i know i know.
told cha, i'm really busy these days.
tu ar tak caya kan. GEDIK haha yes you are XD
i'm just posting this to list things that i want and need to post pronto in my blog.
i'm sorry
there's tons and loads of stuff had happen.
i get caught up with so many things dat i can't even straighten them
not to mention my own problems, family,friends,work and life -__-"
i don't know why but problems seem too fond with me
but honestly if you see me in real life, and talk to me, you don't really see me like a really problematic person
well dat is if u dun really know me :D
dh byk dh terslh anggap psl diri ku
weee :D
even ira said i look happy now
pfft BYK AR
x nmpk ka panda eyes aku?
dats da problem u noe
i dun really have anyone to tell my probs
and if i do try,
it'll only be a burden and give SO many bad perspectives about me.
sometimes i wish i cud blurt it out without all those criticism and bad perspectives
i mean, its not like i'm asking for a prince charming to save me or anything.
i just feel like i want to express my own feelings.
i want to feel myself again.
i just...
i just want to feel real..
everything is just cramped up.
ok, maybe i shud reach out to them
but then again, think of the consequences
i know, i think TOO much aren't i?
well dats just me.
some of us has this kind of different personalities in ourself
ok this may sound weird but some ppl may understand what i'm saying.
what i'm trying to say is dat
i don't blurt out my problems suddenly
the only time i wud do dat
is when..
um.. well with him..
because probably i'm used to telling him my probs and all with no fear at all
sorry dat i blurt out like i used to.
see, like i said
i can't blurt out my feelings
not anymore
its hard
its not that i don't have friends
and i'm sorry farhah. i know. i kept too long enough about all those stuffs
and... and... um...
ok, haha... i really miss you. haha
sorry to make u mad and cry because of me.
i'm just trying to be independent
haha... well still no succedding in it anyway..
ok ok
why suddenly this post turn out to be so emo
haha weirdly enough
shoo shoo!
stop it!
ok i already promise dat i won't cry! fuh..
but last nite, whoa
if u guys saw me what i did
i'm like a crying machine
xleh BLA XD
oh well, ud probably say i'm too emo or i'm just a weeping crying baby
well screw u! haha
u have no idea what i'm going through rite now
heck u're living a much better life than i am
trust me.
but i can never be compared to those at Gaza.
damn those zionis
*my renew vows to myself such as getting back on track
*pics of catty, my cuzin's cat haha
*oh oh! pics of my outing dat with my cuzins and how it'd go, lol
*what i want to do
*what happened on 2nd feb :), yes i know it was yesterday ( sudah 3 pagi kok! XD )
*dreams such dat i still want that CAMERA XD
*and coming soon, its today, so might as well i write it down so dat i don't forget since i'm aving this amnesia problems lately ( its true!!! ) tarian singa :D
*my renew vows to myself such as getting back on track
*pics of catty, my cuzin's cat haha
*oh oh! pics of my outing dat with my cuzins and how it'd go, lol
*what i want to do
*what happened on 2nd feb :), yes i know it was yesterday ( sudah 3 pagi kok! XD )
*dreams such dat i still want that CAMERA XD
*and coming soon, its today, so might as well i write it down so dat i don't forget since i'm aving this amnesia problems lately ( its true!!! ) tarian singa :D
well actually, there's alot
but i keep forgetting things
oh! yeah
*how my work goes
ok i think..
hem.. i guess.. dats it 0____0
ugh.. seriously, too many things in my mind dat i can't keep myself strong -__-"
i REALLLY need a day off from all this probs PROBS probs -_-"
um, i need to sleep doe..
no wonder i don't think straight this days
not enough sleep
and then mkn pon dh tergendala
lapa nyerrrr
not only dat
keje plak tu
penat Penat penat!!!
notes; ah! sleepover pics :D, add to the list babeh XD
-mama selalu ckp biler dier marah, " buat2 la pekak, nanti Allah buat pekak betul2 baru tau"
saya tak doakan, tapi saya harap betul2 awak faham. sebab SAYA DH MLAS NK MEMUASKAN ATI AWAK
-i keep telling myself, "i'm not even close enough to make her mad or sad towards me. " so why is she acting dat way? did i do something wrong? am i really being BANNED by everybody?
-saya nak secebis kekuatan RASULULLAH S.A.W. sebab saya kagumi dia. sebab even after all that he had been through, he still forgives and smile and move on with strong hopes and chins up.
how i wish i cud be like dat... why can't we be THAT way? we're merely a human. HE IS OUR OWN PROPHET, but still he's such humble and considerate
-why can't you be real with me? why can't you just tell me the truth? why can't you just tell me you hate me even if you don't? just tell me to buzz off or leave you alone. just tell me to my face.
it wud be so much better than THIS. huh...
ps: "i know that i need *, but i know its wrong.
i try to act as if i don't but truth slips out alil by little.
i want to be and do what i always do,
but i know, if i do
it will only send a wrong signal
somehow i just think,
i'm not needed anymore.
so i wish dat i cud just dissapear for good.
guess i miss them so much
that i cry cause i know i won't get to have them anymore.
even you."
i try to act as if i don't but truth slips out alil by little.
i want to be and do what i always do,
but i know, if i do
it will only send a wrong signal
somehow i just think,
i'm not needed anymore.
so i wish dat i cud just dissapear for good.
guess i miss them so much
that i cry cause i know i won't get to have them anymore.
even you."
miss invisible
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, my voice, PROBS, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.