penat penat penat penat!
aku xleh hidup mcm ni lagi!
parents screaming at my face! debating whether i shud go or not! lantak la! klu korg nk hanta aku gi melaka ke, london ke, anta la! ingat aku kisah! ingat aku ni bende ke? aku ni manusia la! aku ada perasaan. aku bukan sesuatu utk di jual beli!!!!
oit bitch! aku x phm la sgt nape ko nk sibuk sgt dlm hidup aku! ko x pernah phm perasaan aku!
kepala otak ko tu cume ade boyfriend ko je! kenapa ko xleh nk think for urself for once!
parents screaming at my face! debating whether i shud go or not! lantak la! klu korg nk hanta aku gi melaka ke, london ke, anta la! ingat aku kisah! ingat aku ni bende ke? aku ni manusia la! aku ada perasaan. aku bukan sesuatu utk di jual beli!!!!
oit bitch! aku x phm la sgt nape ko nk sibuk sgt dlm hidup aku! ko x pernah phm perasaan aku!
kepala otak ko tu cume ade boyfriend ko je! kenapa ko xleh nk think for urself for once!
u know what ur the most stupidest girl i eva know! seriously, mcm lalang! let me get this straight with you, klu ko nk breakup dgn dier, ko ckp! klu ko xnk, sudah! ko nilah jenis manusia yg x sedar ape yg ko ada. ko xkn appreciate ape yg ko dh dpt. ko ada bapak punyer syg nyer boyfriend. betapa ramai giler perempuan dlm dunia ni mencari seorg laki mcm tu, tpi ko x hargai dier lgsg! aku yg sedih mcm giler ditinggalkn oleh boyfriend aku. ko still x sedar???? I AM YOUR BESTFRIEND. A FRIEND. doesn't that mean anything to you???????
nasrudin ali
mintak maaf sgt2
i'm stress
thnk you for still caring for this stupid bastard girl
"i'm a big knucklehead"
i am not a cinderella.
i am not a maid.
i am not a toy.
i am not a trophy.
i am not a game.
i am not a lie.
i am not a mop.
i am not YOUR SHIRT.
i am not YOUR SLAVE.
i ave feelings, i ave my own mind, i ave my own thoughts, i ave my own life, i ave my own rights
i control my life, i control myself
i am a HUMAN.
so, stop judging me, stop telling me what to say and what to do and what to feel
stop messing with my life, stop lying to my face!
ps; i know that this post seems alil crazy. ok alot crazy. but i'm just so messed up right now and i can't even speak it out to anyone. so sorry blog, but i had to do this.
notes; i really wanna be happy. but the definition of happy comes when he is happy.
- i really dunno wht to do now. i'm clueless and confused. i'm tired and sick of life.
notes; i really wanna be happy. but the definition of happy comes when he is happy.
- i really dunno wht to do now. i'm clueless and confused. i'm tired and sick of life.
Labels: love, my voice, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.