn't severe
but what he said was something hits me bad
he doesn't even know whats going on in my life now
so i don't blame him for that
but still....
i'm not a toy
one thing for sure,
we made mistakes every second rite
but we can control ourselves by avoiding it even the teensiest bit
so i will not fight fire with fire
i'll only get burned
and i've learned that lesson before
oh since i've been working at nyonya kitchen ( yes i'm telling you guys where i'm working. weirdly enuf.. )
i've been reading kosmo
not dat i don't read it but mama always bring the stars back home
so i don't usually read malay newspaper
i wish i cud
but mama had this strict of teaching her kids english
she always pressure especially me to speak in english bla bla and so so on.
not dat i don't, but i never like speaking english with my parents when i was lil
it was as if i was the smallest and i was too naive to speak english
heck they don't even noe i ace my english test every time
thats y they assume i don't noe anything about english vocabulary pfft
bck to my main point
there's this one section for ppl can send sms to kosmo
and they post on the newpapers
it can be either a comment about politics,sports,economics or even a qoute of the day
so you noe where i'm getting at rite?
yes, a qoute really stuck in my mind dat time
well i have alot to say actually
i was so messed up
furious? anger? sad? pathetic?
everything is like all in one
what was i to do?
and the whole time i keep thinking words, sentences to keep me back in the track
and kick them off the ground
just at least to show them that they can't boss me around
but then, i just told myself to kept quiet
why? cause i respect them
no matter how much they hurt me
no matter how much he hit me so badly
the injury wasn't severe
but what he said was something hits me bad
he doesn't even know whats going on in my life now
so i don't blame him for that
but still....
i'm not a toy
one thing for sure,
we made mistakes every second rite
but we can control ourselves by avoiding it even the teensiest bit
so i will not fight fire with fire
i'll only get burned
and i've learned that lesson before
oh since i've been working at nyonya kitchen ( yes i'm telling you guys where i'm working. weirdly enuf.. )
i've been reading kosmo
not dat i don't read it but mama always bring the stars back home
so i don't usually read malay newspaper
i wish i cud
but mama had this strict of teaching her kids english
she always pressure especially me to speak in english bla bla and so so on.
not dat i don't, but i never like speaking english with my parents when i was lil
it was as if i was the smallest and i was too naive to speak english
heck they don't even noe i ace my english test every time
thats y they assume i don't noe anything about english vocabulary pfft
bck to my main point
there's this one section for ppl can send sms to kosmo
and they post on the newpapers
it can be either a comment about politics,sports,economics or even a qoute of the day
so you noe where i'm getting at rite?
yes, a qoute really stuck in my mind dat time
"jangan anggap sesuatu pengorbanan adalah sesuatu yang mensia-siakan sekiranya tidak dihargai
sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui
setiap kebaikan pasti ada balasan, mungkin bukan pada di mata tapi di hati oleh Allah itu sendiri sekiranya dibuat dengan hati yang
sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui
setiap kebaikan pasti ada balasan, mungkin bukan pada di mata tapi di hati oleh Allah itu sendiri sekiranya dibuat dengan hati yang
i must say that really opend up my eyes alil
oh well
i've good tons to write about
but mybe this post will be just about
i'm not saying dat i'm a perfect, cause nobody is perfect except God
and i'm not saying as if i'm good like an angel
cause i'm not an ANGEL
i'm a human
so thats why i post this
whatever you think and criticise from your point of view about me
this is ME, take it or leave it
you make fool out of me
you're making your own sin
Allah knows everything
while YOU DON'T
-as i look up to the skies, i feel the soft a drop of rain falling on my face
at that moment, i wish it wud just rain heavily so dat i cud feel the nature
just to feel&know if I'M ALIVE
-he may not be perfect but he's still my friend
but nobody is ever perfect
-i know, they don't need to say it to make it obvious.
i know i've been used by ppl alot
been constantly unappreciated by ppl
but i still love them and care for them
they say i'm just plain stupid to have friends like that
but at least with them, i could be real rather than just being someone my family want me to be
-we can't expect ppl to treat you the same way you treat them
the best part, you can't expect them to feel the same way you feel for them
i just want the best for them. thats all...
little miss not perfect
oh well
i've good tons to write about
but mybe this post will be just about
i'm not saying dat i'm a perfect, cause nobody is perfect except God
and i'm not saying as if i'm good like an angel
cause i'm not an ANGEL
i'm a human
so thats why i post this
whatever you think and criticise from your point of view about me
this is ME, take it or leave it
you make fool out of me
you're making your own sin
Allah knows everything
while YOU DON'T
i want nothing more and nothing less, i shud be grateful for what i have
no matter how much its not enough, how much it cuts me to pieces
i'll try my best to fix the pieces
but if it doesn't fit
then i'll make a new one
its not easy but if it was, it won't be meaningful and worthwhile
no matter how much its not enough, how much it cuts me to pieces
i'll try my best to fix the pieces
but if it doesn't fit
then i'll make a new one
its not easy but if it was, it won't be meaningful and worthwhile
-as i look up to the skies, i feel the soft a drop of rain falling on my face
at that moment, i wish it wud just rain heavily so dat i cud feel the nature
just to feel&know if I'M ALIVE
-he may not be perfect but he's still my friend
but nobody is ever perfect
-i know, they don't need to say it to make it obvious.
i know i've been used by ppl alot
been constantly unappreciated by ppl
but i still love them and care for them
they say i'm just plain stupid to have friends like that
but at least with them, i could be real rather than just being someone my family want me to be
-we can't expect ppl to treat you the same way you treat them
the best part, you can't expect them to feel the same way you feel for them
i just want the best for them. thats all...
little miss not perfect
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, my voice, story of the day

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.